Contrasts In Taming Of The Shr
Number of words: 920 - Number of pages: 4.... much less of a shrew, and she become an obedient and lovely person to everyone. At the other side Bianca at first is known as a sweet and gentle person who only care about studying, but as she reach her goal, to be married her true self appears. She becomes insensitive and unkind by not coming at the call of Lucentio. In the other word she becomes almost what her sister was. By making this contrast Shakespeare developed the theme that we can not decide about people by only look at them because, what a person really is, is more important than how they look or how they seems they are.
One of .....
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Oedipus: The Mysteries Of Fate
Number of words: 858 - Number of pages: 4.... to a shepherd,
with instructions to leave it to die. The shepherd pitied the little infant so
he gave the child to another shepherd. This shepherd gave the baby to a
childless king and queen of Corinth, Polybus and Merope. This royal couple
named the boy Oedipus, which in its Greek form Oidipous means "swollen foot."
Oedipus was brought up believing that Polybus and Merope were his real parents,
and Lauis and Jocasta believed that their child was dead and the prophecy of
Apollo was false. Many years later, he was told by a drunk man at a banquet that
he was not a true heir of Polybus (page .....
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Rescue Of Susanna
Number of words: 835 - Number of pages: 4.... and to fall into your hands, rather than to sin in the sight of the Lord." When the servants hear about this they are very surprised because nothing like this has ever been said of her before however they trust their elders and listen to them. As Susanna is being carried to her death God hears her prayers and aroused the hold spirit of a young lad named Daniel. Daniel pointed out the weaknesses in the two elder’s stories and the Jews rose against them.
This story is memorable for several reasons. One is the fact that Susanna doesn’t give in to the elders’ requests even when they .....
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Hamlet - Ophelia Character Ana
Number of words: 667 - Number of pages: 3.... king could listen to Hamlet’s words. Ophelia willingly obliged to her father’s desires. By not thinking for herself and only doing as her father wished, she ruined her chances of love with Hamlet.
Hamlet put pressure on Ophelia by expecting her to surpass his mother’s shortcomings and be an epitome of womankind. He searched her innocent face for some sign of loving truth that might restore his faith in her. He took her mute terror for a sign of her guilt and found her to be a false person, like his mother. In his letter to her, he addressed the letter to "the most beautified Ophelia" .....
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How Much Land Does A Man Need
Number of words: 973 - Number of pages: 4.... to pay fines all the time because of his animals wandering. This represents the American people having to pay fines, such as taxes and tariffs, to the government in the mid-1800’s. Pahom lives in a commune and some of the people have begun to buy their own tracts of land. He sees this and decides that it would be a good idea if he did the same thing. He was worried that if he didn’t act soon, he would miss his chance. He wouldn’t have to pay any fines and could keep all the money he makes. The more people heard about it, the more they wanted it for themselves. Pahom finally gets his ow .....
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Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 942 - Number of pages: 4.... becomes clearer when the narrator finds out that the pendulum is in motion. “But what mainly disturbed me was the idea that it had perceptibly descended. I now observed- with what horror it is needless to say- that its neither extremity was formed of a crescent…”(68). Death becomes impossible to prevent in this case. Especially when the pendulum keeps going down. As Poe describes, “Down- still unceasingly- still inevitably down! I gasped and struggled at each vibration…”(70) However, when we all wait to see the end, the narrator is saved by the rats. T .....
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Of Mice And Men 2 - -
Number of words: 376 - Number of pages: 2.... a hole for himself and could never get out. He knew they were looking for Lennie and wouldn’t stop until they killed him. He decided to do it himself in the kindest way he could. It’s like when Candy said about his dog, “I should of shot that dog myself.” meaning it would have been kinder to the dog. Lennie was lying down, facing away from George and didn’t know he was going to be shot. He didn’t know what was going to happen, just like Candy’s dog.
Murder is never the right answer, but George didn’t really commit murder. He was helpin .....
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Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 369 - Number of pages: 2.... individual. The qualities are having honesty, ethics morals and compassion. One has to achieve this intelligence thoughtlessly; Charlie shows this before he has his operation. By reaching this type of intelligence a person does not have to have a lot knowledge or a high I.Q, but you may reach peace in life by being a spiritually kind person that is previously show in the abstract definition.
The only positive effects of the intellectual growth that one can gain is to be able to experience what the concrete definition was like in one’s own personal experience. Yet the negative effects of .....
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Rescue Of Susanna
Number of words: 832 - Number of pages: 4.... than to sin in the sight of the Lord." When the servants hear about this they are very surprised because nothing like this has ever been said of her before however they trust their elders and listen to them. As Susanna is being carried to her death God hears her prayers and aroused the hold spirit of a young lad named Daniel. Daniel pointed out the weaknesses in the two elder’s stories and the Jews rose against them.
This story is memorable for several reasons. One is the fact that Susanna doesn’t give in to the elders’ requests even when they threatened her life a .....
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Writings Of Confucius, Hammurabi's Code Of Laws, And Egypt's Book Of The Dead
Number of words: 717 - Number of pages: 3.... and responsibility and respect to others families and elders. This is most evident in Confucius' writings. He is constantly stressing family values and responsibility. One quote that shows this is "Let the sole sorry of your parents be that you might become ill." This stresses personal responsibility and respect to your parents. Hammurabi showed responsibility by saying "If a builder has built a house for a man, and has not made his work sound, and the house he built has fallen, and caused the death of the man's son, the builder's son shall be put to death." That quote shows a man's responsib .....
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