Macbeth Persona
Number of words: 900 - Number of pages: 4.... in my opinion. He must be no more important than any other man under
God, but he must also be able to fill the duty that no other is qualified for. I have a list of
specific qualities that such a man must posses if he wishes to be my king, here in this issue
is that list.
The man who is to be king must be both loved and respected by the people. He must
do what he can to please them but not give in to shameless gimmicks to appear that he is
doing what is right. He must be a role model to our children and an inspiration to us all. He
must listen to the plights of his people and do what is in .....
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Iliad As A Dictate Of The Fath
Number of words: 2272 - Number of pages: 9.... name Agamemnon is not even mentioned, even though it introduces the hero for the first time. The fact that he is the son of Atreus provides enough information for the audience. Genealogy has the power to cease battle between enemies. Such is the case when Diomedes, challenged by Glaukos on the battlefield, questions him of his descent. After Glaukos has given the full story of his ancestry, Diomedes realizes that their grandfathers have been friends and proposes a truce.
"See now, you are my guest friend from far in the time of our fathers./ Brilliant Oineus once was host to Bellerophon .....
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King Lear - Disruption Of Order In King Lear And The Causes
Number of words: 902 - Number of pages: 4.... eventually learning who truly loves him.
At the start of the play, Lear decides to divide his Kingdom into three.
Give me the map there. Know we have divided
In three our Kingdom and ‘tis our fast intent to
Shake all cares and business from our age.
This is the first indication that order is disrupted. Dividing up a Kingdom politically has many disadvantages that Lear does not realize. A Kingdom divided mens there will be more than one ruler and a difference of opinion will occur. There will always be disagreements and arguments which may end in haste, creating tens .....
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Great Expectations 3
Number of words: 1075 - Number of pages: 4.... to school, teaching him various religious facts, and making him act in a way that the women find socially acceptable. Huck, who has never had to follow many rules in his life, finds the demands the women place upon him constraining and the life with them lonely. As a result, soon after he first moves in with them, he runs away. He soon comes back, but, even though he becomes somewhat comfortable with his new life as the months go by, Huck never really enjoys the life of manners, religion, and education that the Widow and her sister impose upon him. Huck believes he will find some freedom wi .....
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The Orestia
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3.... This application ceased the Taleonic nature that had befitted the House of Atrius. Although it is difficult to imagine that this action was in the interest of fairness, the applied perspective that the outcome was more important the means, supplied the burden of proof for this acquittal.
Many parallels between modern American juris prudence and that applied in Orestes case can be illustrated, with a primary focus on circumstances creating a reasonable doubt. To better understand this concept one should apply the conditions of this case in a modern setting. If Orestes were called forward, o .....
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A Streetcar Named Desire 3
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... and flaunted her array of
fur pieces even while in the Kowalski home. Calling him "common" and "Polack", Stella immediately created an enemy of Stella's husband, Stanley. It became apparent that Blanche was hiding something from her sister when she spoke of losing their home estate, Belle Reve, and did not offer an explanation. Her job as a teacher was also a topic that was discussed, but Blanche offered only that she was taking a break. The
illusion of having a high-class lifestyle marked the beginning of Blanche's alternating self-discovery and denial of reality.
In reality, Blanc .....
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Oedipus The King-a Tangled Web
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... boughs all wreathed in woe,” the same way one would go to a altar when they wanted something urgently. This shows their faith in Oedipus.
This faith blinds them to the truth. When they find out that it could be Oedipus that is the cause of the plague, they still follow Oedipus blindly. They do not see the truth, they create their own. They become so deeply entwined in their own web of falls truths, that they do not realize what is really happening. They do not believe the Oracle, “Show me the man speaking stone from Delphi damned” shows their disbelief in the oracle. .....
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Foreshadowing In A Tale Of Two
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... closing in around a structure yet unbuilt, where they [are] to sit knitting, knitting, counting dropping heads†to show that in the future, Madame Defarge and her women knit while counting the heads being severed by La Guillotine (187).
Another instance of foreshadowing is the revenge of the poor people against the aristocrats. When Dickens writes, “there [is] a flutter in the air that fan[s] Saint Antoine and his devouring hunger far away†he is referring to the poor people in Saint Antoine such as the Defarges and their death craving towards the aristocrats (113). The p .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1551 - Number of pages: 6.... and responsible but, on many occasions, is caught up in the opinion of others. The leadership that Ralph offers isn’t as stable and organized because he isn’t able to control the “littluns” and the others after a certain point. This is when the society that Ralph tries to create starts to break apart and Jack takes control.
Then immediately comes Piggy, a chubby asthmatic but intelligent kid, who becomes “friends” with Ralph. He is teased relentlessly by the other boys but is highly respected by Ralph for his ability to think. Piggy is considered the adult voice on .....
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Jungle Book
Number of words: 2098 - Number of pages: 8.... the rest of the wolf pack away from Mowgli and so he had to leave. Mowgli
then went to live with the humans of the area for a while, but after Mowgli killed Shere
Khan they also threw him out. Mowgli went back to the wolf pack and showed them all
that he was boss and took over the leaders position.
The White Seal
This story is about a baby seal that grows up in a nursery on St. Paul Island. This
baby seal is the first white seal that has ever been born. His name is Kotick. After two
years Kotick follows a group of seals that are being herded by men. The men chase them
to a .....
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