Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 1502 - Number of pages: 6.... and busted, like an old basket"(111). It is apparent Huck is more familar with busted chairs than sound ones, and he appreciates the distinction.
Huck is also more familiar with flawed families than loving, virtuous ones, and he is happy to sing the praises of the people who took him in. Col. Grangerford "was a gentleman all over; and so was his family"(116). The Colonel was kind, well-mannered, quiet and far from frivolish. Everyone wanted to be around him, and he gave Huck confidence. Unlike the drunken Pap, the Colonel dressed well, was clean-shaven and his face had "not a sign of red in .....
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Charachter Analysis Banquo
Number of words: 1128 - Number of pages: 5.... Macbeth honorably killed Macdonwald and how he and Banquo later withstood an attack from the Norwegian King. Duncan sees Banquo and Macbeth as heroes and honorable soldiers. To reward "brave Macbeth"(act 1,sc.ii, 17) Duncan tells Ross to give the traitors former position ("Thane of Cawdor") to Macbeth. Macbeth and Banquo are both valiant soldiers and are nearly equals (their only difference is that Macbeth is credited with killing Macdonwald).
Scene iii is crucial to the rest of the play and to Banquo's role as Macbeth's foil. In this scene, the three witches greet Macbeth and Banquo with .....
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Epic Of Gilgamesh
Number of words: 1649 - Number of pages: 6.... desires more in life. The is a story that we, as people, can relate to. There are similarities between Gilgamesh’s journey and our own journey through life. Some of the texts that will be compared with The , are the Bible, and Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The characters of these stories are all have that burning desire to be successful in life, which we can relate to. These texts span across different time periods and societies illustrating how human nature, particularly the desire to obtain more than one possesses, plays a significant role throughout written and .....
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The Autobiographical Elements In The Works Of Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 1630 - Number of pages: 6.... During those toddler years, Poe found his mother in the last
stages of tuberculosis. Upon her death, he was then separated from his
younger sister, Rosalie. Another major low point in his life was the death
of his foster mother, Mrs. Frances Allan, and his foster father disowning
him, all at one time. The most significant set-back to Edgar Allan Poe was
the death of his cousin/wife Virginia Clemm. This single incident was the
cause of almost all of his feelings of isolation in his in his adulthood.
He felt as though anyone he became close to would die.
Poe wrote about is .....
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The Glass Menagerie Theme
Number of words: 1349 - Number of pages: 5.... left her with a always present "larger than life photograph" (1900) of himself. He also left behind Laura and Tom for her to raise. he left so he could go and "skip the light fantastic" (1900). Amanda knows all of what is going on with her children. She watches her children very closely with every eye movement. There are many times
when it appears that she lives vicarious into her children's lives, making their every move and decision hers too. In doing this all of her children's accomplishments and failures become hers as well. Amanda is also very confused by the lack of "gentleman callers .....
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All Quite On The Western Front
Number of words: 1072 - Number of pages: 4.... company were returned
to the huts behind the lines, Himmelstoss appeared and was insulted by some of the members of Paul's unit, who were then only mildly punished. During a bloody battle, 120 of the men in Paul's unit were killed. Paul was given leave and returned home only to find himself very distant from his family as a
result of the war. He left in agony knowing that his youth was lost forever. Before returning to his unit, Paul spent a little while at a military camp where he viewed a Russian prisoner of war camp with
severe starvation problems and again questioned the values t .....
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Book Report On The Crucible
Number of words: 715 - Number of pages: 3.... Elizabeth only dismisses Abigail from her house. Abigail, on the other hand, wants Elizabeth Proctor to die. Abigail desires to do away with Elizabeth so that she can have her husband, John Proctor. Hysterically, Betty Proctor screams that Abigail, “… drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife” (19). After hushing Betty, Abigail follows by accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft. Elizabeth is taken to jail when Abigail is found with a needle stuck in her stomach and, “… [testifies] that it were [Elizabeth’s] familiar spirit that pushed it in” (74). This is of no avail to Abi .....
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The Times They Are A Changin
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3.... respect and persuasion will be used. The next two lines begin “Don’t” which indicates a stronger will and mind set. “For he that gets hurt/Will be he who is stalled,” illustrates that if there is resistance to young people’s ideas against the war in Vietnam, the idea of free love and the distaste for accepted social structures, that peace may not be an option. Dylan goes as far as to say “There’s a battle outside/And its ragin/it’ll soon shake your windows/and rattle your walls.” These stanzas are not literal in the sense o .....
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The Role Of Fate In Oedipus Th
Number of words: 597 - Number of pages: 3.... outlined even before he was born. The Greeks believed in fate and running away from fate is a big no-no. The townspeople (chorus) stated:
Destiny guide me always, Destiny find me filled with reverence pure in word and deed. Great laws tower above us, reared on high born for the brilliant vault of heaven.
The great laws signify a great chain of command, if you will. Oedipus has upset that great chain of command by his blatant attempt to defy his fate.
Oedipus was more of a victim of fate rather then a participator. After the climax in which Oedipus learned of his deeds, he exclaimed .....
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Miracle Worker
Number of words: 1079 - Number of pages: 4.... a woman widely known for her struggle against blindness and deafness.
This play gives the reader an insight of Helen’s everyday hardships and quality of life. It provides a true understanding of the doubts and low expectations held by the people around her, and helps you to really appreciate her remarkable achievements.
The play opens with Helen as a seemingly healthy infant, but little time passes before a dreadful discovery is made. After Helen is diagnosed as deaf and blind, her parents seek all available medical advice in the hopes of a miracle or cure. In the beginning of the story, .....
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