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Term Papers on English

Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2

.... success, amusement, luxury, and a curious banking security…” The Californians had already established the conditions that the Okies were in search of. They were now attempting to attain extras, and feared that the arrival of the Okies would halt this endeavor. The Okies motives were much nobler than the Californians’; but the Californians still felt that the Okies had no right to invade their land. “And whereas the wants of the Californians were nebulous and undefined the wants of the Okies were beside the roads, lying there to be seen and coveted…” The Californians did not k .....

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Jane Eyre 5
Number of words: 1124 - Number of pages: 5

.... rather content receiving obedience than affection”3 which is similar to the character of Aunt Reed in Jane Eyre. Although Hunsden did not hold any blood relation to Crimsworth the relationship between the men was cold which forced Crimsworth to find separation form ridicule and harsh criticism as did Bronte from her aunt. The novel Jane Eyre further illustrated Bronte’s desires of seeking autonomy as the central character, Jane, represented the romantic relationship Bronte had experienced with her professor at the young age of 18. The storyline between Rochester and Eyre held true .....

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The Genre Of Science Fiction
Number of words: 1194 - Number of pages: 5

.... ship go millions of miles into space and landing on a moon. People would thinks to themselves wow. Or seeing a huge mushroom cloud fling into the air and destroy everything it touches. That the only purpose of science fiction is to “…deals with events that did not happen, may have happened, or have not yet happened” (Gunn and Boucher 1). People often have a hard time understanding that Science Fiction and Fantasy are very different from one another. Fantasy deals with the supernatural where as Science Fiction doesn’t. So in no way will Science Fiction ever be the same as Fantasy. .....

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Lord Of The Flies Themes
Number of words: 1872 - Number of pages: 7

.... when he was not made chief, and probably resented the fact that Ralph, who was smaller than him, had control of the group but Jack still had a small part of authority over the choir and most of the children that were smaller than him. This was not enough for him though because as the novel continued he slowly took over and by the end he had everyone in his group (the savages) doing his bidding which included hunting the others down to kill them. One other theme is Ralphs concern for the group and their escape from the island by using the fire. The reason that they were rescued was because .....

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The Roles Of I-330 And O-90
Number of words: 1117 - Number of pages: 5

.... Integral, which will colonize other planets. D-503 spends his time with a woman referred to as O-90, or O. O-90 is D-503’s only girlfriend at the beginning of the story although O has two boyfriends. It is not until later on in the story, when D-503 comes to have another girlfriend, I-330, that his life begins to change drastically. O is important to the story because she represents a woman of the old days. She is in rebellion against the OneState that D-503 loves, although she is too peaceful and naïve to resort to violence. She is described as looking like her name, short, rou .....

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The Pearl 2
Number of words: 451 - Number of pages: 2

.... fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side...He hissed at her like a snake and she stared at him with wide unfrightened eyes, like a sheep before a butcher. (742) Juana saw through the outer beauty of the pearl and knew it would destroy them, but Kino's vision was blurred by the possible prosperity the pearl brought. The malignant evil then spread to a secret cult known only as the trackers. This corrupt band of ruffians attacked and destroyed Kino's life. The very night that the trackers learned of Kino's pearl, they tried to steal it. The next nig .....

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Hamlet, Contrast Between Hamle
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3

.... love for Ophelia. Laertes departing of advice onto Ophelia concerning her relations with Hamlet can be explained as a wish for safety, emotions and virtue which he considers to be at threat by Hamlet, ”But you must fear, his greatness weighed, his will is not his own”. With Hamlet it can be clearly seen in the scene of Ophelia’s funeral where he declares his love for her and his distress of the departure of her soul, “forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make my sum!”. Just before this both Hamlet and Laertes jump in her grave for a scuffle, with .....

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Dealers Of Lighting, Michael H
Number of words: 1094 - Number of pages: 4

.... shared by dozens of researchers. Hiltzik credits Robert W. Taylor, who assembled the PARC team, with changing that. A psychologist, rather than an engineer, Taylor’s vision of the computer as a communications device proved to be a revolutionary idea. He found his chance to realize it when Xerox’s chief scientist Jacob Goldman persuaded his superiors to launch a basic research facility along the line of AT&T’s famed Bell Labs. Xerox management, more interested in marketable products than in pure science, nearly killed the center before it opened. But Taylor gradually built .....

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Shooting An Elephant
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3

.... wild and dangerous towards the people. He seemed to try to convince himself that all animals go through this stage, however he could not face the fact that the people would think of him as a coward. Orwell made it obvious that he did not feel that it was the right thing to do. However he also brought it to the reader’s attention that the reason he did kill the elephant was because he felt he couldn't face the people if he didn't. He says, “To come all that way rifle in hand, with two thousand people marching at my heels, and then to trail feebly away having done nothing̵ .....

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Fear Of Life
Number of words: 387 - Number of pages: 2

.... I let me fears aside and take part in a fantasy only to be interrupted 5 hours later. Unlike some, my dreams are my solitude, I take great pleasure in sleep, a time to relish on the life I may never have, the women I may never have, and the beauty I may never see. Thank you for these dreams. It is slowly killing me. I feel my soul and life falling and receding like my hair, or so I imagine. Another fear of mine, hair loss. Funny how a person can be so vain, and yet he may mean little to the world. Or is it I mean so much, and the world means so little? How can it be explained, you are o .....

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