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Term Papers on English

Kurt Vonneguts Slaughter House
Number of words: 1197 - Number of pages: 5

.... and time than simply making up stories about men who get killed when they try and retrieve their wedding ring from an elevator shaft. Billy Pilgrim's life is structured in such a way where he floats from experience to experience (in no chronological order). He has the ability to become "unstuck in time", which means that he can uncontrollably drift from one part of his life to another. Ironically, Slaughterhouse- Five is structurally organized in the same way Billy moves in time. It consists of sections and paragraphs strung together in no particular order. The entire story is not only .....

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Going From Child To Woman The
Number of words: 1494 - Number of pages: 6

.... in her action and not thinking ahead of possible consequences. Nora sees nothing wrong in spending big on Christmas. Granted this is a righteous cause, since the holidays are about giving to others, but still a parent should know the limit of happiness they should bring. At this point Torvald begins to act as “society” and unknowingly begins to use condescending terms towards Nora. “Are you scatterbrains off again?” (1506), “…my dear little Nora.” (1507), (You’re an odd little one” (1507). Torvald sees nothing wrong in these little pet names he gives Nora. He i .....

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Immortal Beloved
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3

.... of acquaintances as "" candidates. Was she Beethoven's piano student, the Countess Giulietta Guicciardi? Or her cousin, the widowed Countess Joshphine Deym? Or could she have been Antonie Brentano, the wife of one of Beethoven's friends, as Maynard Solomon suggested. Even once candidates are proposed, the question remains: why was this letter in Beethoven's possession? Did he never send it, or was it returned to him? Although the debates continue, the answers to the riddle of the may have followed Beethoven to his grave. In the history of music, no "riddle", as Maynard Solomon in Beetho .....

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Grapes Of Wrath 6
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2

.... wanted many things, accumulation, social success, amusement, luxury, and a curious banking security…” The Californians had already established the conditions that the Okies were in search of. They were now attempting to attain extras, and feared that the arrival of the Okies would halt this endeavor. The Okies motives were much nobler than the Californians’; but the Californians still felt that the Okies had no right to invade their land. “And whereas the wants of the Californians were nebulous and undefined the wants of the Okies were beside the roads, l .....

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Brutus 2
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2

.... making him a former friend, he betrayed Caesar for the first time. The way he further betrayed Caesar was by saying he was a bad person who would have gone on to destroy Rome. Other conspirators: Cassius, Casca, and Decius also betrayed Caesar. The reason that Caesar died is not complex, but simply mistrust. The conspirators did not trust Caesar. They were sure he would destroy Rome by becoming a tyrant. Later Cassius and Brutus’s mistrust of each other would hander their cause. When two people in a group are fighting it makes the group weaker; for this reason Antony one his fi .....

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The Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5

.... people at face value and never really take the time to see through the infinite masks that make up a personality, or a first impression. Holden however, took the time to understand who a person really was, and how fake they really were being. This changed his life enormously, as it would anybody’s, because as soon as he could understand how much of a phony a person was being and who they truly were, he didn’t have to feel inferior, scared or cast out by that person. I think these views of life could have actually been caused by his brother’s death. I think that when his brother died .....

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Analysis Of Do Not Go Gentle I
Number of words: 605 - Number of pages: 3

.... is right, because their words had forked no lighting they don not go gentile into that good night" I thin what the poet is trying to say is even though you’re getting older and you know the time is coming you haven’t shown a sign of death you ‘re still have life so fight against death. Then in third stanza the poet describes someone who lived a good life but doesn’t want to let go "Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright their deed might have danced in a green bay, rage rage against the dying of the light." It was as if he was saying had he lived longer things could haven be .....

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The Political And Econimical C
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3

.... gallon. Instead of encouraging people to buy British molasses this act bred dishonesty. Merchants, who distilled the molasses to make rum, claimed that the British suppliers could not meet their needs. The merchants then began bribing the customs agents to wave the tariffs. Many agents pocketed extra money that way. A man by the name of Grenville observed this and created an act, The Revenue Act, which was successful with Parliament. This act stated that the tax on molasses would decrease to a mere three pence tariff per gallon of molasses. After the instatement of this act Grenville p .....

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PEA Paragraphs
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3

.... eating habits are a result of Dever’s accident. Two girls Elma Rae and Lornie have eating disorders from a past accident. First, the narrator was describing the two girls. “They made a strange pair, with Elma Rae so large, almost fat, and Lornie all bone. Elma Rae was fat because she ate so much, and Lornie didn’t eat at all. Second, Elma Rae just got a cupcake and offered Lornie a bite. “I’ll just watch you eat, she said. Elma Rae turned murmuring something under her breath about getting help.” Elma Rae would eat anything she could get her hands on and Lornie wouldn’t eat at .....

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Elizabeth Bishop
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2

.... disliked giving public readings, and participated in none of the "movements" of her time. Bishop's masterly descriptive powers were the energy she invested in an attempt to found a poetry not on what had happened to its author, but on what its author saw and felt and shared with others in the present, whether what was shared was a set of friends, a series of real or imagined travels, books read, or sights seen. Bishop, besides being an award winning poet, was a prolific letter writer. Her friend and publisher, Robert Giroux, has assembled and edited over 500 of the letters Bishop wrote t .....

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