Number of words: 799 - Number of pages: 3.... out of burying her brother because of what
could happen to her if Creon found out that she went against him.
Ismene says "We must obey them.....I yield to those who have
authority"(5). Not only do the people of Thebes obey the laws of the
city because of their fear but because it is a shame to dishonor the
king. To go against the kings claim and dishonor the law is to die a
more shameful death then Antigone's mother and father(59-60). Antigone
does not want to let her brother be left without a proper burial. Her
belief is to show respect and love towards her brother she must bury
h .....
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Nick From The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1070 - Number of pages: 4.... of person from a typical Midwestern lifestyle, he stays informed but uninvolved at first in order to analyze the people he comes across. He builds confidence and responsibility amidst his peers, does not become selfish, and begins to involve himself with the main characters in a positive way. He aspires to somewhat arrange the conflicts going on without showing his opinion to them and while keeping his honorable integrity. His thoughts and opinions are kept to himself, and this is effective because no character develops a hatred towards him at all, and the reader gets to know everything witho .....
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I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died
Number of words: 966 - Number of pages: 4.... of the death of the poet. The second stanza reads, "The eyes beside had wrung them dry, and breaths were gathering sure for that last onset, when the king be witnessed in his power." This stanza deals with how God is brought upon by the speaker’s death. Onlookers surround the dead body and seem to be looking for clues to what may eventually await them when it is their turn to pass onto another possible world. In stanza three the speaker is preparing for a journey into an afterlife that may lie ahead. Dickinson writes, "I willed my keepsakes, signed away what portion .....
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Ethan Frome
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3.... to be idealistic; sometimes the real world gets too harsh and ugly for them. To escape unpleasant realities, some Pisceans retreat into their own dreams and fantasies, and Pisceans can be delicate and vulnerable, especially when under emotional stress. Ethan most definitely falls under these categories. Ethan is emotionally weak, in that he allows Zeena to control him. Ethan was described, in the beginning of the book, as looking far older than he was in actuality. His work and torment made his physical appearance to match his inner suffering. Winter is typically seen as cold, dark, and .....
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Deeper Philosophical Meanings
Number of words: 733 - Number of pages: 3.... wine and drunkenness, ecstasy, sexual being, dance, and madness. It is hinted many times throughout the reading that Dionysus has a revenge motive. It is as if he wants to punish the population of Thebes for not taking his true power seriously. When he appeared on Earth, he could have made himself look like an all powerful god, but instead took on the form of a deviant youth and a weakling. He is irrational and one can pick up a sense of his wrath toward the people. Knowing all this, when Dionysus said, “How do live? What are you doing? Who are you? You don’t know!” it is .....
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John Betjemin Poetry
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3.... to know,
For he is paid for doing so.'
with a rhyming triplet instead of a rhyming couplet. Betjeman stresses the PRO's contradictory character and adds some sarcasm when he says that the PRO 'kindly' gave him a 'free' colour booklet. Betjeman is also showing that the PRO constantly puts on a façade by saying that he was kind. The PRO wouldn't be expected to be mean which makes you realise that they are always extremely kind and friendly. One means the PRO uses to fool the public is to feed them a deluge of information. This way the public does not have a chance to respond to what they are .....
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James Joyce's "Araby"
Number of words: 466 - Number of pages: 2.... Dublin. This has a great effect on the boy and the rest
of the people from this city. Dublin is referred to as the "center of
paralyses,"(Internet) and "indeed sterile."(Joyce) This plays a huge role
in the forming of this boy's life, where there is no fun. "Araby" is a
story "of a soul-shriveling Irish asceticism, which renders hopes and
dreams not only foolish, but sinful."(Coulthard) In the story, the only
thing that the young boy has to look forward to is buying something for the
girl he loves, and in the end he can't even do that; and by making the
final characters English, the story lea .....
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The Scarrlet Letter
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2.... sin. Hester stands alone outside the court house as the
close minded colonial eyes stare at her and the baby in her arms. Many
women during this era of American history would look for a way to run.
Hester shows little sign of uneasiness, with exception to her firm hold on the
infant. At the conclusion of this scene the reader knows that this is a strong
woman trying to maintain dignity in a land were a woman’s independence
ranked right above blasphemy on the hierarchy of values.
Throughout the novel Hester demonstrates her independence of living.
He .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper 2
Number of words: 681 - Number of pages: 3.... that would be asking too much of fate," shows the narrator's superstitious characteristic that places her outside the walls of society. By moving into a bedroom, the narrator feels a form of solitude. The narrator is eventually forced to discontinue her writing for she is afraid to hear the words of her husband. "He hates to have me write a word." Writing was a form of communication within the writer that allowed her express her deepest emotions. By forcing this to seize, the writer, is later on left only to contain these feelings and emotions with thin herself and stare at t .....
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Existentialism In The Invisibl
Number of words: 1701 - Number of pages: 7.... the lives of such characters as invisible man adopts an existential way of life to realize self-worth while Meursault’s natural existentialism prevents him from realizing his mistakes until his execution day.
The concept of existentialism can be broken down into several correlating ideas:
1. Man has his own free will
2. With this free will he has the power to make decisions
3. Few of his decisions are without consequence
4. Some events in life are considered absurd without any explanation 2
Invisible Man begins with invisible man suffering from a complete lack of s .....
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