The English Patient
Number of words: 330 - Number of pages: 2.... Patient'' searches for
answers that will answer nothing. the famous novel
by Michael Ondaatje circles down through layers of mystery until all of the puzzles in the
story have been solved, and only the great wound of a doomed love remains.
attention to fragments of memory that evoke feelings even before we understand what
they mean.
Also, as its grand contrapuntal themes of fidelity and betrayal, of death and
rebirth, play themselves out, a fierce longing for a moral order emerges as well. Michael
Ondaatje's novel amasses hypnotic power and tremendous cumulative impact, suggesting,
in its .....
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An Analysis Of Orwell's "Shooting An Elephant"
Number of words: 763 - Number of pages: 3.... For different reasons people are looked to as leaders, sometimes
because of their race, ethnicity, or heritage. In this case, Orwell was
pictured as a leader because he was British and he worked for the British Empire.
Readers are able to relate to the fact that he does not want to be humiliated
in front of the Burmese. He declares, “Every white man's life in the East, was
one long struggle not to be laughed at” (101). Orwell compares the elephant to
the huge British Empire, and just as the elephant has lost control, he feels
that when the white man turns tyrant it is his own fr .....
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The Great Gatsby 3
Number of words: 670 - Number of pages: 3.... reveals her impertinence most is that she thought she would succeed in the first place, giving up all her morals for the wealthy.
Undoubtedly, Tom and Daisy Buchanan exceedingly demonstrate the wealthy class’s lack of integrity. Their lives are filled with material comforts and luxuries and completely empty of true purpose. Daisy’s lament is especially indicative of this:
“What’ll we do with ourselves this afternoon? And the day after that? And the next thirty years?”
Daisy also exhibits her shallowness when she is too restless to wait for her ‘love’ .....
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The Rms Titanic
Number of words: 1473 - Number of pages: 6.... the plans for two very large ships, the Olympic and the Titanic. The two ships were almost identical in size, but the Titanic was some 1,000 gross tons larger, due to the more extensive and elaborate interior furnishings. (Gary's Titanic Page) The hull of the Titanic was finished and launched on
May 31, 1911, but it would take another year to complete. With a total of nine decks, the Titanic was divided somewhat by social classes. Each class, first, second, and third, had two decks for themselves that were separated from the other classes. The first and second class passengers als .....
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Les Miserables - How Society A
Number of words: 818 - Number of pages: 3.... silver, he wasn't mad, but offered all of his silver to Valjean saying, "Don't forget that you promised me to use this silver to become an honest man." Thénardier, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of the bishop. He represents the corruptive nature of society. He's the one that changes people for the bad. An example of how Thénardier represents greed and evil is how he mistreated Cosette when he was taking care of her. He made her wash and clean, while letting his kids run around and play. Thénardier took advantage of Cosette's mother, Fantine. He kept on asking her for more money .....
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What Have You Been Doing Latel
Number of words: 363 - Number of pages: 2.... a bridge strands her on the shore of the large body of water in the first section, while in the second section, she pays a fare and rides a boat across.
This trend does not hold to be entirely true throughout the two sections. Although the narrator is much more active in the second section, one of the most stunning scenes in part one is when the narrator asks "what's down there?" and purposely throws herself into a hole. Not only does she throw herself in, but she reverses herself. Tying in with my reading of the story as a dream, I would identify this is an example of lucid dreaming; the ab .....
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The Iron Heel
Number of words: 805 - Number of pages: 3.... I'm not saying this wont help, but its what he should be shooting at. I admire him at his work but like I said, no one man can effect a populating class of millions.
Before I go into my opinion on his actions and consequences, I would like to give you an overview of the book.
Ernest Everhard is highly educated young man with a vision. He wants the upper class to experience what the workers go through everyday. With his brilliant wit and first hand experience, he triumphs past hundreds of debates and analysis's for a personal "high." He doesn't do this for himself but for the people of cour .....
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Walt Whitmen
Number of words: 2063 - Number of pages: 8.... a section of poems
in Leaves of Grass is a section talking about love and
friendship. Poems in Calamus have been put in and taken out
through the years with the revisions of the book. Two poems
that can be found in Calamus today are “I Saw in Louisiana a
Live-Oak Growing” and “To a Stranger.” These two poems have
not been Calamus together since the beginning of the book,
but now they are together and very similar.
Since love and friendship are two major aspects that
Whitman was looking for in life. He wrote many poems on
those topics alone. Calamus is group of poems that explain .....
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The Scarlet Letter 7
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynne’s forhead…She may cover it (the scarlet letter) with a brooch, or such like heathenish adornment, and so walk the streets as brave as ever (pg. 53)!”
Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale shows truth by his occupation. People living in Boston, Massachusetts looked up to and respected Dimmesdale because he was a minister. One of his sins was his inability to publicly acknowledge that he committed adultery with Hester and that he is the father of Pearl, Hester’s daughter. However, adultery was not his biggest sin. His biggest sin is hy .....
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Great Expectations & Oliver Tw
Number of words: 1604 - Number of pages: 6.... abuse. For example, while suffering from starvation
and malnutrition for a long period of time, Oliver was chosen by the
other boys at the orphanage to request more gruel at dinner one night.
After making this simple request, "the master (at the orphanage) aimed
a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and
shrieked aloud for the beadle."3
The whole beginning of Oliver Twist's story was created from
memories which related to Charles Dickens' childhood in a blacking
factory ( which was overshadowed by the Marshalsea Prison ).4 Whil .....
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