The Demons Within
Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... Not even MaritoÕs friends really like his writing. In Chapter thirteen he reads the one about Aunt Eliana to Javier, Aunt Julia, and even to Pascual and Big Pablito. After they hear it, not one of them really has anything nice to say about it at all. So, although writing is one of MaritoÕs passions, it is also one of his demons. It is basically his job and how he makes a living at the radio station ÒRadio Panamericana,Ó but it controls the rest of his live away from work as well.
Another demon possessed by or possessing Marito is that of age. Age obviously plays a huge role in thi .....
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Fire And Ice
Number of words: 1408 - Number of pages: 6.... The curtains, representing Jane's passionate nature, symbolize
how Jane's fiery personality alienate her from society. A short while later,
John Reed, representing a male-dominated society, enters the room in search
of Jane. When John attempts to assert his dominance over Jane, she is unable
to control her passionate nature and retaliates. As punishment for giving in to
her fiery side, Jane is locked inside the red-room. Obviously, the color red is
of importance here. Red is the color of fire and heat, and represents passion
and fury. Jane describes the red room's, "massive pil .....
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Number of words: 853 - Number of pages: 4.... Alatiel is treated like property again when she is on the boat. Two men think that her “her love could be shared like merchandise or money” (52). Once she gets to a new destination the prince of Morea looks “for a way of possessing her” (53). He doesn’t and can’t win her love because they do not speak the same language. However, this doesn’t stop the prince.
Alatiel doesn’t try very hard to stop any of these men’s advances. She is seen as a weak and fickle woman. When her ship wrecks, “she felt the need of advice” .....
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Antigone Paper
Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4.... sure he becomes a respected and somewhat feared ruler so that he can keep everyone in line. One stubborn rebel who gets what their after could tear apart the kingdom.
Now, naturally, there is no way to tell the character and mettle of a man until you’ve seen hem govern. Nevertheless, want to make it plain: I am the king of man who can’t and never could abide the tongue-tied ruler who through fear backs away… (198).
He does not want to begin his reign by issuing a decree and then rescinding it the moment a conflict arises.
Creon flawlessly fits Aristotle’s image of a tragic hero. .....
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Celia Behind Me
Number of words: 397 - Number of pages: 2.... person. But that’s not the case. Her conscious reminds her of similarities between two of them. “I was kind of chunky and wore glasses too, …” (292). She struggles with her fear of becoming the next Celia. "For I knew, deep in my wretched heart, that were it not for Celia I was next in line for humiliation" (292).
Her position within the group is unidentified. She just walks home with the rest of the group. After one incident Elizabeth realizes that her place in the group is not secure enough. She was reminded of her previous status. “Suckybabies canR .....
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The Outsiders 3
Number of words: 710 - Number of pages: 3.... escape the police. After that, a long chain of violent and dramatic events ensues and puts the boys in the most dreadful situation of their lives.
The characters in this book are fairly realistic and believable. They may seem a tad different to a kid nowadays, but keep in mind that this takes place in the 1960's.
S.E. Hinton's plot is not very difficult to understand, since the story rarely gets complicated. It is suitable for readers of all ages, from adolescents to adults.
The setting of this book is not only believable, but interesting as well. Upon reading it, you probably wou .....
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Hawthorne And Symbolism
Number of words: 454 - Number of pages: 2.... Brown learns how she truly feels about him. Goody Cloyse freely takes up the Devil's staff. Proud of himself for denying the Devil, while again using his wife's name to strengthen his resolve, Brown discovers that his respected Minister, Deacon Gookin, is a servant of the Devil. When Brown learns that his wife has given into the temptation of the Devil, the Christian belief he is struggling to keep is shaken from him. "My Faith is gone!" "There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil! for to
thee is this world given." This shows that the most important thing in Christia .....
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A Look Into The Human Mind. Sl
Number of words: 742 - Number of pages: 3.... In a terrible encounter with his father when Billy was young, Mr. Pilgrim sets the stage for Billy’s insanity:
Little Billy was terrified because his father had said Billy was going to learn to swim by the method of sink-or-swim. His father was going to throw Billy into the deep end, and Billy was going to damn well swim. It was like an execution. Billy was numb as his father carried him from the shower room to the pool. His eyes were closed. When he opened his eyes, he was on the bottom of the pool and there was beautiful music playing everywhere. He lost consciousness, but the m .....
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History Of The Detective Novel
Number of words: 1402 - Number of pages: 6.... the modern day detective story was Edgar Allan Poe. Although he is best know as a poet, he was also considered the founder of the detective story. His five mystery short stories introduced many of the conventions and cliches that the genre would later become famous for.
His greatest contribution was the creation of his detective C. Auguste Dupin, who appeared in three of Poe's works. Dupin was the first character of his kind, a man who relied on his ability to observe and reason to solve crimes instead of merely waiting for the outcome or guessing. He first appeared in The Murders in the Rue .....
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The Snow Leopard
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... breathe, and the mountain breathes, setting the world in motion once again.”(198) Nevertheless this oneness is very hard to achieve in practice and harder still to maintain. Drugs always leave you short of the goal of oneness because the drugs themselves are an obstacle, a mist that will always stop you short of total oneness.
Drugs will always hold you back because they are harmful, and while you are experiencing a drug trip you are doing nothing but experiencing a drug trip; the drugs can do nothing but induce that hallucinogenic state. Also you are unable to do anything other then e .....
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