Contact---fiction Story
Number of words: 1418 - Number of pages: 6.... it was not a cave anymore.
-So this is the place –said John
-Yeah, look at this polished walls.
-Aha and I’m sure it was not done by water.
-Yeah that’s for sure-said Mike with a little excitement in his voice, and added-I worked on similar projects many times and I saw many kinds of caves with really weird shapes, but never like this one.
-It’s, it’s just that it is so symmetric-added John
The cave was very large and they had to bring flashlights because they couldn’t see a thing. In the middle of “the room” John found big object that .....
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Capitalism In Mass Media
Number of words: 1448 - Number of pages: 6.... Internet relationship and as rival business owners. As the outcome is reached, we understand that competition and technology are not important to the relationship, when the two meet. It is the emotions (such as love) that overcome any capitalist values that may have affected what was in each characters best interest. In this case, the attention is drawn away from the business aspect of the relationship as if it were the focus; capitalism would be portrayed in a negative light.
The film is aimed at 20-35 yr old females, using unrealistic visions of a compassionate world, where financial profit .....
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Hawkeyes Character Profile
Number of words: 874 - Number of pages: 4.... youth. His person, though muscular, was rather attenuated than full; but every nerve and muscle appeared strung and indurated by unremitted exposure and toil." He has no cross in his heart, and does not believe in a Christian God proved when he shoots at the Huron Indians and bellows "Come on ye bloody-minded hellhounds! Ye meet a man without a cross. Bumppo is dressed in a divergent way, wearing an old frontiersman hunting shirt, which contrasts his natively fashioned moccasins, knife in a girdle of wampum, and buckskin leggings that laced at the side. His subconscious attentiveness gai .....
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The Way A Man Breaks The Bonds
Number of words: 1366 - Number of pages: 5.... average guy, in an average city, with an average wife. Montag thought:
"It…[is]…a pleasure to burn, to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. With the brass nozzle in…[my]…fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in…[my]…head" (3)
He thought all there is to life, is TV and burning books. He liked to speed around at upwards of 300 mph, just like everyone else, hoping to hit an animal or a person, just for fun. He believed everything that was fed to him. But he changed.
TV walls are a tech .....
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The Things They Carried
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... summary:
(1) A group of soldiers march in the rough terrain of Vietnam, each carrying something they love. Some soldiers carried pictures, while others carried good luck charms. (2) The soldiers arrive at a dark tunnel. As active soldiers are, they investigate the tunnel looking for their opposition. (3) As one of the soldiers exit the tunnel, he gets shot in the head causing warfare to erupt. (4) Jimmy Cross decides to burn the city down, leaving nothing behind. (5) As soldiers wait for a jet to take them home, they remise about the frightening experience of what just occurred. .....
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The Masque Of Red Death
Number of words: 365 - Number of pages: 2.... pendulum swung with a dull heavy activities clang." All activities ceased with the sound of each hour. Everything stooped as if dead. “ But when the echoes had full ceased, a light laughter at once pervaded the assembly…..”
The first 6 rooms crowed unlike the 7th, until the clock struck midnight. Everything ceased like before until the last echo of the clock sounded. Many people became aware of the masked figure. “There arose a length from the whole company." First surprise then horror to this figure. When the eyes of Prince Prospero saw him he did not know what to .....
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On Social Classes In Pride And
Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... only man that made a proposal was Collins, therefore she had to say yes.
Mrs. Bennet, the mother of Eliza, always hurriedly rushes about to get her daughters married. Her haste is understandable, partly, because, the Bennet family has no male heir, therefore any daughters left unmarried will be thrust into poverty upon their father’s death. However, most of her rushing seems nothing more than the nagging, useless bickering of a gossiping old biddy.
Mr. Bingley seems not to be a victim per se, but the people around him and their superficial motives tend to cause him harm. His sister, .....
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Escape Towards Death
Number of words: 1578 - Number of pages: 6.... whose life revolved around her emotions and the positive, happy side of
life. A vain and spoiled person from her birth, Hagar never knew the problems of racism and poverty as other people in her small, midwestern
town knew and felt. Hagar's life was completely devoted to Milkman, her cousin and lover. "He is my home in this world." (pg. 137) Her
happiness, Milkman, would ultimately be her depression as "Ecclesiasties" finally turned her success into failure, though Hagar exaggerated the
loss and apparently was not aware of the Biblical promise that her life would eventually regain confi .....
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Julius Caesar - Brutus Character Analysis
Number of words: 841 - Number of pages: 4.... him to "climber-upward...He then unto the ladder turns his back..."(act 2, scene 1, ll.24,26). As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar's death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome..."(act 3, scene 1, ll.185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their(members of the conspiracy) hearts, which are full of pity. Again, this shows how Brutus loved Caesar but cared for the life of Rome and its .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 1839 - Number of pages: 7.... society. Clement Eaton says that
"the Creoles, to a greater degree then Anglo-Americans, lived a life of sensation and careless enjoyment. They loved to dance, gamble, fish, attend feasts, play on the fiddle and to live without much thought of the morrow." Eaton 252
Creoles were very lively outgoing people because of their comfortable tight society. Activities such as Mardi Gras and Sunday afternoon Mass holiday spirits contribute the liveliness of these people (Walker 252). A large reason for their comfort and "live for the m .....
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