Crucible 6
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... started, but doesn't go into to Salem to stop them because he fears that Abby will charge lechery on him. The witch trials are a crucible for those who are accused, while John Proctor has his own Crucible to deal with.
John Proctor's crucible starts with the decision of whether or not to go into town and testify against Abby and her clan of girls to save the people accused or save his good name and stay away from the witch trials. This is a difficult decision for Proctor. Should he go into town and put his good name on the line to save the accused people or stay out of the witch trials an .....
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I Felt A Funeral, In My Brain
Number of words: 384 - Number of pages: 2.... and I, and silence, some strange race, wrecked, solitary here" I believe is a reference to the phase where the "Light Body" becomes seperated from the "Heavy Body" and everything floats free. "And then a plank in reason broke, and I dropped down, and down, and hit a world at every plunge, and finished knowing then-" I believe this to be gently and gradually dying and into the light and free of knowing. Thinking that all that comes to mind is old and are just old thoughts, and we do not have to hold to them. Giving a new birth to ourselves, to observe peace, mercy, kindness, and healing the pa .....
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Dulce Est Decrum Est By Wilfre
Number of words: 720 - Number of pages: 3.... say precisely how the man is being
tormented. Moreover, the phrase "blood shod" shows how the troops
have been on their feet for days, never resting. Also, the fact that
the gassed man was "flung" into the wagon reveals the urgency and
occupation with fighting. The only thing they can do is toss him into
a wagon. The fact one word can add to the meaning so much shows how
the diction of this poem adds greatly to its effectiveness.
Likewise, the use of figurative language in this poem also
helps to emphasize the points that are being made. As Perrine says,
peo .....
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Tess - Fatalism
Number of words: 1871 - Number of pages: 7.... Fatalism is defined in Websters Dictionary as "the doctrine that all things take place by inevitable necessity" (175). Fatalism is the idea that all actions are controlled by Fate, a primitive force that exists independent of human wills and outside of the controls of power of a supreme being such as God because God ultimately has no power; he is a creation of man who granted Him His power. Since He doesn't truly possess those powers, he is left without the ability to alter circumstances. In short, if one subscribes to this doctrine, you believe that Fate controls how things happen and God ca .....
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Number of words: 1624 - Number of pages: 6.... to wherever he lived.
Some people said that was only trying to fool the public with a false front of virtue. But Zeno replied that if were faking virtue, his detractors should do the same, because even pretending to be good, if this is
continued for long enough, will give a man the desire and practice that is needed for good habits.
was very wealthy, and his skill with words made him famous in Athens while he was still a young man. But because he was afraid of being ostracized, and banished for being too great a man, stayed out of
politics for a long time. He was not at ease among co .....
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Taming Of The Shrew 2
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... Petruchio, a rude, overbearing man that will do anything to make her wrong. Eventually she realizes he is playing a mind game with her. If she does what he says and agrees with him, even if she knows he’s wrong, she will get what she wants, a loving husband, a nice home, nice clothes, food and a warm bed to sleep in. In a way she manipulates him into thinking he has won when really they are both equal.
Kate’s independence is overwhelming for the sixteenth century. Shakespeare had a very wild imagination, he creates a woman who would be respected today but is so extroverted that i .....
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Words On "To His Coy Mistress"
Number of words: 818 - Number of pages: 3.... in the
short-term. This flood also symbolizes life in the fresh start of the new
covenant. Because time keeps going, with or without them, they must be active
participants and not just the static spectator. Otherwise, the fate Marvell
relates would become their reality.
Marvell's vegetable love is rather oxymoronic. Love is not normally
like the uncaring, thoughtless, and noncommunicating plant. And yet his love is
vegetable in that it is not adaptable. She is the water, food, and light for
his love; and as long as she is there, he will love her. She is evrerything
that supports his .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird 4
Number of words: 6446 - Number of pages: 24.... about Boo Radley?
The Radley place and its mysterious inhabitant are described ub
great detail. Scout was telling the story about Boo Radley, she
said Radley was locked up as a teenager for once getting in
trouble with police. Radley has been in the house ever since,
although some people are convinced he come out at night.
4. Why is Boo fasinating to the children?
At the summer, when Dill come out and play with Scout and Jem,
Dill has always found interesting studying Boo's place, because
Dill think Boo is phantom bogeyman.
Chapter 2
1. Scout makes thre .....
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Rose Schneiderman And The Tria
Number of words: 3956 - Number of pages: 15.... The reason for the strike was grievous working conditions faced by garment workers. The thousands of women and young girls striking were asking for safety and sanitary reforms in the industry's workplaces. The result of the strike had been a shorter workweek equaling 52 hours, minimal increases wages, and some safety reforms. However, the instrument that would have given the workers the power to enforce the promised changes was denied them when the strike did not result in the recognition of their union. Prior to the Triangle Waist Company fire the public refused to see a respo .....
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Analysis Of The Machine That W
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... However, with Henderson
inputting faulty data, this caused some of the battle plans to be unreliable. His
internal conflict between himself losing his job and wanting to keep it made
him jingle with the programming until it seemed right.
This foreshadowing helps the reader to see that someone is going to
have to act upon Henderson’s faults if the war is to be won. Swift, the
military commander, received these battle plans that Henderson had ‘printed
up’ out on the front (the front being the battle front).
He, realizing that some of these plans were outrageous, had to act up .....
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