Contrast In Do Not Weep, Maiden, For War Is Kind
Number of words: 410 - Number of pages: 2.... phrase "war is kind" is mentioned several times throught out the poem, which is not what most people would use to describe the war. That is probably the reason that the certain phrase was used. By saying that war is kind, it made the reader think, really think, about why would Crane use that phrase about the war. The reader then would figure out that the war wasn't kind, and think of reasons why it wasn't kind. That wouldn't have happened if Crane had stated that the war is not kind in the first place. By using a phrase that isn't usually one that describes the war, it involves a de .....
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Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison
Number of words: 1251 - Number of pages: 5.... in the Brotherhood, he meets Brother Tarp and Brother Tod Clifton who give him a chain link and a paper doll, respectively. I choose to write about these items because they are symbolic of his struggle in his community fighting for the black people and of his struggle within himself searching for identity.
The narrator works hard for the Brotherhood and his efforts are rewarded by being distinguished as the representative of the Harlem district. One of the first people he meets is Brother Tarp, a veteran worker in the Harlem district, who gives the narrator the chain link he broke nineteen y .....
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Analysis Of Mark Strands Keepi
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... narrator’s viewpoint towards life in this poem is quite different from how most people see it. Where he writes, “In a field / I am the absence / of field.” (ll. 1-3) instead of acknowledging his existence as something, he regards it as a lack of something. This negativity towards himself is what the entire poem is focused on.
He uses the idea that when his body enters an area the parts of that area are momentarily interrupted and are forced around him, just waiting to return back to normal once he leaves: “When I walk / I part the air / and always / the air moves .....
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Barn Burning 2
Number of words: 512 - Number of pages: 2.... he is older and is remembering things of his past. Switching between first and third person shows that the choice he made greatly affected him.
The way the characters are portrayed remarkably depicts Faulkner’s theme. The two conflicting characters are described in similar ways to show their differences. Abner is described by how people see and think about him. From the beginning his character is clearly depicted by the way people shout at him in the small, southern courthouse for burning barns. The story shows us he enjoys to burn barns and he feels no remorse in doing so. Sar .....
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How Can We Achieve Clarity Through Writing?
Number of words: 623 - Number of pages: 3.... by looking deeper into other people’s opinions, not just the single sided judgments that I had. The transformation that I went through created a greater worth of the words I wrote in my papers, and helped to make sense of all the issues addressed, not just one of them.
Only by looking at both sides of a story, we can achieve clarity in our writing. When we only take one view or stance to persuade an audience, we are caught up in our perspective and don’t take the time to get both of the views. Only one principle is being contested, leaving an empty space where the other vision shoul .....
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Great Expectatons
Number of words: 306 - Number of pages: 2.... Joe's house(chapter 4) where Pip says "I was not allowed to speak"(pg.25) when at a table surrounded by adults. The period in which this is written, assumes that one must become old before one has an opinion. I feel that "children should be seen and not heard," could be relevant to modern day society if it were changed to "people who are ignorant to the situation at hand should be see and not heard". If a person of any age is not well informed of a situation which they take a strong stand on, their opinions are just as irrelevant as those of small children who are equally uninformed. .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Human Actions
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... she comes to the Friar looking for help. "I long to die, if what thou speak'st speak not of remedy" (Act 4, sc i, ll 66-67) is her attitude towards her situation. She then accepts the friar's solution and decides to take the poison. "Give me, give me! Oh tell me not of fear" (Act 4, sc 1, ll 121) are her words spoken to the friar. Her actions here are to be brave and to rush into the plan. Her actions are more important than the friars in this scene because she has all the control. The friars actions are mostly suggestions and thoughts while her actions are the ones that are physi .....
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Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... revenge on his wedding night. Later another of his friends turns up dead. Victor still made plans to marry Elizabeth with whom he was raised. On their wedding night she is strangled by the monster. He follows the monster pledging to destroy it. The story leads to where he is taken aboard the ship. Soon after the story Victor dies. The monster s discovered on board and announces his plans to kill himself.
3. How would you describe the author’s style? Examine the way the author writes, considering word choice, point of view, structure, special techniques (i.e., symbolism).
I re .....
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Beowulf And King Authur Comparison Essay
Number of words: 1016 - Number of pages: 4.... battle for the greater good. In the same aspect they are also striving for love and respect from the people they protect. In order to obtain maximum respect per battle, both Beowulf and Arthur enter into battle somewhat alone. Beowulf specifically asks, "That [he], alone and with the help of [his] men, / May purge all evil from [the] hall" (Beowulf, line 165-166). His request is granted by Hrothgar, King of the Danes, so he and his man enter into the battle themselves and when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect belong solely to Beowulf and his men. Arthur does the sam .....
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The Berry Patch
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... but her husband will soon be leaving her. Living in as nature intended us to avoid the many problems that come with farming.
Another reason that living in nature is more desirable is because of its stability and dependability. Stegner describes a house that was ruined in the hurricane of 1938 and was now overgrown with fireweed and roots. On the other hand, when talking about . Perley states, "Nobody ever plowed it, or planted it, or cultivated it, or fertilized it, or limed it, but there it is… Burn it over, its up again before anything else. Blow everything down, that's just what .....
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