Sir Gawain And The Green Knigh
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... youth into the new cycle involving maturity and bravery. By accepting the challenge of the Green Knight, he takes the first step towards this new cycle.
Gawain’s choice to behead the Green Knight shows bravery in the highest degree. He knew that if his action did not kill the Green Knight, his fate would be death in one year and one day. He was prepared to face this fate and continued his actions as planned. As it turns out, the knight did not perish, and so Gawain was forced to go through with another segment of the passage rites. Several months after, Gawain had to travel throu .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper - Journey
Number of words: 977 - Number of pages: 4.... men -- both doctors -- seem completely unable to admit that there might be more to her condition than than just stress and a slight nervous condition. Even when a summer in the country and weeks of bed-rest don't help, her husband refuses to accept that she may have a real problem.
Throughout the story there are examples of the dominant - submissive relationship. She is virtually imprisoned in her bedroom, supposedly to allow her to rest and recover her health. She is forbidden to work, "So I . . . am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again." (Gilman 193). She is not even suppos .....
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Frankenstein 2
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3.... twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighborhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor finishes his first creation's mate there is a chance that they will not keep their promise and stay in Europe, envoking fear into the people that live nearby. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the worl .....
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Number of words: 533 - Number of pages: 2.... writer’s use to give the reader small clues of who they might meet up with in the later part of there stories.
Another thing forshadowing can add to a story can clue the reader in on what will happen to the characters. A good example from O’Conners story is when she is describing what the grandmother is wearing then adds this line, “In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady” (pg. 355). One might assume that the family would have an accident while on their trip. On the other hand the reader could think that one or more of the o .....
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The Chosen 3
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3.... school), considers himself a true Jew because he (unlike Rueven) wears the traditional side curls and is educated in Yiddish. At first the two boys cannot stand each other, many times Danny refers to Rueven as "apikorsim," (32) which basically translates to... someone who is not true to their religion. These differences between the two soon become obsolete with one unfortunate accident, and make them realize they could use each other to get through some hard times. "Silence is all we dread. There's ransom in a voice--But Silence is infinity."-Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson's quote can .....
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First Philippic Against Marcus
Number of words: 2601 - Number of pages: 10.... congratulates the good deeds done by him. Even at the end, he addresses Marcus Antonius who is not even present, acclaiming and chastising. Why does he do this? Cicero makes a valiant, determined attempt to convince the Senate to join powers with him against Marcus Antonius yet at the same time, does he have doubts or fears about speaking against Antonius otherwise why would he be so propitious in his approach?
Cicero starts the speech with a direct address towards the Senators. This establishes who his audience is. Throughout the speech his tone is one of persuasion. His first goal, i .....
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Harrison Bergeron 2
Number of words: 1208 - Number of pages: 5.... government regulates everything, not just intelligence, but strength and beauty as well, and handicap people appropriately. The strong are forced to wear bags filled with lead balls; beautiful people are forced to wear masks so others would not feel unequal to them in looks. The overly intelligent are forced to wear radio transmitters in their ears, which are tuned to a government station that constantly bombards them with horrible sounds to scramble their thoughts. In the movie, the year is 2053 and everyone is forced to wear mind-altering headbands that rest on their temples. These headb .....
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Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber
Number of words: 531 - Number of pages: 2.... poorly and flushes the lion into a space where it can not be seen easily, as Wilson says: "Can't see him until you're on him." (Page 14). As the two men go to clear the lion out, he (the lion) charges and Macomber can not kill the lion without Wilson's help. This is when Mrs. Macomber begins to think of her husband as a coward. In an attempt to gain some of his wife's lost respect for him, Macomber decides that the next day they will hunt for buffalo. That night, Mrs. Macomber and Mr. Wilson sleep together. Unfortunately for Mrs. Macomber, her husband finds out. They go about the day .....
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American Dream 3
Number of words: 977 - Number of pages: 4.... perhaps saving enough money to purchase his manumission. (McLennan, S.) Toward the later part of the nineteenth century, the picture had changed. America had spread westward and had filled with immigrants from Asia and Europe. While this was going on America was forming the modern day government and started to put proposals together to make this "Land of the Free" cost a little bit. Those fortunate and industrious enough to do so were accumulating vast fortunes. Despite America's great wealth, freedom from basic want was still only a dream for the working poor. Wages were low and man .....
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Lord Of The Flies -
Number of words: 2316 - Number of pages: 9.... his civilized behaviour. But his experiences on the island gave him a
more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people.
The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of
the evil inside themselves and in some cases, made the false
politeness that had clothed them dissipate. However, the changes
experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This
is attributable to the physical and mental dissimilarities between
Jack was first described with an ugly sense of cruelty that
made him naturally .....
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