Things Fall Apart Things Fall
Number of words: 1092 - Number of pages: 4.... Igbo spirituality, as well as the death of the tribe's livelihood. The apparent cause can be found in a seemingly good intended mission acting as a gateway for the intrusion of a foreign government. Also it was its quest to conquer a self-sustaining, prosperous culture. Although the Igbo downfall was caused primarily by the invasion of Christian missionaries, their own religion played a significant role in allowing the initial infiltration of an alien religion. This was the final destruction of a once prosperous culture.
Igbo spirituality weakened in two waves. First, Christianity provided t .....
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The Journey For Freedom
Number of words: 1299 - Number of pages: 5.... was restrained in the house and only let out when properly supervised. When news of her husband’s possible death came, the family and their doctor tried to break the news to her as gently as they could. Little did they know that the death of her husband would be the beginning of her new life. Charlotte in “The Yellow Wallpaper” must deal with the same type of situation but with a different set of obstacles. Charlotte has even less freedom and a larger hunger for such freedom. Her husband, John, keeps her under strict watch and doesn’t let her do anything that wo .....
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A Story About WWF
Number of words: 620 - Number of pages: 3.... exposed head on the cement floor. The force was enough to break his neck. Sting was knocked out from the force of the impact. When he awoke, he was in an ambulance.
"Where am I? Somebody please tell me where I am," Sting pleaded. The paramedic treated him to calm down. "I can't move! I can't move" he would say.
It took about half an hour to Sharp Hospital. Two doctors were waiting for him when he arrived. The immediately took him to the operating room. It was here that Sting found out that he had suffered a broken spine. The doctor ordered an experimental operation. It was a highly dange .....
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Number of words: 396 - Number of pages: 2.... in time that seemed to be lacking excitement The story has a lot of gore that is explained very detailed, especially when Grendel attacks, "Grendel snatched at the first Geat he came to, ripped him apart, cut his body to bits with powerful jaws, drank the blood from his veins and bolted him down..." There is an exaggerated fight near the end that puts good against evil, a cliché ending to medieval action stories. The battle is fought by a superhuman fighter and Grendel a monster from the depths of hell. The story ends with good conquering over evil, which is the standard ending for th .....
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Emily Dickinson 2
Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... set off other people’s poetry titles with quotation marks, but only capitalized the first word in her titles. Many critics believe she did not title most of her poetry because she was not planning on publishing her work. As Socrates said, “the knowledge of things is not devised from names… no man would like to put himself or the education of his mind in the power of names”(Watts 130). Dickinson said that the speaker in all her poems is not herself. She incorporates her emotions, feelings, and hints at the facts about her life although she is not the speaker. Emi .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 2504 - Number of pages: 10.... even worst than Old Ackley. At least Ackley knew that he had a problem, that he need to do something about his face; but Stradlater thought that he was a great guy. He actually thought that there was nothing wrong with never washing his razor. I think that what mad, Holden so made Stradlater was perpetrating in other word being "phony" every time he went out all GQ after using that filthy razor. Another instance is when he calls that girl in New York, Faith Cavendish, that Eddie Birdsell had brought to a dance at Princeton. Anyway he called her and she almost went off until Holden droop .....
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Man Is Innately Good, But Has The Ability To Be Evil
Number of words: 742 - Number of pages: 3.... my face turn red, and that would be the end of
the thought. But I think once in a while everyone thinks something like,
"He would really be embarrassed if I told everyone about that time at camp.
Plus I could get him back," or something like, "She doesn't deserve that.
What if they found out what she did last year." This is not exactly evil
thoughts, but it can quite possibly lead to evil actions.
Prejudice is another form of evil that produces alienation and war. I
have certain prejudices that I carry and I am not very proud of them,
though often my instinct about a person is right. .....
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Writers Block
Number of words: 875 - Number of pages: 4.... Would she posses the same confidence in her work?
Orwell writes “What I have most wonted to do throughout the last ten years is to make political writing in to an art. One can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one’s own personality.” Society dictates what is and is not readable, what is and is not acceptable, what is expected and what are success and or failure. We are all shaped and trapped by the popular opinions of our time. We are not free to indulge in art, literature, or even our daily lives with out the watchful eye of society’s .....
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Shakespear In Love
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... and Juliet.” the rehearsal’s go on while Shakespeare thinks the
young boy is the nephew of the nurse of viola but on a boat ride back to the castle
Shakespeare finds out that the young boy is but the viola who he has fell in love with.
Shakespeare follows her and this is where he sleeps with her. Then for the rest of the
rehearsal’s the two are both knowing that they are in love. But, viola is to be married to a
rich man who has permission of the queen to marry her. Viola is heart broken but, she
goes on with the play. The two make the play “Romeo an .....
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Heart Of Darkness - Colonization
Number of words: 1849 - Number of pages: 7.... they have different themes. The theme of "A Modest Proposal" could be described as the negative effects of colonization on the colonized, while the central idea in "Heart of Darkness" is the negative effects of colonization on both the colonized and the colonizers. The differences in these themes are significant to the strategies used by the authors to explore the adverse effects of colonization. Swift makes great use of irony and imagery, to accentuate the plight of the Irish. Conrad comments on the frightening changes that people involved with colonization can go through by exploring c .....
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