Macbeth - Supernatural Forces
Number of words: 802 - Number of pages: 3.... his way to the throne, or to murder King Duncan. Murdering the king was
an easier plan since the motivation in his dreams urged him on. Lady Macbeth also relied on the supernatural by her soliloquy of calling upon the evil spirits to give her the power to plot the murder of
Duncan without any remorse or conscience (Act I, Scene V, ll.42-57). The three sisters are capable of leading people into danger resulting in death, such as the sailor who never slept (Act I, Scene III, ll.1-37).
Lady Macbeth has convinced her husband Macbeth to murder King Duncan. On the night they planned to kill Dunca .....
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Julius Ceaser 2
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... thinking of him as an honorable man. How foolish I had been! Tears come to my eyes, as I see the dead corpse of the most exquisite man that had ever existed.
It was after all of this, that the crowd of Roman citizens is truly enraged. We chant: "...Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! Let not a traitor live!". I am not going to let any of the conspirators get away. They killed the best thing that had ever happened to Rome, and for that they deserve to suffer! Antony says that were he an able speaker, he would move "The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny." I am not a highly educated man, but nor I am tot .....
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One Evil Summer
Number of words: 623 - Number of pages: 3.... she should go to summer school.
So the summer that Amanda thought would be the greatest summer yet was turned into the worst. Amanda’s family decided to move the family to a nearby beach in Seahaven. In Saehaven Amanda was sent to summer school and hated it. Amanda’s parents aid that they wer going on a 3week trip and already have everything planned. Amanda’s brother and sister were going to be baby sat by who was said to be the town’s best baby sitter, her name was Chrissy Meleings. Chrissy was known as the best baby sitter Amandas sister and brother loved her and so .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1389 - Number of pages: 6.... in the area (Conrad, 73). When Marlow arrived Kurtz, was ill and dying. Kurtz cried out the words "The horror! The horror!" right before he died (Conrad, 85). These words cried out by Kurtz as he died created the most important passages in . The way this one passage is interpreted determines how the book is interpreted.
One interpretation is that the "horror" is death and Kurtz is realizing he is dying. Kurtz is horrified at the thought of dying and is crying out in pain of the realization. Kurtz may be afraid to die in the . Kurtz may be afraid to die know .....
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My Childhood
Number of words: 599 - Number of pages: 3.... as responsibility, honesty, and respect were taught by not only my parents, but also by my aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Also, they taught me gender roles, the behavioral expectations associated with gender. This was done by giving me specific types of toys to play with, teaching me about other men in my family, and having me observe the roles of other men in my family. To teach me the difference between right and wrong, my parents used various types of punishment. A punishment is any painful or discomforting stimulus that reduces the frequency with which the behavior occurs. For e .....
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An Appreciation Of The Poem Di
Number of words: 1529 - Number of pages: 6.... also complements the style of the poet 'connecting' with the reader in the way that it seems like the poet is writing directly to the reader. Making it a more 'in touch' and personal poem to subjects that we can relate to. In this case. Having a respect for your Father or your heritage.
The poems opening line, in a simple, complete one line statement, conveys the impression of the poet talking to us directly and also sets a 'snapshot' of time for the reader:
"Between my finger and my thumb/The squat pen rests; snug as a gun"
This opening line focuses our attention to the fact that this .....
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A Separate Peace Is A Story Of
Number of words: 1226 - Number of pages: 5.... he and Gene had to jump from the tree every night. Gene was always the academically inclines of the two friends and it never occurred to him that he could do anything so perilous. In Gene's own way he was fighting his own war because he had to build up all his courage in order to jump from the tree. If Gene had not jumped then he would be inferior to Finny.
In Gene's mind Finny was his enemy because Finny always shined at sports. Gene was always jealous. Gene might never have known he was feeling jealous but somewhere deep down in Gene this jealousy grew over time. Eventually this lead G .....
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Sir Gawain And The Green Knight: Stanza 74
Number of words: 1373 - Number of pages: 5.... survive his meeting with the knight the next day, shown by "often thanks gave he/ With all his heart and might." Later, Sir Gawain finds three faults in his actions, the first being his cowardice – in direct contrast to the main principles of knighthood, the second being his covetousness, his lust for life, and the third being his lack of faith in God. Even when it is shown that God has forgiven him by healing the wound on his neck, Sir Gawain still feels that he has sinned, and is not as willing to forgive himself. He decides that more atonement is in order, so he makes the dec .....
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The Jãtaka: "The Cheating Merchant", "The Monkey's Heroic Self-Sacrifice", And "The Hare's Self-Sacrifice"
Number of words: 876 - Number of pages: 4.... grabbing a branch. In the end, the Buddha
explains that he was the merchant named Wise.
In "The Hare's Self-Sacrifice," the Bodhisatta is a young hare. The
day before fast day, he tells his friends (a monkey, a jackal, and an
otter) how to observe the holy day. (p. 952) He tells them to sacrifice
their food to beggars, and the one who honors this will be rewarded.
On fast day, the otter steals seven fish that a fisherman had
buried while he was fishing. The otter pretends asks three times if anyone
owns the fish. No one comes forward, so the otter takes the fish home.
Meanwhile, the jack .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 993 - Number of pages: 4.... shall see how I stand by you, as I should, Avenging this country and the god as well…" (33.137) "Whoever killed Laius might - who knows? - Lay violent hands even on me -and soon. I act for the murdered king in my own interest." (33.141)
The rising action begins when the blind man, Teiresias, who is a prophet arrives. He is praised by Oedipus for his vast knowledge and then is requested the name of the murderer in order to rid the country of the plague. Tieresias professes to know nothing, which angers the king. Oedipus warns the blind man about remaining silent and even speculates whether .....
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