A Separate Peace
Number of words: 934 - Number of pages: 4.... seemed strong, but when he twisted it to make Finny, his best friend look bad, he still seemed to be morally weak, but in a more stronger moral state then before. “ Now I knew that there never was and never could have been any rivalry between us. I was not of the same quality as he.” (Pg. 51) This quote showed a completely changed Gene. Gene became stronger by realizing the reality, he now had realized that there was no use in competing with anyone. Although this was recognizing Gene’s change only perspective wise.
There were many deep meanings that Gene had from significant things .....
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In The Skin Of A Lion
Number of words: 1268 - Number of pages: 5.... Ondaatje tells of ordinary people who’s stories interlock and intersect, with many "fragments of human order". Ondaatje does not tell the stories loosely and scattered with no real purpose in mind, he employs recurring images and motifs, for e.g. moths and insects, feldspar. This is to provide continuity and relevance, and helps him to give a view on the untold history of Toronto. An emphasis is placed on the story that comes from different viewpoints and angles - the "chaos", and then structures it so that its order of history is "very faint, very human" as .....
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The Canterbury Tales And The P
Number of words: 1128 - Number of pages: 5.... is described in very unflattering terms. Chaucer states that he “had hair as yellow as wax....Hung down thinly…But sparsely it lay, by shreds here and there” (Hopper, 343). Also, described in the General Prologue the Pardoner is described as a “gelding or a mare” (Hopper, 44), the Pardoner is presented as apparently lacking the male sexual organs that would “allow him to assume a straightforward gender identity” (Patterson, 371). The general tone of the description paints a picture of the Pardoner as corrupt and slimy from the very beginning of .....
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The Day Of The Jackal
Number of words: 311 - Number of pages: 2.... confidence due to the fact of knowing that his objective is to track down a killer that has no identity what so ever. But the assistance given to Lebel from police all over the world, slowly allows him to piece together the Jackal's image in time to prevent this international incident.
In this book we follow the Jackal's meticulous planning step by step. The intelligence of the Jackal leaves me perplexed, the way he is able to avoid being captured and how he devises his brilliant plan by means of theft of passaports, forgery of documents and a great alternation of identities.
All in all, " .....
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Comparison Between Beowulf And Tick
Number of words: 435 - Number of pages: 2.... brag
often. "I swam in the blackness of night, hunting monsters out of the ocean,
and killing them one by one" (ll. 250-253). Beowulf likes to brag about his
But Beowulf and Tick are also very different. For starters, Beowulf wore
lots of armor and expensive stuff, but Tick only wears a big blue Speedo-
type-thing. When Beowulf went to meet Hrothgar, he wore his expensive armor.
"Glittering at the top of their golden helmets" (ll. 214-215). Beowulf
liked to show of his wealth be wearing expensive armor. Beowulf was more
courageous than Tick. Beowulf does the types of thi .....
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THe Knights Of The Round Table
Number of words: 454 - Number of pages: 2.... he was re-united with his parents
Sir Galahad
Sir Galahad was called a Grail knight because he went in search for
the Holy Grail. His father was named Sir Lancelot and his mother was given
to the name Elaine. His family lived in a big castle called Camelot. They
ate what was grown by the gardeners. The food was usally vegetables and
herbs. They also kept pigs, cattle, chickens and bees. They kept all these
things inside the castle.
Inside the castle there are usually these things a chapel, a great
hall, a solar room the inner castle wall and the battlements. There were .....
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William Shaksphere
Number of words: 917 - Number of pages: 4.... Students went to school year round
attending school for nine hours a day. The teachers were strict
Though Shakespeare spent long hours at school, his boyhood was
probably fascinating. Stratford was a lively town and during
holidays, it was known to put on pageants and many popular shows. It
also held several large fairs during the year. Stratford was a
exciting place to live. Stratford also had fields and woods
surrounding it giving William the opportunity to hunt and trap small
game. The River Avon which ran through the town allowed him to fish .....
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Tyndale And The Bible
Number of words: 1297 - Number of pages: 5.... in 1524. He had already begun work on the translation of the New Testament. He visited Luther at Wittenberg and in the following year completed his translation. The printing was begun with William Roye, another reformist Cambridge man, at Cologne. But Roye was indiscreet and the work was soon being talked about. The city magistrates, at the behest of the anti-Lutheran theologian Johannes Cochlaeus, ordered the printing to stop. Only a few sheets were saved before Tyndale fled to Worms; among them was that containing his Prologue, which was later enlarged and called A Pathway into the Holy .....
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Character Analysis Of Jordan B
Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... dignity than the people of the West Egg and also as being superior to them.
The recklessness of many people during the Jazz Age is also portrayed through Jordan Baker. She is often lazy, dishonest, and blunt. Tom Buchanan remarked to Jordan at times how he wondered how she got anything done (11). Miss Baker is also a very dishonest
character. There was a rumor going around that she moved her golf ball during a tournament to win (58). It was said of her that she would do almost anything to win or at least to get her way. Nick Carraway, who was very fond of Jordan also said that "She was in .....
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The Lonely Soul Of Dasein
Number of words: 2231 - Number of pages: 9.... does it mean to be (Dasein)?” Through the soul, Dasein may bridge the gaps of loneliness that occur in the solitude of single existence amongst Others. Psychology and morality provide excellent headquarters from which to launch this campaign in search of the soul of Dasein…How can one’s soul exhibit both concernful solicitude and care while experiencing existential loneliness in the face of Death? When looking at the temporality of Dasein’s existence, psychology corresponds to Heidegger’s concept of already-being as does morality to being-ahead-of-itse .....
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