The Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 822 - Number of pages: 3.... his belongings and heads for his hometown, New York.
The rest of the story takes place in the city, where the reader starts to see Holden’s bad habits. Holden needs a place to stay because he can’t go home, yet. The reason for this is because his parents have not yet found out about their son’s expulsion. So Holden decides to stay in a low-class hotel. While in the hotel, Holden decides to go down to the bar. He meets three older women and “chews the fat” with them for a while. They soon leave and Holden is now very lonely. On his way back up to his room, .....
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A Separate Peace - Phineas And Carpe Diem
Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2.... doesn’t want to waste any of his ability. Which points you to the last example.
The last example is concerning his incredible athletic ability. Finny and Gene are in the pool one day, and they read the plaque that holds the swimming record times. Finny looks at one and decides that he can beat that time record. He tries, and he beats the record. Gene wants him to do it on front of an official judge. Finny Refuses and says "No, I just wanted to see if I could do it. Now I know"(35). This tells you that he lives life to it’s fullest, since he is just doing this to see if he can. Most peop .....
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Number of words: 667 - Number of pages: 3.... it might mean that the person is
mad or angry. Sometimes, when I play a tennis match and I win a big point,
I pump my fist with excitement. If students are really bored or tired,
they might put their elbow on the desk and their hand on their cheek.
Another example of hand gestures is the middle finger. People use the
middle finger when they are mad or angry. For instance, if I were driving
and someone cut me off, then I would give them the middle finger. It
might not be right, but I expressed my feelings toward them. There are
many different gestures that people use in everyday .....
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Oedipus Rex: Classic Tragic Hero
Number of words: 910 - Number of pages: 4.... his father's name. When Teiresias tries to warn him by saying "This day will give you parents and destroy you" (Sophocles line 428), Oedipus still does not care and proceeds with his questioning. The tragic hero must learn a lesson from his errors in judgment and become an example to the audience of what happens when great men fall from their lofty social or political positions. According to Miller, a person who is great, who is admired everywhere, and needs this admiration to survive, has one of the extreme forms of narcissism, which is grandiosity. Grandiosity can be seen when a person ad .....
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The Hobbit
Number of words: 828 - Number of pages: 4.... gold and silver wrought by the dwarves/ But. what was the use of a Hobbit in the journey Bilb had answered his own question, when he summoned the courage to save the dwarves from perils along the way, such as goblins, giant spiders, and elven dugeons. He did this all with the help of a Ring, enchanted to make the wearer invisible. "Bless my soul, a hobbit CAN be useful!" But usefulness in itself does not a task complete. There was still the fact that the dwarf's gold had not been claimed, and Smaug still lay in the heart of the mountain. The band of travelers had crossed much terrain, hills, .....
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Moses As A Leader
Number of words: 685 - Number of pages: 3.... in the burning bush. This seems so incredible. Of all Hebrews, Moses, the man who killed another man, is chosen by God to be the catalyst in the great upcoming movement. Then Moses makes it clear to God that he is incapable to speak to such a man as the Pharoah. He says to God that he is "slow of speech and of tongue." Then miraculously, God suggests that Moses’s brother, Aaron, speak in the eloquent fashion needed when speaking the Pharoah. God informs Moses that Aaron is already on his way. Moses never questions anything that God says such as, why is Aaron already on his way .....
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William Carlos Williams
Number of words: 568 - Number of pages: 3.... of the strongest supporters of the American Nativist movement. In fact it was Pound who published Williamss' first collection of poems (Poems) in 1909.
Williams was closely involved with the Imagist movement and it was in Imagist publications that his first works of poetry appeared. It was his relationship with the Imagist movement that taught Williams the necessity of bringing out new styles and techniques of composition that would defer sharply from the poetic styles of the 1800's. Imagism was a literary movement that focused on evoking emotions through clear, simple images presented in com .....
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Hektor Is A Greater Hero Than
Number of words: 1332 - Number of pages: 5.... her husband Paris. Helen says, “I wish I had been the wife of a better man than this is”(book VI, ll. 26). The “better man” to whom she refers is Hektor. Hektor also receives praised at his burial ceremony when the women of Troy speak in his honor. Here, his wife, Andromache, says, “There were so many Achaians/whose teeth bit the vast earth, beaten down by the hands of/Hektor”(book XXIV ll. 286-289). Andromache makes it very clear that Hektor fought bravely and dominated the Greek forces. Even the gods concede Hektor’s greatness in their speeches. In .....
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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
Number of words: 802 - Number of pages: 3.... be defeated. "I would have the job. I would be a conductorette and sling a full money changer from my belt. I would." With these words and the determination to change the incredible backwardness of the white people she heads to the railway office. She eventually convinces them to back down and she gets a job working as a conductorette for the railways. Despite the maliciously chosen hours, she shows them that she will not back down. Soon after getting her job she becomes pregnant. Through her months of pregnancy she tells no one and no one helps her. She teaches herself how to .....
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Night Shift
Number of words: 1831 - Number of pages: 7.... Aside from inspiring and comforting Sean, Angel also motivates him by preaching to him that education is the means to a successful life.
Sean positions his burdensome backpack next to his bed and lies down for a moment to clear his head before starting homework.
“How am I going to get through next week,” thinks Sean, “school alone puts enough stress upon every student’s shoulder, why do they have to test us at the end of each semester? Too much pressure, I can’t handle it, but I will not allow one ultimate obstacle to eclipse my hard work throughout the year.
“There are sandwic .....
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