I Am The Cheese
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3.... a pro wrestler and dyed his hair to look like Billy Graham. He started working for regional promotions down South then moved around into all different territories in the United States. Then Vince McMahon lured him to the WWF up north. A few months after Jesse went with the WWF most of the regional promotions were put out of business by the WWF. The end of Jesse's career came soon after he was hospitalized with pulmonary emboli. After that Vince McMahon asked Jesse to be the first heel(bad guy) commentator in wrestling to take the side of all the heels in the matches. The end of Vent .....
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Number of words: 1568 - Number of pages: 6.... The overwhelming theme that is presented throughout the story is optimism. Out of every unfortunate situation in the story, Candide, the main character, is advised by his philosopher-teacher that everything in the world happens for the best, because "Private misfortunes contribute to the general good, so that the more private misfortunes there are, the more we find that all is well" (Voltaire 16). Pangloss, the philosopher, states that everything has a purpose and things are made for the best. As Candide grows up, whenever something unfortunate happens, Pangloss turns the situation arou .....
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Writing With Mechanics
Number of words: 568 - Number of pages: 3.... wall was open just a crack; from the crack came this tiny pinpoint of reflected light to prick the cellar's gloom…She went toward it like a woman hypnotized…her old trunk had held the curled-up body of a woman." Thus, the readers can relate to the character's feelings of fear and anticipation making them more drawn to the story and its outcome.
Making the difference between whether or not a piece of literature makes an impact on the reader, a main factor is wording, also known as, diction. The idea that one perceives from a situation in a story depends on the word choice. For inst .....
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Ghost House - Compared To 4 Other Poems
Number of words: 1621 - Number of pages: 6.... paper. Then the piece of dirt starts moving, as he sees what he believes to be a dot on the paper but really to be a mite. The old man then starts to think about the value of life. The theme of the poem is that there is no such thing as an insignificant speck. Everything and everyone has a purpose for being here. This poem is filled with alliteration. Some examples I found are: cunning crept, tenderer-than-thou, and breathing blown (Silberner 98). Mind is repeated three times in the final stanza. Also there were two instances in which Frost used assonance room for and living mite. The rhyme .....
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Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... is an element of human nature that is found
in the interpretations of this story that I read. The miller, The king and
Rumpelstiltskin all exploit the girl (Esmeralda) in different ways for
personal gain. She too uses them, as well as others around her to gain what
she wants.
The miller, in both versions tells people that his daughter has a
wonderful ability to make gold from straw so that he can become a rich man.
"It happened one day that that he came to speak with the king, and, to give
himself consequence, he told him that he had a daughter who could spin gold
out of straw" (G .....
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The Chosen By Chaim Potok
Number of words: 883 - Number of pages: 4.... father support for the creation of a Jewish state, Danny's father, who thinks a Jewish state can only be created when the Messiah comes, forbids Danny to speak to Reuven. This goes on for a while before Danny's father accepts that a Jewish states is in the best interest of Jews everywhere and allows them to be friends again.
In an emotional lecture, Danny's father finally acknowledges Danny's dream and allows him to pursue a career of being a psychologist.
B. Thematic Discussion
In The Chosen, Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders form a deep, if unlikely, friendship. .....
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Johnny Got His Gunn
Number of words: 1257 - Number of pages: 5.... that the only thing left was a living stump. He could not see, eat, breath, smell, touch, or walk. Only in that state can a person really appreciates life. Johnny got his gun to fight for a cause, but what was that cause? Was he fighting to make the world safe for democracy, was he fighting for glory, for honor, for patriotism? He was used just like many other foolish young and old men who went to fight. They did not really understand what war was all about until they saw the guts of they guy they lived next to their entire childhood spilled across the muddy trenches. Using Johnny and his .....
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An American Tragedy: Comparing "The Crucible" And "The Scarlet Letter"
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... to convey his contempt for Puritanism. He
was a man preoccupied with the hidden sin which is illustrated in not only
the Scarlet Letter, but also in The Minister's Black Veil. One might even
say that Hawthorne's ancestry (Hathorne) is what he might consider his own
"Pearl", and this is why he changed his name.
Like Miller's the Crucible, The Scarlet Letter takes place in
Puritan Salem and has a tragic hero, but these are the only similarities
between the two great works.
In Miller's play, the tragic hero is John Proctor, a man whose
pride causes the demise of many women, tri .....
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Crime And Punishment And Othello: Comparison And Contrast Essay
Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2.... Raskolnikov's confession to the police and his subsequent sentencing
to Siberia. Raskolnikov is obviously unbalanced if he can detachedly
hypothesize about his confession. Similarly, Desdemona's willow song
foreshadows her own death. In this way we realize Othello must be extremely
unbalanced if his wife can foresee her own death when they are still newly wed.
Both foreshadowed events would usually be considered as negative. The main
difference is that while Raskolnikov's imprisonment is temporary, Desdemona's
death is permanent.
The interesting thing about both foreshadowed events is th .....
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Analysis Of The Astronomer's Wife
Number of words: 777 - Number of pages: 3.... that match her own (such as
blond hair), and she is talking to him as he descends into the earth. The scene
begins immediately after the plumber says "I think something has stopped the
elbow", because this phrase was one of the few things that a man has ever said
that Mrs. Ames has understood. After the plumber has descended into the ground
before the scene, Mrs. Ames is the only one left. She spends the entire
duration of this scene sitting on the grass, silently thinking and revealing her
thoughts to the audience.
During her course of thinking, Mrs. Ames makes the important dis .....
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