Antigone 9
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... mourned throughout the city. The death of Eteocles and Polynices spurred Creon's rite to the throne. He insisted that the body of Polynices lay to rot for all the city to see. Antigone, being his sister, couldn't stand to see this happen. She went and did her best to cover her brothers body. She got caught while doing this. She then was brought before her uncle the king. She denied nothing, and was pround to admit to the crime. Her stubborn uncle insisted that she pay the price for her crime. He took her to a rocky vault and walled her inside where she was to die for her crime. When .....
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Native American Literature
Number of words: 707 - Number of pages: 3.... world was created and how life began. Each Manito, which is a god of evil or good creations, is what the Delaware felt created life and its methods. The actual writing of the myth is in short descriptive phrases, leaving out any unnecessary words or clauses. It speaks as if Earth and Nature are people, a part of their kin. The Delaware use detailed characteristics to describe the universe that surrounds them. They speak of only subjects that are important to them and deeply express their thoughts. The Delaware Native Americans were ones who saw Earth and nature as interesting aspects on whic .....
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Phyllis Wheatley
Number of words: 1434 - Number of pages: 6.... them possession, yet
places responsibility in the hands of a higher force. And in that, they are hoping to find freedom in
knowing that their lives are less empty and without direction.
It may seem that we can hardly relate the televangelist audience of the 20th Century to
poetic views on Christianity of the 18th Century, but surprisingly, there lies many similarities
between the two.. Both Anne Bradstreet and Phyllis Wheatley appeal to Christianity after their
own personal tragedies. These women, like the many viewers who watch Church-TV everyday, have
lost everything and .....
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Taming Of The Shrew
Number of words: 568 - Number of pages: 3.... and exploits Kate’s character in order to change her outward actions. Although Peturicho does not want to change Kate’s inward thoughts, he does not want to break her spirit. The greatest example can be quoted below.
Petruchio says, "Thy gown? Why, aye. Come, tailor, let us see't. / O mercy, God! What masquing stuff is here? / What's this? A sleeve? Tis like a demi-cannon. / What, up and down, carved like an apple tart? / Here's snip and nip and cut and slish and slash, Like to a censer in a barber's shop." (4.3.86-92)
Petruciho uses the beautiful go .....
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Why Are All The Black Kids Sit
Number of words: 1298 - Number of pages: 5.... the mirror in which we see ourselves. (tatum pp18) “The parts of our identity that do capture our attention are those that other people notice, and that reflects back to us.” (Tatum pp21) What she means by this is that what other people tell us we are like is what we believe. If you are told you are stupid enough you might start to question your intelligence. When people are searching for their identity normally the questions “who am I now?” “Who was I before?” and “who will I become” are the first that come to mind. When a person starts to .....
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The Tempest - Bringing It All
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... Prospero has said is very nice cute, but the most interesting part of this monologue is what Shakespeare himself is saying. "Now that my charms are all o'erthrown, and what strength I have's mine own" means, now my plays are over, and it's no longer my characters speaking. The "Island" or stage Shakespeare is on is now "bare" and it is time for "you" the audience to release Shakespeare and his actors from this play with the "help of [y]our good hands." Shakespeare was not only being released for the performance of the play, he was being release from his career as a playwright. But there are .....
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The Scarlet Ibis
Number of words: 424 - Number of pages: 2.... running through the forest and climbing trees. Chances are that she would be more into picking wildflowers and feeding the squirrels. There are rare occasions where you will find a real special brother-sister relationship, especially at the age Doodle and his brother were at. Younger children often play with other kids of the same gender and thinks the opposite sex has \"kuddies.\" The two children would be at a vulnerable age to risk a close relationship. Close brother and sister relationships don\'t usually evolve until the mid teenage years. For example I have two older sisters that .....
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Oedipus The King - Compared To Things Fall Apart
Number of words: 2100 - Number of pages: 8.... family. He began acting and singing early, and her served as a choral leader in the celebrations for the defeat of the Persians at Marathon in 480 B.C.E." (Sophocles 906). He was a very famous author in the around in ancient time: "Because of his dramatic and public achievements, he was venerated during his
lifetime, and after his death in 406-405 B.C.E., a cult was established in his honor" (Sophocles 906). The author of "Things Fall Apart", Chinua Achebe, "was born the son of Isaiah Okafo" (Culross Online). "He married Chrisitie Chinwe Okoli, and now has four children: Chinel .....
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Comparison Of Augustus And Beo
Number of words: 2663 - Number of pages: 10.... As a man who thought as himself as a courageous man, Augustus was filled with pride while accomplishing all that he did. He remained true to his units and they thought too thought of their leader as a great leader and hero. Some might say he was the best they ever had. All of these characteristics can be seen through the eyes of those who lived during his time. An intelligent leader was what they saw. Augustus too saw these qualities in himself as well. He was not a boastful man, however leadership qualities such as his were hard to ignore.
Emperor Augustus of Rome was born with the .....
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Aunt Rosanas Rocker-hispanic-a
Number of words: 1775 - Number of pages: 7.... not directly talk about
the different roles they play, but it can be seen and
understood through the events that take place and through
the way the characters act.
Castro, who is one of the main characters of the story
is married to Zoraida. Zoraida’s husband, Castro, is the
head of the family and is the one who is working and
supporting the family. “He had even considered sleeping on
the living room couch, but he would not be driven out of his
own bed. He was still a man after all, a macho, master of
his home, someone to be reckoned with, not be pushed out.R .....
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