Number of words: 2012 - Number of pages: 8.... to blame the woman, my sister says. In general men don’t take responsibility for their actions. Michealangelo has portrayed all this on the Sistienth Chapel. He has painted a picture that is portraying God punishing Adam for eating the apple. In this painting Adam loses his masculine image by pointing to Eve and blaming her for the problems that were caused by eating the apple.
Men threw out history have always been perceived as strong, powerful, heroic beings. Men are depicted as fighters, providers, and of course first class citizens. While woman on the other hand have .....
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Native Son By Richard Wright
Number of words: 1473 - Number of pages: 6.... both of the brutal murders not in rage or anger, but as a reaction to fear. His typical fear stems from being caught in the act of doing something socially unacceptable and being the subject of punishment. Although he later admits to Max that Mary Dalton's behavior toward him made him hate her, it is not hate which causes him to smother her to death, but a feeble attempt to evade the detection of her mother. The fear of being caught with a white woman overwhelmed his common sense and dictated his actions. When he attempted to murder Bessie, his motivation came from intense fear of the c .....
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The Chosen, By Chaim Potok
Number of words: 1151 - Number of pages: 5.... the son of a very devoted Hasidic Jewish tzaddik. However, Danny is not a very enthusiastic Hasid. He has earlocks, grows a beard, and wears the traditional Hasidic outfit, but he doesn't have the reverence for it that he should. Danny is a genius. His religion forbids him to read literature from the outside world, so he struggles with his thirst for knowledge and the restraints that have been put on him by both his father and his religion. He lives with his father, mother, older sister, and younger brother in Brooklyn as well.
The first antagonist is Danny. He and Reuven had many dif .....
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"The Attitude Of Fiction," "The Necklace," And "The Story Of An Hour": The Super Ego
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... breath: free, free, free."(Chopin341) She was starting to feel good about herself again.
"But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome."(Chopin341) She is starting to build her ego by planning her life by herself, so it will be great again. She sees this big dream through her super ego. She was not going to let anything stop her, until suddenly her husband walked through the door. Her dreams, and her ego are not so good anymore, and she dies from a broken heart.
In .....
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Fahrenheit51 4
Number of words: 837 - Number of pages: 4.... He is a brave individual who decides to rebel against society. Montag meets a crazy and imaginative seventeen-year old girl named Clarisse McClellan. She tells him of a time when firemen used to put out fires instead of making them. After that, Montag and the other firemen burn a house filled with books and burn its owner. "They crashed the front door and grabbed at a women, though she was not running , she was not trying to escape." (38). This incident makes Montag start to think that there is something important and valuable in those books, for a woman to stay and burn with them. Mont .....
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Reading Provides An Escape For
Number of words: 1497 - Number of pages: 6.... based
increasingly as the novel progresses on her fantasies. The lechery to
which she falls victim is a product of the debilitating adventures her
mind takes. These adventures are feed by the novels that she reads.
They were filled with love affairs, lovers, mistresses,
persecuted ladies fainting in lonely country houses, postriders killed
at every relay, horses ridden to death on every page, dark forests,
palpitating hearts, vows, sobs, tears and kisses, skiffs in the
moonlight, nightingales in thickets, and gentlemen brave as lions
gentle as lambs, virtuous .....
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Red Badge Of Currage
Number of words: 382 - Number of pages: 2.... moral inspiration he gave the regiment. True to his
character Jim dies a quiet and peaceful death not
distributing any of the regiment.
Wilson represents the two sides of human nature. In
the beginning of the book Wilson is a mean tough guy that no
one liked. This outward act of being tuff is just a cover
of the true nature of Wilson. It is natural for people to
cover their true nature in front of new faces. Towards the
end of the book Wilson starts to care about Henry. hen Henry
is injured and he doesn't try and fight the other men
anymore. True to human nature once tim .....
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Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress
Number of words: 927 - Number of pages: 4.... This theme relates to all aspects of life, not just sex.
The rhyme scheme follows a standard AA, BB, CC, etc., couplet pattern. A few of the lines are irregular however. Lines 23 and 24 rhyme “lie” with “eternity,” and lines 27 and 28 rhyme “try” with “virginity.” It is interesting to not that lie rhymes with try, just as eternity rhymes with virginity. Marvell used this technique to change up the systemic flow of the rest of the poem. By highlighting these two couplets, the symbolism of those lines strikes the reader with greater impact than the rest of the poem. Imag .....
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The Minister's Black Veil
Number of words: 650 - Number of pages: 3.... world with his face because he doesn't want them to see him and look in his eyes and be able to tell that he is hiding something that he doesn't want anyone to know about. Even his fiancé tries to get him to remove the horrid veil and he said he would when the hour is to come. He knows that everyone else should be wearing a black veil because they are all hiding their secret sin as well. Mr. Hooper feels that his secret sin is a very evil thing and he doesn't want anyone else to know about it.
The people in his congregation don't understand why he has to cover his face like that and they .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... and experiences. He wrote several best-sellers including: All Quiet On The Western Front, Arch of Triumph, and The Black Obelisk.
Plot Summery Of: All Quiet On The Western Front
All Quiet On The Western Front is a record of seven school chums that all enlist in the German Army after being urged by their school master Kantorek. These poor youth are forced to endure the debilitating effects of World War I, and represent the generation of men that were torn from youthfulness and serenity to face a world of survival horror. They become remnants of Europe’s degenerate yout .....
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