Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... about having his own place and living "off the fat of the land," as Adam and Eve did before their fall.
In a way, Lennie is always described in an animal sense. In the beginning of the novel he is referred to as having paws or he snorts like a horse. Every single minute someone is taking care of Lennie. First Aunt Clara has the responsibility then George.
Lennie always wants puppies or talks about rabbits that he will tend on their future farm. All these fury little creatures are symbols of Lennie's personality. "He has no meanness in him" George describes to one of the other wor .....
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Walt Whitman Biography
Number of words: 1983 - Number of pages: 8.... nature in all of its mysterious cycles.
Nature is not the sole source of dramatic symbolism in the piece. The actions of the characters themselves reflect the piece’s definite goals. Though these “characters” set the scene and take center stage at different points, it must be remembered that what occurs is removed from the reader by two filters. The first is the filter of interpretation by the boy who is witnessing the events, it is then filtered through the memory of the boy become both man and poet. The boy has thus created a profound story of want and injustice through translation o .....
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Characteristics Of The Beowulf Poem
Number of words: 1056 - Number of pages: 4.... XV) managed to survive Henry
VIII's dissolution of the monasteries, and the destruction of their great
libraries; since his name is written on one of the folios, Lawrence Nowell, the
sixteenth-century scholar, may have been responsible for Beowulf's
preservation."(Raffel ix) An interesting fact that is unique about the poem is
that "it is the sole survivor of what may have been a thriving epic tradition,
and it is great poetry."(Raffel ix)
The poem was composed and performed orally. "Old English bards, or
scops, most likely began by piecing together traditional short songs, called
heroic .....
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The Crazy Horse Electric Game
Number of words: 1861 - Number of pages: 7.... Jenny, Johnny, Willie and his family decide to go to the lake. Willie and Jenny set the table for a picnic when Johnny is out skiing. Willies mom complains about him never being safe enough. Next it is Willie's turn to water-ski. As Willie was doing a 360° turn, he caught the tips of his skis under the water and he crashed. Willies dad was in shock, Jenny had to give Willie mouth to mouth, and save his life. The left the boat, got into the vehicle, and drove to the hospital. Willie ends up with a speech impediment, and problems walking. He ends up doing crazy things, like acid, a .....
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The Caucasian Chalk Circle By
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4.... verdict. The trial scene is also adapted from the parable of King Solomon. Solomon the paragon of justice and truth oversees the trial of two mothers, one child is dead the other alive, they seek custody of the alive child. The king asks the child to be cut in half, the real mother relinquishes her claim and thus gains custody of her rightful child. In these two whispers the law is shown to be equated with justice, however Brecht seeks to highlight that within Grusinia this is not
the case and it takes a greedy Azdak who despises the upper classes to give a just
The class justic .....
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Julius Ceaser
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... thinking of him as an honorable man. How foolish I had been! Tears come to my eyes, as I see the dead corpse of the most exquisite man that had ever existed.
It was after all of this, that the crowd of Roman citizens is truly enraged. We chant: "...Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! Let not a traitor live!". I am not going to let any of the conspirators get away. They killed the best thing that had ever happened to Rome, and for that they deserve to suffer! Antony says that were he an able speaker, he would move "The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny." I am not a highly educated man, but nor I am tot .....
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Rereading America - The Myth O
Number of words: 903 - Number of pages: 4.... Family,” however it all seems to come back to the individual, and what they believe in.
Anndee’s house is unique with its red picket fence, a bathroom with two doors, bedrooms surrounded by paper thin walls, and no bedroom doors. Also a glass panel window that was built into a wall that separated the living room from the kitchen. An added feature left behind from years of construction and now disregarded but adding to the overall character of the house. These unique fixtures and anomalies were what made the trip to the house worth the voyage each year from the city. The .....
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Freya Goddess Of Love
Number of words: 813 - Number of pages: 3.... always knew when trouble was taking place, would give the giant the sun, the moon and the goddess Freya. Loki gave him from the first day of winter to the first day of summer to finish the wall or else he will not get his reward. The stranger asked if he could use his stallion to rebuild the wall and Loki agreed, not knowing that it was the stallion that helped speed up the work. Time passed, until there was three days left until summer and the stranger was almost done. The gods were frightened, that the strange man was going to finished in time, so Loki came up with an idea. That night a b .....
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Brave New World 3
Number of words: 2730 - Number of pages: 10.... our values become more materialistic and as our faith in God dwindles slowly to be replaced by technology. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World to increase our awareness of this frightening future we seem to be progressing towards so we can prevent it from happening. In the futuristic society of the novel, God has been replaced by science and technology as a source substance and meaning in life. As a consequence the words “Christ” and “God” are replaced with “Ford.” This is done because Huxley believed that the shift in emphasis from God to technology occu .....
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Lost Values (Macbeth)
Number of words: 941 - Number of pages: 4.... narrator and Donnie kicked their opponents in soccer games in order to win. In many real-life situations, people often cheat in order to reach success. Professional sports players often eat steroids to accelerate their physical abilities. This also causes betrayal to the other players, and those who have faith in the player for victory. In the story The Metaphor, Charlotte betrays Miss Hancock whom has trusts Charlotte to be able to understand her. However, Charlotte, who wants to be successful in the relationships with her peers, does not want to ruin the relationships, therefore depr .....
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