Daniel 2
Number of words: 2141 - Number of pages: 8.... It also records a series of dreams in which Daniel foretells the future. We can learn of God's love for his people, which is a demonstrated throughout this book. The book of Daniel was written in two different languages. Chapter 2:4 through chapter seven were written in Aramaic. The rest of the book was written in Hebrew. It was done this way because the first part of the book of Daniel was for all nations and the last part of the book was for the Israelites.
Daniel is an Old Testament prophet and writer of the book of Daniel. He was born some where in Judah, possibly Jerusalem, bu .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 637 - Number of pages: 3.... it doesn’t have the same effect when it only takes half of a second to turn the page and read further.
Dickens tries to create mystery by having his characters as broad as possible so that readers can make up their own opinions and possibilities. Almost all of Dickens’s characters are basically good or basically evil. We are supposed to care about the "good" characters but they’re so boring that their "goodness" loses it’s charm. For example, Lucie and Charles. Lucie is describes as being basically perfect in every way. She’s young, wholesome, and beaut .....
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The Patriotic Shopping Center
Number of words: 774 - Number of pages: 3.... “ [The mall] had been imagined by its creators not merely as a marketplace but as a national tourist attraction…”(Guterson 211). Thousands of visitors go to the mall to get lost in its 4.2 million square feet of floor space. They wander around aimlessly looking for direction but find that the straight way was lost and the YOU ARE HERE landmarks on the map kiosks referred to nothing in particular (Guterson 211). “Getting lost, feeling lost, [and] being lost--these states of mind are intentional features of the malls psychological terrain,” says Guterson (211). They designed an area .....
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Racial Discrimination And Prej
Number of words: 807 - Number of pages: 3.... Confederates, sprang up almost as soon as the slaves were free. The Members of Ku Klux Klan secretly met at night, dress in pointed white hoods and capes, and sought to punish blacks, whether they were innocent or guilty of a crime. They would do such things as violent threats to make them leave their town and even such things as shootings and hangings just because they had a different skin color. Most of this was going on in the south, north didn't like what they were doing, and they thought the slaves should be free. Soon this resulted in a civil war and many people died because of this .....
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Cultural Inheritances In Polyn
Number of words: 1886 - Number of pages: 7.... endlessly / inventing mind.” (p110)
Maui is an important part of Polynesian mythology; Maui is
a demigod who is used to tell of many stories.
There are also reflections of Polynesian cultural
inheritances in Hone Tuwhare’s use of mythology in his
poetry. Tuwhare was born in Kaikohe, and belongs to the
Ngapuhi hapus Ngati Korokoro, Ngati Tautahi, Te
Popoto, and Uri-O-Hau. In his poem ‘Papa-tu-a-nuku’, he
uses Maori mythology. The title, ‘Papa-tu-a-nuku’, means
‘Earth Mother’, which is part of a number of nature’s
elements that .....
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Number of words: 1500 - Number of pages: 6.... Harriet lives at a nearby boarding school where she was raised, and knows nothing of her parents. advises the innocent Harriet in virtually all things, including the people with whom she should interact. She suggests that Harriet not spend time with the Martins, a local family of farmers whose son, Robert, is interested in Harriet. Instead, plans to play matchmaker for Harriet and Mr. Elton, the vicar of the church in Highbury. seems to have some success in her attempts to bring together Harriet Smith and Mr. Elton. The three spend a good deal of leisure time together and he seems recep .....
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Antigone Greek Ideals
Number of words: 907 - Number of pages: 4.... to follow.
Antigone feels that Creon is disregarding the laws of heaven through
his edict. After she is captured and brought to Creon, she tells him
"I do not think your edicts strong enough to overrule the unwritten
unalterable laws of God and heaven, you being only a man." Antigone's
staunch opinion is one that supports the Gods and the laws of heaven.
Her reasoning is set by her belief that if someone is not given a
proper burial, that person would not be accepted into heaven. Antigone
was a very religious person, and acceptance of her brother by the Gods
was ver .....
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Number of words: 2947 - Number of pages: 11.... is a story in which the ideas of freedom and entrapment are tested and joined as one to prove the overall archetype in of paralysis and death. Freedom can be seen throughout this story. Each character presents their own struggle with freedom. The aspect of freedom can also be seen in the setting that is used in "After the Race." Even the aspect of a race can be thought of as freedom. The drivers are speeding along down windy roads toward an endpoint where there is a reward. While driving the driver can become one with nature. He sees his surroundings and must make split second decisions ab .....
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Crime In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 347 - Number of pages: 2.... could have been a factor when he told Nick:
That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust into your
eyes just like he did Daisy's but he was a tough one. He ran
over Myrtle just like you'd a dog and never ever stopped his
car. (187)
Tom only wanted Daisy back because she wasn't interested in him any more. So in the end he threw Gatsby to the lions, Gatsby's death was Tom's fault, he told George Wilson that the car that hit Myrtle was Gatsby's. That was just as bad as pulling the trigger that killed Gatsby. The worst part is he felt no remorse for his actions.
It mak .....
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Poetry In Motion - Langston Hu
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3.... He was very proud and his poetry reflected that. He is known as a figure of hope in the black race's eyes, his poem inspired pride and strngth in most african americans who also struggle with the plight of racism and segregation.
He was very influential, famed authors such as Lorraine Hansberry derived the title to her award winning play A Raisin in the Sun (1959), from one of Hughes poems. He in turn was very influenced by Walt Whitman, and honored him in one of his poems.
"Old Walt Whitman
Went finding and seeking
Finding less than sought
Seeking more then found" (Lines .....
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