Humble Morality
Number of words: 768 - Number of pages: 3.... in rebutting the sentimentality of slavery.
One theme Uncle Julius's stories rebut is that of the relationship between families. One way in which the author addresses this issue is in "Sis' Becky's Pickaninny." Chesnutt condemns the treatment of slaves as capital, while confirming their need for family. To illustrate, when Becky is traded for a racehorse she is devastated by the loss of her son. In order to keep the family together the aunt resorts to hiring a local conjure woman to bring the family together again. Only after Becky and Mose are reunited, is she able to find so .....
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Odessey 2
Number of words: 1167 - Number of pages: 5.... wields an influential power, through her intelligence and her supernatural power as a goddess. She directs the actions of men, such as Achilles, by making herself invisible to all others except Achilles, and then plucking his hair and warning him not to strike Agamemnon. Achilles does not strike Agamemnon, and a grand mistake is avoided. Athena also influences the actions of Achilles by handing him a spear during the final battle against Hector. By handing Achilles the spear, Achilles knows that he is to kill him. If Athena had not interfered, Achilles would not have delivered his fa .....
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Hamlet - Why Did Hamlet Delay Killing The King?
Number of words: 819 - Number of pages: 3.... for he says in Act II:2 that "The spirit I have seen may be a devil." However, even after the ‘play within a play’ through which Hamlet has obtained his ‘proof’ as to the nature of the Ghost and confirmed that Claudius is guilty, Hamlet says " I’ll take the Ghost’s word for a thousand pound," but fails to act and can only contemplate the event.
Similarly, when Hamlet happens upon Claudius praying, he does not take the opportunity to kill the King, rather he makes excuses, saying he does not want Claudius to go to heaven. However, this is little more than a d .....
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Obsession And Deviance
Number of words: 1809 - Number of pages: 7.... the rest of the old man in the dark, he in a sense de-humanizes the victim. His obsession intensifies and takes full control of his actions. He eliminates the old man from the equation and is able to charge him and make the kill.
Montresor in "The Cask of Amontillado" is similar to the narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" in that his obsession with consuming the soul of Fortunato influences his every action. However, it is with Fortunato himself that he is obsessed. He feeds off of Fortunato's pain, unlike the narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" who's obsession is with destroying a menacing inanim .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1498 - Number of pages: 6.... in Francis’ case, work to support his education. Adah knew his attitude, "The sharpness seemed to say to her: ‘It is allowed for African males to come and get civilsed in England. But that privileged has not been extended to females yet’" (Emecheta 36). Francis is a pure reflection of the values held by the Ibos. All Francis wanted from Adah was money, to pay for his education, and sex: "As far as he was concerned marriage was sex and lots of it, nothing more" (Emecheta 41). To Francis, Adah was a sexual object. As far as he was concerned, her feelings didn’t mat .....
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Days Of Othello
Number of words: 1378 - Number of pages: 6.... Brabantio comes in with an angry group of men, who want to arrest Othello for his marriage to Desdemona. Othello feels that he has done no wrong, and suggests that they go to see the Duke in the senate to see who is right.
In the senate chambers, Othello explains to the Duke how he and Desdemona fell in love when he told her of his wonderful adventures. She listened to Othello with complete awe, and they both admit that their mutual attraction was undeniable, and that no magic was used.
(Sighs of love from the audience)
After the “trail”, Othello is sent to fi .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... only superficial qualities are considered which in time would separate them. Another example of a marriage like Whickam and Lydia’s is the marriage between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. As for Jane and the Elizabeth, their marriages are based on calm judgement and are well considered with mutual feelings. Throughout the novel, many of the characters are deceived by appearances, although they become dearer near the end. In this time frame, women view that men have responsibilities to society. Being unable to provide for themselves because of their ignorance in areas of business or commerce, .....
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Great Expectations
Number of words: 2163 - Number of pages: 8.... character, Mr. Micawber and his mother as Mrs. Nickleby in the Brothers Cheeryble (Constable 25). In 1814 John Dickens was transferred from the post in Portsworth to one in London. Three years later the family moved to Chatham to be closer to their father who was working steadily at the post. Charles Dickens's mother taught him to read when he was barely five and for the next few years Dickens lived wonderfully, reading every book he could get his hands on. He quickly read through his father's collection of Shakespeare, Cervantes, Defoe, Smollett, Fielding, and Goldsmith. Every one o .....
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Samuel De Champlain
Number of words: 1819 - Number of pages: 7.... We got up early this morning to begin our long journey to the Hurons. The trip was very peaceful and long this day. Blackrobe surprised and impressed our people as they worked as hard as we did. Blackrobe and Daniel paddled strongly along side our men. But Blackrobe has a lot to learn about the forest. He does not understand that it is our home and we have but to listen and it will speak to us and guide us. It is where we find our food and worship our Gods. It is where we play and eat. The forest protects us from danger, letting us know when it is near. He has much to learn. .....
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Oedipus Rex (film Vs Text)
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3.... are obviously in different states of peril. When Oedipus exits the castle into the courtyard to confront the peasants the actor playing the role does an excellent job of portraying the cocky swagger and demeanor that Sophocles seemed to bestow upon him on the page. Although we quickly notice that none of the actors are wearing masks, which would have been the case had this been a production that was taking place in the time of the Ancient Greeks, which brings up another point. There are a large number of actors in this play ranging from the peasants to the chorus to the main characters .....
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