Native Son 2
Number of words: 1382 - Number of pages: 6.... Max helped Bigger realize what he had done wrong and how that not all white people were out to get the black man. At times Bigger felt that Max was only trying to hurt him but I think that deep down inside, Bigger knew Max was only there to help him.
A wave of excited voices swept over the room.
Bigger's fingers gripped the arms of the chair.
Max's hand touched his shoulder, Bigger turned
and Max whispered,
Sit still
Mr. Coroner?
In the capacity of Bigger Thomas' lawyer. I'd
like to state that he does not wish to testify here (328).
This quote shows tha .....
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Character Sketch Of Nora
Number of words: 342 - Number of pages: 2.... offense that she is committed, but it hardly meant anything for the man that she loved.
Nora committed a small moral thing by going behind is back to do it, and forging her father’s signature, but she knew that was the only way she would ever be able to do it. Torvald was not able to cope the idea what she had done for him. She really worked to save him, but he just wasn’t able to see that. So she left him.
Everything Nora did, she did it out of the love and caring. She is actually a very intelligent woman he does not deserve to be treated the way she was. It’s a shame t .....
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The Client John Grisham
Number of words: 1152 - Number of pages: 5.... story then, to draw in the reader, explodes into the main event of the story, Romey’s suicide. Grisham has a amazing method of writing to make the reader feel part of the happening action. "Mark stared at the wild, glowing face just inches away. The eyes were red and wet. Fluids dripped from the nose and chin. ‘you little bastard’ he growled through clenched, dirty teeth."
As the story unfolds the plot thickens. Jerome Clifford, the man who committed suicide was well known as at the time of the suicide. He was representing a Mafia member called Barry Muldanno in court for a .....
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James Hurst's Use Of Symbols To Create A Mood
Number of words: 349 - Number of pages: 2.... a party dress that ended up turning into a shroud,
allowed one to sense that a dead organism was lurking nearby. The
statement "evil lurking around the perimeters of the homesteads," not only
represented a horrid feeling of death, but also created a sense of dread
and dismay for the place being described.
When James Hurst mentioned in both paragraphs that summer had
started and was going to soon end, he indicated that there was a life about.
In the life presented, there would be a beginning, and an end. Similar to
the people and animals in his stories that would also come, and pass away. .....
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Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 3424 - Number of pages: 13.... period, Poe delivers to his readers a satirical spoof, a literary Bronx cheer to writers of moralistic fiction, and to critics who expressed disapprobation at finding no discernible moral in his works. The tale "Never Bet the Devil Your Head: A Tale with a Moral" presents Poe's "way of staying execution" (Poe 487) for his transgressions against the didactics. The story's main character is Toby Dammit, who from infanthood, had been flogged left-handed, which since the world revolves right to left, causes evil propensities to be driven home rather than driven out. The narrator relates that b .....
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Twelfth Night 4
Number of words: 1297 - Number of pages: 5.... to like him (Andrew). Back at the Duke's palace, he asks Viola (pretending to be a male servant named Cesario) to approach Olivia and woo her on his behalf. Viola (as Cesario) promises to do so, but privately reveals she will not try hard, since she desires Orsino. At Olivia's house, Olivia and her servant Feste (aka Clown) trade witticisms when Maria and Toby (drunk as usual) tell her Viola (as Cesario) is at the door. Learning Viola is come from Orsino, Olivia tells her steward Malvolio to send him away. Finally, though, she agrees to see Viola. Viola speaks to Olivia about Orsino and ac .....
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Number of words: 258 - Number of pages: 1.... the use of conventional drugs
-The history of dates as far back as Hippocrates in the 5th century. It was also used by Egyptians.
-Most people take medicine in strong doses so the drug will produce the opposite condition of what they have.
-But works in the opposite way.
-The doses are very diluted.
-Many people like to use homeopathic remedies because they want to avoid taking such strong drugs and they want to improve the quality of their health so they can’t prevent disease.
-Homeopathic remedies come in different forms.
-Some come in the form of pills, and other come in th .....
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The Downfall Of Macbeth In Mac
Number of words: 1568 - Number of pages: 6.... Hail to thee, Thane of
3. Witch. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King here-
If Macbeth had never encountered the witches, they would never have revealed the prophecies to him. He would have become the Thane of Cawdor, and he would never have even considered the idea of making himself the King of Scotland. It would have remained a fantasy that would probably never have come true in the way that it did.
The witches are the ones who allow Macbeth to discover his future, and by doing this, they give him the opportunity to consider making the prophecy come true. The only wa .....
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Compare And Contrast Of The Od
Number of words: 1156 - Number of pages: 5.... King, Tiresias skirts around telling Oedipus the truth. In fact, he initially refused to tell Oedipus anything at all, seen in such lines as “You’ll get nothing from me” and “I’ll never reveal my dreadful secrets.” The important thing is that when Oedipus got Tiresias angered, Tiresias bluntly stated that “[Oedipus is] the curse, the corruption of the land.” When Oedipus responds to this, which will be discussed later, he continues to berate Tiresias for ‘lying’. Following that, Sophocles uses Tiresias to foreshadow the rest of the play for the reader, while cryptically .....
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Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2.... he was unsurpassed.
Condidence, was also a characteristic that the inhabitants of this era deemed as a necessity. The people enjoyed hearing the imprissive tales of their leaders. They followed their leaders proudly knowing that the victories would come. was so confident that he left his home to go help people he did not know. He was positive that he could defeat this Grendel foe. His people followed their gallant leader to this land where it appeared no hope remained. The people of this era must have realized that a leader who doubts himself will undoubtly fail.
Finaly, this socie .....
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