Modest Proposal
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... For instance, poor tenants would have something of value which could help them pay rent and also it would greatly increase the sales at taverns where the cooks would strive to find the best recipes for their new delicacy. Finally it would be a great advantage to those getting married, where as they could sell their children for profit ( with the children’s best interest in mind, of course). Swift has a very logical approach to dealing with the poor and starving. If they were to be eaten it would get rid of the problem and also create new opportunities for others in the communit .....
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Everyone Has Dreams, But To Carry Them Out Is The American Dream
Number of words: 1137 - Number of pages: 5.... of the
American Dream. My father has these qualities.
My father came to the United States when he was a young child and
was raised in a one bedroom apartment that he shared with his parents and
brother. Still he had a dream, the American Dream, to own his own business.
This dream for him came about when he was a young boy and read the book
The Rothschilds, by Frederic Morton. In this book he read about a family
that came from nothing and built up a fortune through hard work
perseverance and most of all ambition. It was this yearning to carry out
their dream that motivated the Rothschi .....
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Sense And Sensibility
Number of words: 808 - Number of pages: 3.... Elinor. Passionate in her opinions and certain of their morality, Marianne lacks prudence and relies on instinct, typical values of the Romantic Movement. Elinor’s sense, on the other hand, reflects “the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries which had advocated a commitment to reason and considered and other source of conviction irrational.”
Marianne, says of love, "To love is to burn.", and Elinor says: "I do not attempt to deny I think very highly of him." However both characters manage to find love in a culture that limits communication to talk of the weather and .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 1341 - Number of pages: 5.... Caulfield, a teenager growing up in 1950’s, New York, has been expelled from school for poor achievement once again. In an attempt to deal with this he leaves school a few days prior to the end of term, and goes to New York to take a vacation before returning to his parents’ inevitable irritation. Told as a monologue, the book describe Holden’s thoughts and activities over these few days, during which he describes a developing nervous breakdown. This was evident by his bouts of unexplained depression, impetuous spending and generally odd, erratic behavior, prior to his eventual nervo .....
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Orestes An Innocent Hero
Number of words: 1128 - Number of pages: 5.... of “The Oresteia,” better known as “Agamemnon,” Cassandra, who has been cursed by Apollo to be a seer who will never be believed, envisions the death of Agamemnon and herself. It is in this vision that she sees an avenger who will come about and bring justice to the murdered victims, “ We will die, but not without some honor from the gods. There will come another to avenge us, born to kill his mother, born his father’s champion. The gods have sworn a monumental oath: as his father lies upon the ground he draws him home with power like a prayer.” .....
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Wilfred Owen Poems Analysis
Number of words: 3356 - Number of pages: 13.... going to the battle front. The usage of 'gay' has been applied to convey the device oxymoron, although the men are anxious about departure for war, they still try to show cheerfulness. Owen progresses further ahead into the poem and introduces people watching the men departure. "A casual tramp, stood staring hard.", the indication we get from this line is that other individuals who have not entered to fight in war are the 'ones' better off than the soldiers. The tramp is described "staring hard", he must have been thinking at the back of his mind, I am lucky that I am not rising my life to .....
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The Glass Meangere
Number of words: 2009 - Number of pages: 8.... outline a struggle between the moral values of non-conformists, who are outcasts because they can not, or will not, conform to the values of the dominant culture, and of conformists, who represent that culture. The outcast characters in Tennessee Williams's major plays do not suffer because of the actions or circumstances that make them outcast but because of the destructive impact of conventional morality upon them. The outcasts are driven, in the conflict between their values and those of conventional morality, to: 1) confess their transgressions against conventional morality, and 2) suffe .....
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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sing
Number of words: 2248 - Number of pages: 9.... on which they base their writing. One of the examples she used was the oral tradition of many African tribes which led to the adoption of the parable as a means of passing along information. Parable and storytelling became a teaching tool to pass along cultural and moral values from generation to generation. The slave experience in America transformed the oral tradition but did not destroy it, as African-American slaves adapted the old stories and developed new ones to fit in with the Christian religion to which they were being converted. The legacies of the pre-literate (oral) traditi .....
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Excellence Is Your Best Weapon For Fighting Racism
Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... everyone is time. There is the same
number of hours in the day for all of us. How you use these hours is your choice.
You can use them on the playground or you can use them to play the books.
Playing on the playground might give you some hours of immediate enjoyment, but
playing the books will give you long-term gratification.
African Americans and other minorities can no longer use the excuses of being
poor or living in a bad neighborhood or small town to keep us from achieving
excellence through education. In some cases, the poorer you are the more
educational opportunities that are avai .....
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Hamlets Madness
Number of words: 1778 - Number of pages: 7.... not, with all their quantity of love,/ Make up my sum" [Act V, scene I, lines 250-253], during the fight with Laertes in Ophelia's grave, but he tells her that he never loved her, when she returns his letters and gifts, while she was still alive. Hamlet subtly hints his awareness of his dissolving sanity as he tells Laertes that he killed Polonius in a fit of madness [Act V, scene II, lines 236-250] Once Ophelia meets Hamlet and speaks with him her love abandons him. Hamlet realizes that his mother and step father are aware of this love and might use this to end his threat. Hamlet mu .....
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