Leda And The Swan
Number of words: 1942 - Number of pages: 8.... and the powerful wings. These are extraordinary creatures often used to signify love and tenderness. On the surface, they appear tranquil and docile, yet their physical attributes are only a facade for their truly mean spirit. Swans are rather territorial animals who tend to be quite nasty when confronted with an undesirable situation. In “,” the beauty of the swan is skin-deep as well. Despite having the glorious physical attributes of a swan he is also a vicious brute who acts out his male animalistic power over his female prey, demonstrating the raw male and female relat .....
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The Grapes Of Wrath 6
Number of words: 1484 - Number of pages: 6.... stated "Someday we're gonna get all the
jack together and were gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an' a
cow and some pigs." (Roberts, 187). George's dream ran deeper than a love
for farming and independence. The motivation for this dream was not just a
product of the poor state of the country and widespread unemployment,
but it was a dream that could ensure a happy ending for Lennie. George is
anxious to secure his own place so that Lennie can live the type of life where
he can be happy and not be hurt by people who do not understand his simple
ways. George would run the .....
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A Bird Came Down The Walk
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2.... time it still acts cautiously because its natural habitat is in the sky.
And the he drank a Dew
From a convenient Grass–
And then hopped sidewise to the Wall
To let a Beetle pass–
When the bird finally flies away the poem's flow mimics that of a flying bird, very calm and free "And he unrolled his feathers / And rowed him softer home–". She describes a birds flight like rowing in an ocean, but without all the splashing of the oars.
In the first two stanza of the poem she rhymes the second and fourth lines of the quatrain.
A Bird came down the Walk– .....
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My Antonia And Landsacpe
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3.... much greater.” (Internet #2)
Like Jim Burden,Cather found the immigrant pioneers fascinating--their stories, their vitality, their dignity. The land which at first seemed flat and monotonous proved to furnish endless variations on the theme of fertility. “No matter how far she wandered across the globe, she wasalways drawn back to the Nebraska prairies and those best days of her youth which were the first to flee.” (Internet #3)
The West is also a particularly difficult target for the kind of ``country life'' Cather seeks to describe. The first description .....
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Antigone Individual Vs. Laws O
Number of words: 875 - Number of pages: 4.... to shed blood on it's behalf. Within this atmosphere of extreme loyalty, freedom was only enjoyed with the assumption that when the time came, every able bodied man would be willing to fight for his people. Indeed political leaders and local authority figures were usually heroes of war. Creon, the king in "Antigone", states that "Alive or dead, the faithful servant of his country shall be rewarded." This statement exemplifies the values within Greek culture.
As the dictator of Thebes, Creon simply wants to enforce these values of loyalty. He sets the standard of his reign and makes a pub .....
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The Chosen
Number of words: 297 - Number of pages: 2.... starts out in the 1940's, in the Willaimsburg neighborhood of Brookline. Two boy who have grown up within a few blocks of eachother, but live in two entirley different worlds, meet for hte very first time in a bizarre fashion, a baseball game between two Jewish parochial schools that turns into a holy war.
the assailant is a young boy name Danny Saunders, a moody, but brilliant boy who is driven to anger by his pent-up torment, who feels imprisoned by the tradition that destines him to succees his father in an unbroken line of great Hasidic rabbis, while his own intelligence is leading h .....
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Slaughterhouse Five
Number of words: 358 - Number of pages: 2.... after every report of every death. It becomes a mantra of resignation, of acceptance, of a supremely Tralfamadorian philosophy (something we will be introduced to later). But because the phrase is first uttered by Vonnegut writing as Vonnegut, each "So it goes" seems to come directly from the author and from the world outside the fiction of the text.
Chapter One also hints that time will be an important part of the fiction to follow. The author was going around and around in circles trying to create a linear narrative. He felt like he was stuck inside a children's song that continued indefin .....
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The Catcher In The Rye 5
Number of words: 1389 - Number of pages: 6.... he decides that their first impression towards them makes them "likeable".
Although Phoebe Caulfield may be Holden's younger sister, she is someone whom Holden looks up to for support and advice. She is one of the few people he feels great affection for and he talks about her with obvious happiness. Everything that he says of Phoebe is something that brings contentment to him and he becomes gentle and avoids the jokes that usually fill his sentences. Everything he says sounds touching. It is obvious that being with children such as Phoebe makes Holden very happy.
"I sat there on .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Time And Fate
Number of words: 911 - Number of pages: 4.... maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne'er saw true beauty till this night." (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genuine coincidence that Romeo and Juliet were at the same place, at the same time.
Some days after the ball, Benvolio and Mercutio are conversing, in regard to the quarrelsome weather. Benvolio declares, "The day is .....
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Examination Of The Reasons For
Number of words: 1174 - Number of pages: 5.... had been very successful academically:
`I had already taken a course in botany and done very well. I never answered one test question wrong all year.`
Because of her perfectionist attitude, Esther was surprised to hear herself say that she didn't know what her career plans were:
`Usually I had these plans on the tip of my tongue.
"I don't really know", I heard myself say. I felt a deep shock, hearing myself say that, because the minute I said it, I knew it was true.`
She claims that she has `always wanted to learn German` although `the very sight of those dense, black, barbed-wire let .....
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