Candide - A Contrast To Optimi
Number of words: 1214 - Number of pages: 5.... seriousness.
Leibniz, sometimes regarded as a Stoic or Fatalist because his
philosophies were based on the idea that everything in the world
was determined by fate, theorized that God, having the ability to pick
from an infinite number of worlds, chose this world, "the best of all
possible worlds." Although Voltaire chose that simple quality of
Leibniz's philosophy to satirize, Leibniz meant a little more than
just that. Even though his philosophy stated that God chose "the best
of all possible worlds," he also meant that God, being the perfection
he is, chos .....
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Lean On Me
Number of words: 440 - Number of pages: 2.... for him. He likes to be known as "HNIC" – the "head nigger in charge." His absurd manners are strongly disliked by his fellow colleagues. He insults teachers in front of students and fires them when they do not comply with his harsh rules. The first disturbing aspect of this movie is Joe Clark’s personality; although he changes around the school, he does it in a bizarre and vicious manner.
Another bizarre aspect of the movie is how the director, ---, portrays East Side High. After there is a time change from the 60s to the 80s, East Side transforms from a nic .....
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Persuasive Speaking
Number of words: 448 - Number of pages: 2.... before you interrupted them. To keep people's
attention you have to talk in language that they understand, and find a
compromise between shouting at them and quietly asking for attention.
After you get an audiences attention and are able to keep their
attention, you're home free. People are gullible. You can make them do
whatever you want with the power of your voice; you just have to make them
think that they'll like it or gain something from it. There are countless
examples of this that are spoken and written. Almost all chain letters use
this principle. The masters of this litt .....
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Time And Fate In Romeo And Jul
Number of words: 911 - Number of pages: 4.... to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne'er saw true beauty till this night." (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genuine coincidence that Romeo and Juliet were at the same place, at the same time.
Some days after the ball, Benvolio and Mercutio are conversing, in regard to the quarrelsome weather. Benvolio declares, "The day is hot, the Cap .....
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Flight I Am A Man
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3.... more. He has entangled himself in trouble. His knife, which his dead father had given him and of which he was so proud, has killed a man in an accident. A man said names to Pepe that he could not allow, and before Pepe knew it, the knife "went almost by itself." Pepe is changed from boy to man with one slip of the wrist. Now Pepe must flee for his life.
The author allows a major amount of space in the story for setting.
As Pepe leaves his family, he follows harsh, rocky, and unforgiving land. A parallel to the unforgiving society he lives in. This society is now plaguing his footsteps in pur .....
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Johnny Got His Gun
Number of words: 662 - Number of pages: 3.... out of it by eating the dead tissue. He thinks that he is missing his arms and legs and thinks that it's because he didn't have any maggots to keep the wound clean. The book talks about a rat that nibbles at Johnny during the night and there's nothing he can do about it because he cannot move without a nurse helping him. A few weeks ago he would have thought nothing of turning over by himself in bed. Back home he remembered how only a few months ago he could throw bags of grain around and think nothing of it. Now he lay in a hospital bed unable to move. Plastic tubes feed him meals .....
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Ring Of Time
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2.... repeating itself. The images of rings and circles throughout the first few paragraphs support this. He describes the girl’s gaze as "circular", and "time itself began running in circles" as she took her horse around the circus ring. However, time itself is a constantly changing quantity with everything around it changing also. White realizes this and states, "She will never be this beautiful again". This young woman and her motions around the ring mesmerize the author. He knows all of this is an illusion though, and the girl will eventually lose her beaut .....
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Julius Caesar - Mark Antony
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3.... the heart. Julius Caesar is concerned about his well-being, for good reason. Casca has been speaking in low tones and Caesar would “Have men about me that are fat” because he feels that they can be trusted easier. Caesar trusts Mark Antony as his closest confidant due to the fact that they have been like brothers all their lives.
A conspiracy is planned, Caesar is killed, and Mark Antony becomes a skillful, planning, and vengeful manipulator. When Caesar dies Mark Antony has “Fled to his house amazed” because one of his closest friends has been killed. The conspirators have judge .....
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The Glass Menagerie 2
Number of words: 1194 - Number of pages: 5.... Sketches:
Tom Wingfield-
The son of Amanda Wingfield. He is the sole economic supporter of the Wingfield family. Tom is a poet who is employed at a shoe factory and spends his nights drinking in order to escape.
Amanda Wingfield-
Mother of Tom and Laura. She is a middle-aged southern belle whose husband had abandoned her. She spends her time reminiscing about the past and nagging her children. She is completely dependent on Tom for financial security and holds him fully responsible for Laura's future.
Laura Wingfield:
Daughter of Amanda Wingfield. She is hyperse .....
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Courage Shown In The Book To K
Number of words: 464 - Number of pages: 2.... went to his house late at night to go to
the Radley’s house. He also read for one of the meanest people in Maycomb,
Mrs. Dubose. Even though it was a punishment to make him read to her, he
could have been miserable about it. After a while though he thought it wasn’t
to bad. He was reading to the meanest person, and doing it with no
complaints, after a little. He also shows a lot of courage by going to the trial
of Tom Robinson with Scout and Dill. He knew that he wasn’t supposed to
go to it but did anyway, because he wanted to see what it was like.
Finally, Boo Radley sh .....
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