Faith Or Destiny - Young Goodm
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... (211). When she " …thrust her own pretty head into the street, letting the wind play with the pink ribbons of her cap" we associate the purity of "Faith" and the "pink ribbons" as a sign of the innocence and goodness of the town he is leaving behind (211). As he continues "on his present evil purpose" he sets off at sunset to enter the forest (212). A place "darkened by all the gloomiest trees," unknown territory, and a place where "there may be a devilish Indian behind every tree," with this we know the forest represents evil and sinfulness (212). His decision to enter the forest and l .....
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Midsummer Night Dream
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2.... was the choice to forget that he even existed. It is funny how it all ends up to work out though, because her parents saw how well the were together, and approved their love for each other.
I had a decision making point in my life also, that also resulted as Hermia's did. I had the choices that I need to make at one point, and I didn't really have much time to think about it either. If I smoked the drug, I would've been doing something wrong and against my parents' word. If I didn't do it, I would have came off as a clown in front of my friends that were with me. I attempted to weasle out of .....
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Prophet Muhammed
Number of words: 1258 - Number of pages: 5.... "one praised") was born and raised in Mecca in Arabia. There is much source material on the life of the Prophet Mohammed. The book of revelations that he received from the Archangel Gabriel is known as the Quran. The Quran does not contain the life of Mohammed directly, although there are references made to it by the Archangel, and neither are the words of Mohammed in the Quran, although the Archangel does instruct Mohammed on what to say in various situations. The book of sayings of Mohammed as well as his deeds is known as the Hadith. Mohammed’s life is a dramatic tale of exile from his .....
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Cloudstreet, Tim Winton
Number of words: 1176 - Number of pages: 5.... it occurs with the loss of Sam’s (the father’s) fingers in a fishing accident. The reader can relate these events it to the biblical story of ‘Samson,’ and how he gained his strength through his hair. Meaning that by losing some of their strengths, (like Samson’s hair cut,) both Sam’s where able to gain new insights and opportunities. For Sam Pickles, this meant the move into the city from the outback, brought him his own home and a steady job at the mint. A rather large irony, as Sam is a compulsive gambler, more often than not short of cash. Although for Fish, losing his me .....
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Number of words: 1930 - Number of pages: 8.... work. The one point of unanimous agreement about is it is a work of social comment. Since is a work of many ideas, it is impossible of course to expand the book unless one has some notion of the hierarchy of conception in it. A caretul reading of does seem to me to reveal clearly the hierarchy of it author's ideas at the time he composed the book. Although the interpretation of which follows has no pretension to substantial novelty, but rather disavows it, my approach to the problem may seem singular and eccentric. The account of such an analysis will necessarily be a little dull, so I .....
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Macbeth 2
Number of words: 1336 - Number of pages: 5.... he will be king by the witches. Two of their prophesies have become true already. However, because Malcolm has just become king he cannot see how the third prophesy will come true.
Macbeth’s wife solves his problem by telling him to kill Duncan. She tells him this after reading his letter to her and after hearing that the king is coming to her castle. She decides to’look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.’(I,v,63-65).
Lady Macbeth plays an important part in Macbeth’s spiral downwards into becoming a butcher by persuading him to commit his .....
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Epic Of Gilgamesh 2
Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2.... human.
The hero from the Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna, did not posses such super-human strength as Achilles did but is still classified as a hero. Arjuna was stuck with the choice of fighting ones in which he respected. What he wanted was to not fight, "how can I fight against Bhishma and Drona with arrows when they deserve my worship?" Krishna, Arjuna's charioteer who is really a god tries to convince Arjuna to fight. Arjuna tells Krishna that he will not fight. By doing this it shows that although he is a hero he still contains his human feelings of compassion toward others.
On the other .....
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Arthur Millers The Crucible
Number of words: 877 - Number of pages: 4.... Salem’s women, like Abigail Williams, were dressed as ladies should have been during those times; her accouterments were designed so they would reveal nothing to those who may have been curious. Among the unique and industrial designs such as Abigail’s bonnet and dress, Judge Danforth was to wear an outfit just as suitable. His dress consisted of a long gown and wig which was typical for a Judge to wear at the time. Like most of Salem, Reverend Thomas Hale tended to dress just as comfortable and casual as any of the other men.
In general, the community of Salem seemed overwhel .....
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Three Things Worth Fighting For
Number of words: 321 - Number of pages: 2.... very important to me. I would fight
so I would not be under communistic rule or enslaved in any way. Also I
would fight to stay out of prison if I was falsely accused. Therefore
that is why this is the third most important thing I would fight for.
In conclusion to what I have said I feel it is wrong to take
someone's life away, harm there family, or take there freedom away. These
are all very important things in any life to fight for. They should be
important to others to. In conclusion my life, my family, and my freedom
are the most important things in my life. .....
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A Dream Deferred
Number of words: 1128 - Number of pages: 5.... to squat in an open field to urinate while white train passengers gaze; and she watches her mother's shame at her own Creole mother's libidinous lifestyle. Her mother's submissiveness and humiliation evokes a fear, an anger, and an energy in Nel. Her emotions intensify as she makes a declaration to never be her mother, to never compromise her individuality, "I'm me. I'm not their daughter. I'm not Nel. I'm me. Me"(28). Figuring that her "me-ness" will take her far, she exclaims "I want...I want to be... wonderful"(29). However, that trip to Louisiana "was the last as well as the first time .....
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