Hamlet - Elizabethan Revenge In Hamlet
Number of words: 2583 - Number of pages: 10.... to avenge."
Seneca was among the greatest authors of classical tragedies
and there was not one educated Elizabethan who was unaware of him or
his plays. There were certain stylistic and different strategically
thought out devices that Elizabethan playwrights including Shakespeare
learned and used from Seneca’s great tragedies. The five act
structure, the appearance of some kind of ghost, the one line
exchanges known as stichomythia, and Seneca’s use of long rhetorical
speeches were all later used in tragedies by Elizabethan playwrights.
Some of Seneca’s ideas w .....
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The Tell Tale Heart
Number of words: 894 - Number of pages: 4.... it be that this was no accident or something that
he thought would be universally understood, but that Poe was
creating a story whose impact could be changed simply by
imagining this horrendous and vile deed being committed by a
Poe writes this story from the perspective of the murderer of the
old man. When an author creates a situation where the protagonist
tells a personal account, the overall impact of the story is
heightened. The narrator, in this particular story, adds to the overall
effect of horror by continually stressing to the reader that he or she
is not ma .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Civilized Vs. Savage
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... natural thoughts and movements. Civilization is the ability to take all force associated with savagery and to use it to create and maintain a certain order.
At the beginning of this novel, the boys make an attempt at order and civilized behaviour but they fail to the uncooperative nature of the 'little-uns'. The boys elect a leader and make different groups, each with a purpose of accomplishing something constructive: The Hunters, Water-fetchers and Fire-tenders. The boys find a conch and view it as a symbol of order. This shell grants any one person power, as long as they hav .....
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Analysis Of To An Athlete Dyin
Number of words: 999 - Number of pages: 4.... fates. The specter of deeds not accomplished and a life unlived haunts the funeral “…set you at your threshold down” (Housman l. 7), and causes the grief to reach a higher level. Most people desire to live to a ripe old age and they would be aghast to have a premature death viewed through a positive light. Yet a “positive funeral” is exactly the driving force behind A.E. Housman’s “To an Athlete Dying Young.” The poem states outright that it is better to die in the glory of youth than to rest too long on one’s laurels, only to see thos .....
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Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?": Arnold Fiend
Number of words: 554 - Number of pages: 3.... and Shelley could see Milton's Satan a positive,
attractive symbol of the poet, the religious embodiment of creative energy,
so we should also be sensitive to Arnold's multifaceted and creative nature”
(Tierce and Crafton 608). Mike Tierce and John Michael Crafton suggest
that Arnold Friend is not a diabolical figure, but instead a religious and
cultural savior.
On a more realistic note, Joyce M. Wegs argues the symbolism of
Arnold Friend as a Satan figure when she writes: “Arnold is far more a
grotesque portrait of a psychopathic killer masquerading as a teenager; he
also has all .....
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Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 903 - Number of pages: 4.... great flood will come and that he, the carpenter, and Alison will be safe if the carpenter builds three separate barrels and hangs them from the ceiling where they can climb to safety. On that night, all three climb into the barrels and the carpenter immediately falls asleep, due to the exhaustion from all of his work. Alison and Nicholas climb down and go into the carpenter’s bed. Absalom appears at the window at midnight. Absalom demands a kiss from Alison, and Alison says she will kiss him if he leaves immediately. Then,"…she thrust her ass out the window. Absalom, kno .....
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I Corinthians
Number of words: 531 - Number of pages: 2.... Corinth, thus he stayed for a year and a half. Most likely, Paul left Corinth in the fall of AD 51. Paul returned to Corinth on his third trip to Asia, c. fall, AD 52. Paul then wrote this letter from Ephesus while on his third trip to Asia.
Paul wrote the letter several years after his initial departure from Corinth in the fall of AD 51-52. The letter was written before the beginning of the summer since Paul intended to leave Ephesus after Pentecost. It was also written before winter since Paul wanted to come to them and spend the winter. Paul wrote the letter four or five years after his i .....
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The Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1267 - Number of pages: 5.... the novel, because whoever holds the conch has the right to speak uninterrupted. However, as the boys' society decays, and the conch fades, becoming "fragile and white"(171), its power diminishes until it is finally crushed. With the intentional smashing of the conch, all order on the island is effectively lost.
, a pig's head on a pike, one symbol in the novel for evil, or Satan. To Jack it was meant as a sacrifice to the "beast" which controlled the boys through fear. When Simon talked with he learned what true evil was, it's "part of you, close, close, close!" The enlightened S .....
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Matthew Arnold
Number of words: 1057 - Number of pages: 4.... nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night”
(Arnold, 830-831).
Matthew Arnold gives his views on life, love and the world. He explains that the world is similar to a land of dreams, and that it is something beautiful and peaceful, but in actuality, Arnold says that it is not. Arnold states that .....
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The Tempest
Number of words: 1036 - Number of pages: 4.... us, so much the more fuller of horror." The "Sea Adventure" was rebuilt on the island, which was not as menacing as the storm itself, and nearly a year later the ship rejoined the fleet in Virginia. By many, this was deemed a miracle.
Some believe it was this shipwreck that prompted Shakespeare to write this political, yet comic play which involves usurpation, mockery, love, reconciliation and forgiveness.
It all starts with Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, being banished by his brother, Antonio, who illegally usurps the throne.
Basically, the first thing Antonio does in s .....
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