Great Gatsby Essay 2
Number of words: 1944 - Number of pages: 8.... however, all of the characters are affected by money, and Fitzgerald uses this fact to influence the response of the reader. Some characters, like Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, have money, and are very expressive with it. Examples of this are Gatsby's expensive Rolls Royce and Tom's polo horses that he flew in from Chicago. Nick mentions that everybody had seen Gatsby's car (pg 63), pointing to the fact that Gatsby flaunted the vehicle and by association his wealth, and Tom flying in polo horses from another city would obviously be outrageously expensive. Other characters, such as Myrtle, lust for .....
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Symbolism In The Scarlet Lette
Number of words: 1776 - Number of pages: 7.... not deceive the townspeople. Although seemingly, her paramour did not escape punishment. In fact, the father of her bastard child took a more severe sentence. Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale seemed to be an upstanding, young priest. The whole town liked him and respected him as a holy man. Thus, his deception was much more direct and extreme when he did not confess that he impregnated Hester Prynne. Unlike Hester, he was not publicly punished. So although Hester overcame her ordeal and went on with her life, Dimmesdale exacted a constant, physical and mental reprobation on himself. This inner pain .....
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The Color Purple - The Struggl
Number of words: 1413 - Number of pages: 6.... not be to dominate as to effect the men. Alice Walker's The Color Purple is a good example of colored women's plight. Three obstacles black women had to overcome to be able to express themselves were Racism, the lack of education, and the stereo-type that women are inferior.
African-Americans have always experienced racism throughout their habitation in America. Slavery, is what caused most of the hatred towards blacks. African Americans were sold by their people and sent off to a foreign land. Colored people were used as work horses when they entered America. "It was acceptable for a white .....
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A And P Essay 1
Number of words: 448 - Number of pages: 2.... shoppers in A & P. Sammy refers to the shoppers as “sheep” twice in the story. Once as he views the customers continuing to push their carts down the aisle only glancing slightly at the girls and continuing to shop. Sammy “bets you could set off dynamite in an A & P and the people would by large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists and muttering…” The second time is when the girls go to the check out lane and Lengel starts to explain the policy. “All this while, the customers had been showing up with their carts but, you know sheep, seeing .....
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The Crucible: Background Notes
Number of words: 707 - Number of pages: 3.... All My Sons (1947)
Death of a Salesman (1949)
The Crucible (1953)
A View from the Bridge (1955)
A Memory of Two Mondays (1955)
After the Fall (1963)
Incident at Vichy (1964)
The Price (1968)
The Creation of the World and Other Business (1972)
Arthur Miller's first and only screenplay that he produced was released
in 1960, and was called "The Misfits", starring Marilyn Monroe. He also
wrote a short story called "I Don't Need You Any More", in 1967. His
novels included:
Focus (1945)
In Russia (1969)
In the Coun .....
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The Christianity Of Beowulf
Number of words: 906 - Number of pages: 4.... told. Some are the offering of sacrificing to idols, the observations of omens, burning of the dead, the many references to fate, and blood revenge. These are all things that Christians are against and are often considered sins. Though mostly minor things, these are seen quite frequently and show that the author was familiar with knowledge of the bible and Christian terminology. If the poem was originally Christian, then probably non of these things would be mentioned. On the other hand, there are absolutely no references to angels, saints, the cross or Christ. These are things that ar .....
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Compare And Contrast: Aneas And Turnus
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5.... (Virgil 7).
As a slave to the gods and their plans, Aneas assimilates his mind and
sacrifices his life to the establishment of Latium. As the greatest of all
warriors, Aneas displays his superb strength and his leadership capabilities, by
guiding the Trojans to victory over the latins and establishing Latium. The
selflessness of Aneas and his devotion to the Gods, enables him to leap over and
break through any obstacles that obstruct his destiny. Patterned after Homer's
Hector, Virgil's Turnus is also a courageous and devout hero. As the most
handsome of Rutilians, Turnus' nobility r .....
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Big Two-Hearted River
Number of words: 1176 - Number of pages: 5.... in which a character speaks in the first person. It occurs in ": Part II", an intensely personal story which completely immerses the reader in the actions and thoughts of Nick Adams. Hemingway's utilization of the omniscient third person narrator allows the reader to visualize all of Nick's actions and surroundings, which would have been much more difficult to accomplish using first person narration. Nick is seen setting up his camp in ": Part I" in intimate detail, from choosing the perfect place to set his tent to boiling a pot of coffee before going to sleep. The story is completely wri .....
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A Critical Appraisal Of: Beowulf And Gilgamesh
Number of words: 1618 - Number of pages: 6.... Accounts of their
heroism and bravery in slaying dangerous beasts spread to many lands.
When the two travelers return to Uruk, Ishtar (guardian deity of the
city) proclaims her love for the heroic Gilgamesh. When he rejects her, she
sends the Bull of Heaven to destroy the city. Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill the bull,
and, as punishment for his participation, the gods doom Enkidu to die. After
Enkidu's death, Gilgamesh seeks out the wise man Utnapishtim to learn the secret
of immortality. The sage recounts to Gilgamesh a story of a great flood (the
details of which are so remarkably simil .....
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Red Badge Of Courage
Number of words: 728 - Number of pages: 3.... Henry goes through during the story. Henry feels isolated by his cowardly actions. Trying to justify his act of running, he compares himself to a squirrel that ran from an acorn that he had just thrown. By saying that it was just because of the natural inclination of self-preservation, Henry makes himself feel a little better, but there is still that element of unclarity that he faces. That element however will be a Godsend to Henry, because it will indirectly leads him to his next stage of his consciencenes, acceptance of the war.
Before he reaches that next stage of enlightenme .....
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