Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
Number of words: 1406 - Number of pages: 6.... to survive. Before the captivity, Mary Rowlandson was an innocent housewife that knew nothing of what suffering was like. She has always had plenty of food, shelter, and clothing. As a reader, you can see how her views towards the Indian’s choice of food gradually changes throughout her journey, and how it is related to the change in her own self. After tragically losing all of her family and her home, she had to repress her feelings to move on with the Indians to survive. She described the Wampanoag Indians at "Ravenous beasts" when she was captivated, which shows the ange .....
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Darkness Be My Friend
Number of words: 653 - Number of pages: 3.... in their town. In this book, the New Zealand soldiers disappear without a trace and the teenagers have to attack the airbase themsleves...
I think that this book is as much about adventure and survival as it is about emotions, friendships and relationships. The book is written as the diary of the unofficial leader of the group and she speaks a lot about her thoughts, her relationships with the other members of the group and of her emotions about what she was forced to do during the course of the war.
"I was determined I wasn't going to get angry, so I ignored that. I didn't blame him in a wa .....
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Keepern Me
Number of words: 1074 - Number of pages: 4.... a guide in Ojibway culture. They believe that through their dreams they receive visions that are "sent to them by the spirit world. That vision could be just about anything and was meant to be a sacred and private thing for the seeker. Gave a direction for their life." (175). They believe that you should try to figure out your dreams as best as you can because they are important messages that give you "direction and strength" (175).
The Ojibway look to prayer to guide them and help them to be a better people. When they pray they wave smoke from burnt cedar and moss over their body. Thi .....
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18th Century Literature
Number of words: 644 - Number of pages: 3.... of the 18th century. The reader is able
to understand the values and ethics of the time through the description
detailed by Samuel Pepys and the reader is also exposed to the life a man
in the 1660's. A Journal of the Plague Year is an example of historical
fiction. Defoe uses wide ranges of vivid descriptions including
verisimilitudes and imagery, to give the reader a realistic feel of what
took place through the eyes of a witness. This literary time period also
included works from John Dryden, who used elegance and cleverness in his
writings. This period ended about 1700, and enabled .....
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P.G. Wodehouse
Number of words: 961 - Number of pages: 4.... relatives.
Although, as David Damrosch notes, Wodehouse "always insisted that he had a happy childhood, including a relationship with a father who was 'normal as rice pudding'"(Damrosch 453). He moved from England to Hong Kong and to the United States. He was introduced and brought up by a variety of aunts, uncles, nannies, and schools. (Damrosch 453). He went through many things such as being captured by the Germans during WWII, where he made radio broadcasts in which he described his experiences as a prisoner and ridiculed his captors. (Bassett 1). After the war, Wodehouse moved to .....
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Importance Of Being Earnest 2
Number of words: 1428 - Number of pages: 6.... twist. He makes a reflection on the society with his own sense of humor, but however it still leaves a very good opportunity to make a Marxist critique about the way the class structure influences the play. He leaves room for these critiques when he writes about the servants, the nobles, and the middle class. His view on society and class is very evident on the way the servants are portrayed.
"‘I don't know that I am much interested in your family life, Lane'"
"‘No sir; it's not a very interesting subject. I never think of it myself.'"
In this passage from the pl .....
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Philosophy - The Only Truth Ex
Number of words: 1067 - Number of pages: 4.... life with reason and logic;
we have established our idea of reality; and we believe that true perceptions are what we
sense and see. But it is our sense of reason and logic, our idea of reality, and our
perceptions, that may likely to be very wrong. Subjectiveness, or personal belief, is almost
always, liable for self-contradiction. Besides the established truth that we exist, there are
no other truths that are certain, for the fact that subjective truth may be easily refuted.
Every person possesses his or her own truth that may be contradicting to another person’s
belief. A tru .....
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Macbeth - Lady Macbeth: A Woman Before Her Time
Number of words: 1458 - Number of pages: 6.... not have the strength in her female frame, either in heart, body nor mind to carry out the deed of killing the King. Therefore, she calls upon the aid of the supernatural to give her male powers, so that she may have the gall to go through with the plan to murder the King, and allow Macbeth to obtain the throne. "The raven himself is hoarse/ That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan/ Under my battlements. Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,/ And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full/ Of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood,/ Stop up the access and passage t .....
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The Book Of Deuteronomy
Number of words: 868 - Number of pages: 4.... that the writings of this book took place and adapts it to the people and events of that time.
A main characteristic that sets apart from the other books of the Bible is its "vigorous oratorical style." In other words, it is a style which involves much thought coming from the author.
The events in this book took place within no more than forty days. The events occurred mainly in only three places. They were "in the plains of Moab, between the end of the wandering of the desert (which lasted forty years), and the crossing of the Jordan River."
The purpose of is to show the change in l .....
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A Separate Peace - A Journey To Maturity
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... and complicated friendship,
Finny and Gene developed a strong bond. Unfortunately a strong bond could not withstand Gene's insecurities, as he faltered in Finny's unknown pressures of conforming.
Another important theme is conformity. Conformity refers to the choices young people make regarding going along with the crowd and pursuing their own paths. They can either give in to peer pressure or be secure with their own individuality. Gene succumbs to peer pressure the first time he jumps off the limb into the Devon River. Even though he would have rather not done it, he went al .....
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