The Sun Also Rises 5
Number of words: 1306 - Number of pages: 5.... offers himself to Brett, then follows her around as if on a leash, “sniveling and squealing as if he were swine” (58). While Brett saunters around on her sexual escapades, she does not take into account the feelings of Jake, the man who truly loves her, because he is unable to meet her sexual needs. Brett does bother with Jake’s frustrations; she uses him only as an emotional support to fall back on when the flings leave her emotionally unsatisfied. “Brett’s bitchery is fully revealed by her treatment of Jake. . . he truly loves her but she uses Jake to get .....
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Naturalism In "The Open Boat"
Number of words: 1454 - Number of pages: 6.... in the story is based on Crane himself. The story is told through the correspondent's point of view. The story is somewhat based on one of Crane's actual life experiences. In Crane's Life and Times, Crews states, " The Open Boat is almost a factual account of Crane's experience, but is also a work of art whose place among the best American short stories is secure" (125). With the story being told through the correspondent's point of view the story gives Crane an advantage to be very descriptive. In Stephen Crane's: Naturalist and Impressionist, Walcutt says, "Crane's writings .....
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Comparison Of Roger Chillingwo
Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3.... his great sin inside of him for 7 long years and Hester is forced to wear the letter A as a symbol of adultery. Throughout the 7 years Arthur has been suffering continually, and he always keeps his hand over his heart as a symbol of his love towards Hester and Pearl. Dimmesdale knows intellectually what the moral thing is to do, and he even tries good works, but the darkness in his soul supercedes the goodness in his head.
Roger Chillingworth, shunning his wife for the crime she committed becomes a respected individual and a physician to Arthur Dimmesdale, whose health is failing. Dur .....
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Brothers Karamazov
Number of words: 342 - Number of pages: 2.... has lost much of his son’s respect. One of his sons named Ivan is a total non-believer. Ivan is a philosophical person who inadvertently inspires Smernakov, to kill father Karamazov. At the end of the story we see Ivan turn to god for support at the trial of his brother Dmitri. Dmitri is found guilty of murder and is convicted. However, the whole mess could have been avoided had the Karamazov family been more focused on religion and love rather then quarreling over relatively minor ordeals.
Dostoyevsky wrote this classic at a time when the influence of the Church in Russia was weakenin .....
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The Glass Menagerie 2
Number of words: 475 - Number of pages: 2.... could not exist. Analytically speaking, responsibility to others is more important to the function of society as a whole than personal happiness. However to a single person, happiness generally seems to be more important than responsibility. An unhappy person that spends their entire life being burdened by the responsibility of another person might as well be a slave.
In the case of Tom Wingfield, leaving his family's home in search of happiness was an appropriate and understandable action. This is because his mother was so unrealistic in her expectations of him as well as extremely criti .....
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Cooper Thompsons A New Vision
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... resiliency, self-control, and physical strength."(78) Sometimes masculinity is related to violence; violence became the tool maintaining their masculinity among boys. Then, he mentions the two most critical socializing forces in a boy's life: homophobia and misogyny. He explains that homophobia, hatred of feminine qualities in men, and misogyny, hatred of feminine qualities in women, put pressure on them to avoid femininity, even good qualities of femininity.
Then, he argues the negative side of the "traditional view of masculinity." He claims that believing in masculinity is being tough, d .....
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Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Self-Reliance”
Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3.... (28). This is the target everyone should reach in his or her life. Emerson was correct in saying that it is insane to seek advice from someone who is a “go-between” themselves and God. One could run into a false prophet and be headed the wrong direction in life. I believe that it is an important part of life’s education. Whether the pupil is young or old, they should learn the gospel, learn right from wrong, and live by it. God’s word should be understood and believed and the people should have faith in him, that he will take care of his people.
The main weakness of the es .....
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Black Boy By Richard Wright
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4.... woman getting “comfortable”. As Wrights’ mother asks for the money his father laughs at them and says he doesn’t have any money. When the woman that his father is with looks at Wright she says Wright was cute and that his father should give him something. This causes Wright to become embarrassed and hurt because when that woman told his father to give him something the only thing his father would give him was a nickel. The moment that Wright becomes a victim is when his father laughed and put the nickel back into his pocket. Another instance, which happens throughout the n .....
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Brave New World
Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3.... tool. The Savages are taught to cook for themselves, and to clean for themselves. These teachings help the individual to grow practically. The Savages also bestow good ideals in their people from which they can learn, understand, and grow. One of the most important things that the Savages are taught is self-control. The Whipping Ceremony is a good example of this. In this ceremony a young man was whipped to death in front of a large audience and throughout it he "made no sound…[and] walked on at the same slow, steady pace" (97). The man is taught that to show his strength he must use t .....
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An Appreciation Of The Poem Di
Number of words: 1930 - Number of pages: 8.... that Macbeth is ambitious. There can be no doubt about this. A certain level of courage accompanies his ambition as well. As a noble he is an active one, fighting against the rebel hordes and Norwegians in defense of his king, no doubt for the purpose of gaining notoriety and other rewards. This is further illustrated by his gracious acceptance of credit for his deeds. He is a political figure in the highest sense, and show ambition in this way. However, there is no sign of him altering his course of loyal nobleman until outside influences begin to intercede. The people with greatest im .....
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