The Ugly Tie
Number of words: 258 - Number of pages: 1.... polyester fabric gleams with a lust of
shiny plastic coating. The tie is milky colored all around and at the
center a cherry colored circle. However, as creative as it may seem, the
tie is indifferent to any color other than ivory or ebony. Thus, a snow-
white suit with beaming bleach-white colored shoes is necessary in order to
pair with this particular tie.
History has taught that fashion is something that relates to the
time period. As the people evolve from the seventies they realize that
clothes could not be outrageous or it would decease as a fad.
This bland tie fits very .....
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"The Journey Through The Twelve Forests" And "The Bhagavad Gita": The Vaishnava Community
Number of words: 1145 - Number of pages: 5.... had. On the other
hand, “The Journey” tells of one mans real life experience of the
pilgrimage known as the Ban-Yatra. It tells a slightly more true to life
story that has been carried out since the 16th century.
If one were to only read the Gita, they might assume it to be
nothing more than a fairy tale passed down from many generations that told
of a greater being, Vishnu, whose job was to “deliver the holy, destroy the
sin of the sinner, and establish righteousness”(50). It tells how in order
to achieve moksha or the release from the eternal struggle of life, one
must aband .....
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Dreams 2
Number of words: 2667 - Number of pages: 10.... mother in his dream doesn’t mean that he feels for her in that way.
Because he was having sex with his mother most likely means that, he needed to take on
some of the qualities that she possesses. Although it is a matter of interpretation, many feel
they have found the ‘right way’ to understand theirs and others dreams.
Dreams have been a curiosity since ancient times. Recently psychologists like
Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung have become well known for their studies. There are many
reasons to study dreams. At dreams research laboratories, they use machines,
ele .....
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Carpe Diem: The Golden Chance
Number of words: 530 - Number of pages: 2.... come United States
to study is very limited for Spanish students. It is limited because even
when the country is not a third world country, Spain is a country not very
rich, and for a person like my it would be not very intelligent to reject
this great chance. Here I am trying to learn as much as possible about
American life style, culture, language and people. My chance was supposed
to expire in one year but now I have the opportunity to not only finish
high school in United States, but also continue my college years here.
My Carpe Diem tells me that I can not waste my time, because I hav .....
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Carvers Realism From Fires
Number of words: 1170 - Number of pages: 5.... for some likeness. But is this truly where the characters come from? Are they just a reflection of Carver and his life?
In private desperation, Raymond Carvers characters struggle through their lives, knowing, with occasional clarity, that the “good life” they had once hoped would be achieved through hard work, will not come about. In many ways, Carvers life was the model for all of his characters. Married to Maryann Burke at nineteen, and having two children in the space of seventeen months, the Carvers life was decided for years to come. Early on Carver felt, along with his .....
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Filial Piety
Number of words: 4332 - Number of pages: 16.... this is the end of filial piety. It commences with the service of parents; it proceeds to the service of the ruler; it is completed by the establishment of character.
"It is said in the Major Odes of the Kingdom:
Ever think of your ancestor,
Cultivating your virtue."4
1. This is the zi or "style" of Confucius.
2. Zeng Zi speaks in fourteen sayings in the Analects, e.g., 1.4. He names himself a bit later by his ming or "given name," Shen. His name is traditionally associated with the virtue of filial piety; see, for example, Analects 1.9 & 19 .....
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St. Benidict And Fear Of The L
Number of words: 506 - Number of pages: 2.... Obedience and Humility. Obedience being the first grade of humility, the part that we are interested in is the part of “if you don’t obey then you should burn in hell…” for someone today this excerpt, I feel, wouldn’t affect them as much as if did back then. Some main reasons for this being, the fall of the Roman Empire, people were sick and tired of being pushed around by tyrants and idiot kings; they were ready for a change. But this change was only going to come around if they obey fully to what this new god had to say.
The Humility, well now that jus .....
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An Analysis Of The Quotation "The Mills Of The Gods Grind Slowly, But They Grind Exceedingly Small"
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... come
to Him. God weighs the practicality of each prayer, always keeping in mind His
master plan for each person's life. He carefully considers these prayers in
light of how each alternative will affect the petitioner's life and the lives of
those around them. Then, in His divine wisdom He responds to these requests
either directly or through other people. Very often, His answers are not all
one would expect. In fact, His reply may be the exact opposite of what most
would think to be best.
Many times people pray to God for something that is not immediately
received. Due to this fact, .....
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The Difference Between W.E.B DuBois And Booker T. Washington's Philosophies
Number of words: 312 - Number of pages: 2.... Washington's message of political accommodation in favor of economic progress and distrusted his reliance on wealthy white Northerners for assistance. Leaders such as DuBois resented Washington's willingness to use his political and economic influence in controlling ways that led them to refer to the "Tuskegee Machine".
W.E.B. DuBois died on August 27,1963 on the eve of the march on Washington. DuBois died in Accra, Ghana. His role as a pioneering Pan-Africanist was memorialized by the few who understood the genius of the man neglected by the many who are afraid that his loquacious espo .....
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Red Badge Of Courage 5
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... Through time Henry started to think about the battles in a different way, a more experienced way, he started to become afraid that he might run from battle when duty calls. He felt like a slave, doing whatever his superiors told him.
When the regiment finally discovers a battle-taking place, Jim gives Henry a little packet in a yellow envelope, telling Henry that this will be his first and last battle. The regiment managed to hold off the rebels for the first charge, but then the rebels came back like men of steel with re-enforcements, driving the regiment back. One man started to flee, the .....
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