Coming Of Age In Mississippi
Number of words: 1537 - Number of pages: 6.... leads to their separation and her father moving in with another woman . This is where her hardships began . Throughout her childhood she is a tmid , poor little girl who is afraid to even ask her mother questions about what is going on around her . Anne tells of their staple diet , beans and bread , which was just enough to keep her alive. I can not possibly imagine what it is like to be on the brink of starvation. Although a timid , shy , little girl , Anne does show a spark of intensity through her schoolwork . She is very competitive and driven to do well in school . This is the fuel .....
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Hamlet 9
Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4.... was the catalyst for a lot of silent contemplation and turmoil for the young prince. The movement of ideas here is rapid– the Ghost gives a clear, incriminating account of Claudius’s involvement in his death, and Hamlet immediately vows to avenge him. His reaction was passionate, and suitably so. After all, no character of integrity and honor could have refused the task given to him by the Ghost. In making the deliberate decision to avenge his father, Hamlet alerts the reader that he is the central character in the play. It also lets us know that he is a truly decent and lo .....
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Romeo And Juliet Balcony Scene
Number of words: 325 - Number of pages: 2.... next day.
In the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is proven to be practical and realistic. When Juliet meets Romeo, she falls in love with him. When he shows up at her balcony, she asks him how he got there and was worried for his safety. They could not talk for long because Juliet’s nurse was call her, Romeo wanted to sleep with Juliet but she said they had to get married first and they decided to get married the next day.
In the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is proven to be romantic while Juliet is more practical. They loved each other but their love wasn't mean .....
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Death Of A Salesman 3
Number of words: 537 - Number of pages: 2.... "this is no time for false pride, Willy
you go to your sons and you tell them that you're tired. You've got two great boys,
haven't you?". After willy is fired, he discovers that the only person he can borrow
money from is Charley his next door neighbour. Willy comes to realize that Charley
is his only friend and he says "Isn't that remarkable." It is Charley's success that annoys
Willy and which prevents him later from accepting employment from Charley when he
offers it. Charley continues to lend him money although he feels insulted by Willy's
refusal t .....
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Lord Of The Flies 12
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3.... Golding uses this to foreshadow the upcoming deaths brought on by man's animalistic actions.
The forming of two different groups, or tribes, did nothing to lessen the problems. Jack, the leader of the newer yet larger group, based his philosophy of surviving on killing and hunting. On one of his groups hunting trips a wild boar is killed and beheaded. The head was placed on spear, which was stuck in the ground of Ralph's campsite. This act was used to show the progression of the boys away from being civilized and back to creatures. Though this was not a life threatening action, it wa .....
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I Too Sing America
Number of words: 703 - Number of pages: 3.... that is what the laugh represents, The laugh also represents his thoughts of the future. Meaning that he’ll be able to look back on all this and laugh. The eating represents learning and knowledge. Without knowledge one cannot further themselves in life or make themselves better. Eating well means to learn well and retain the knowledge. Growing strong represents the retaining of the knowledge. Not only does this mean to grow strong with knowledge but for the voices of equality to grow stronger. The biggest use of symbolism is the last line: "I, too, am America." In Walt Whi .....
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Much Ado About Noting
Number of words: 778 - Number of pages: 3.... as she overhears Hero and Ursula talk of Benedick's affection for her. Beatrice then decides to allow herself to be tamed by Benedick's "loving hand," and return his love. Beatrice and Benedick re made to fall in love through the deception of those around them, and ironically find happiness more readily than Claudio and Hero.
The relationship between Claudio and Hero is a seemingly pure and happy one at the start of the play, but as the play goes on we witness the emergence of deception into their relationship as well. The deception starts as Borachio reports to Don John of a conversatio .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage 2
Number of words: 1738 - Number of pages: 7.... some wounded men and witnesses the death of his close friend, Jim
Conklin. As a result of that, he deserts another friend dying and
runs. He wants to make a wound for himself so that he is removed from
the battle, and by accident is hit on the head by a deserter. He's
discovered by another soldier, who helps him return to his regiment.
There he lies and says he was wounded in battle. The next day he goes
to the front again, and actually retrieves his army's colors from the
dying flag bearer. He urges his comrads on, and is proclaimed a hero.
Crane wrote this book when he was twenty .....
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Dizzy Gillespie, His Life.
Number of words: 1272 - Number of pages: 5.... be in
a club similar to 4h to pay tuition.He hated it.He was anxious to leave the
school and make a living on his own.When his sister got married,he heard
that her husband was moving them to New York city.He went with them to
find a job.His brother Wesley soon moved there as well,so he and John lived
in the same apartment.They shared expenses,but rarely saw each other.Wesley’s schedule was a normal one,but John’s often had him staggering home at 5:50 A.M.He was always searching for a permanent job,but all he could find were temp and fill-in jobs,which payed very little..Meanwhi .....
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Julius Ceasar
Number of words: 565 - Number of pages: 3.... coming, they decide to march toward the enemy at once. The fighting begins with the confrontation of the two sides, as Cassius' and Brutus' armies arrive. Antony and his partner challenge the assassins to fight, and the bloody battle begins. The armies of the conspirators fall into vulnerability many times, and their side does poorly, losing many men. Cassius hears mistakenly that one of his important soldiers has been captured, loses hope, and commits suicide, while Brutus feels that his army has been cornered, and throws himself onto another man's sword, killing himself also. They call off .....
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