Macbeth 13
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... death of King Hamlet young Hamlet has been what appeared to be in a state of madness. In a discussion between Hamlet and Polonius Hamlet questions Polonius by asking him “have you a daughter.”(Act II, Sc.2, 182) In this discussion Hamlet shows antic behavior towards Polonius by mocking him when Hamlet would usually show great respect for him because of he age and heis high position in the court. This sudden question to Polonius has caused Polonius to believe that Hamlet has a form of love-sickness and that Polonius is sure to tell Claudius of his condition. Hamlet also accuses Po .....
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Women Hollering Creek
Number of words: 1209 - Number of pages: 5.... in the story. It is imperative for Cisneros to use these vivid images of the telenovas as a way to see the life Cleofila wishes to have. When we are in pain, or are hurting we don't like to show it, because of our human nature we try to cover up our pain. An example of this is when the author is describing the telenovas, "But passion in its purest crystalline essence. The kind the books and songs and telenovelas describe when one finds, finally, the great love of one's life, and does whatever one can, must do, at whatever the cost (168)". Is this what Cleofila has? We as readers can .....
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The Book Of Judges
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2.... stereotyped formula: "The people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the lord." Then after each period or subjection the author introduces another formula: " But when the people of Israel cried the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the people. Through-out the book, tells about prophets, rulers and influencial people such as: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tilian and Samson. There are also many more minor people.
The name of the book is very deceptive, because there weren’t any judges at all, nor any judges notified of this book been written. The wor .....
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Number of words: 1524 - Number of pages: 6.... psychological alter ego
-Main character's friend who provides opposing ideas and thoughts.
-He cares about his dear friend as he follows him throughout most of his quest.
*Gotoma (Buddha)
-Admired as the distinct holy one and as a great idol among the Hindus.
-Open Govinda's eyes, allowing him to seek his own path of peace which he finds through Buddha.
-Buddha is a peaceful man who is wise in his own teachings.
-Siddhartha's lover and concubine
-Siddhartha's motivation in his new materialistic lifestyle.
-Is the mother of Siddhartha's son.
-She is a seductive .....
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To My Dear And Loving Husband
Number of words: 1752 - Number of pages: 7.... analysis of the hidden meaning.
When Bradstreet's poem is interpreted only on the surface level, a very literal meaning of her love comes across. It is inferred that she was writing a sincere love poem to her husband. After reading the poem, the reader will have an initial impression that Bradstreet thinks that the love she shared with her husband was bigger than life itself. The general perception from the initial reading is that Bradstreet values her love greatly. An example of this significance occurs in the opening of the poem when she writes "If ever two were one, then surely we. .....
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Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... furthered the definition of a good man by portraying what a bad one was not. In ’s darkest hours, he
showed no sign of prudence and logic as he slayed king Duncan, and hired assassins to murder his friend Banquo. Macbeth displayed his temerity in act IV scene 1 saying,
"from this moment The very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand. And even now, to crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done;"
Macbeth was no longer the logical, thinking man whom many admired. He had become reckless, acting with only his passion and not his mind. The tragedy of the .....
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Stranger In The Kingdom
Number of words: 804 - Number of pages: 3.... WWII regulations, she ends her relationship with Ishmael, sending him into a life filled with jealousy and grief.
Howard Frank Mosher paints the same portrait for us, only in a more commonly know setting. A black man and his son are cognizant of their color when they are forced to live in a town of solely white people. As the murder trial unfolds, we find out that the man’s son also has been having a relationship such as the one Ishmael and Hatsue had. He had been having "relations" with a white mail-order bride that had just arrived in town. They kept this secret because o .....
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Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... are two separate things, and their worlds cannot be intertwined. The choice between the two is a difficult one, but the everlasting peace that nature presents is often turned to. This imagery of nature is used to parallel death, whereby the solemnity and peace that depicts nature, in turn, depicts death.
The power of procrastination is strong enough to destroy even the strongest of wills. The man is pondering whether or not he should succumb to the "sleep" he desires, which symbolizes ending his life. He is at a major crossroad in his life, where he is undecided on choosing the p .....
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What Is Literature
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward gaining political independence, but we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter"(King 14). This vivid comparison reflects the innate talent for writing possessed by Dr. King as well as his strong idea. By reinforcing his statement using powerful and persuasive words, Dr. King's "The Letter From Birmingham Jail" has become a memorable piece of literature.
Use of the resource of language is another aspect that helps to define literature. Resources of language are components of the language such as .....
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Confronting Death In Poetry
Number of words: 1092 - Number of pages: 4.... doing the household chores of adults. Death with children is especially disturbing because in our unconscious mind we are all immortal, so it is almost inconceivable to be openly confronted with the reality of death. For children, this thought is especially implausible because of their youth. It is much easier to turn our attention to less frightening possibilities. The boy states this to his sister after crying out in a rueful laugh, "Don't let him cut my hand off / The doctor. When he comes. Don't let him sister!" (Frost 25, 26)
Step two and three of the grieving processes when c .....
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