Frankenstein, Every One Needs
Number of words: 1465 - Number of pages: 6.... younger children. Alas! I regret that I am taken from you; and, happy and beloved as I have been, is it not hard . . . a hope of meeting you in another world” (42). Elizabeth is expected to fill in as the role of the mother by taking care of and protecting the young children. Although she replaces the role of the mother, there is still the fact that a family member is missing. A mother is impossible to replace; you can’t have a stepmother because she will never be a replacement for an original mother. Nor can a mother be bought, but Victor uses his knowledge from Ingolstadt to cr .....
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Essay Of Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... and could not do anything. Charlie had dreams of his sister yelling at him and making fun of him. He also had memories of the night his parents took him to the Warren Home. He was terrified and his dad would never answer his questions. Charlie remembered his childhood and through his memories, he felt guilty for hurting his family. After the operation, Charlie also suffered from disillusionment. In the bakery he used to have friends. Friends that would talk to him and care about him. "...Why? Because all of the sudden your a bigshot. You think you are better than the rest of us..." Charlie t .....
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The Importance Of Marriage Pri
Number of words: 889 - Number of pages: 4.... respected, and did not generally pay well or have very good working conditions.
Therefore most "genteel" women could not get money except by marrying for it or inheriting it and since the eldest son generally inherits the bulk of an estate, as the heir, a woman can only really be a heiress if she has no brothers or any other living male relative. Only a rather small number of women were what could be called professionals, who though their own efforts earned an income sufficient to make themselves independent, or had a recognised career
And unmarried women also had to live with their fa .....
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Jack London
Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... 1898, returning to San Francisco penniless, but with a wealth of memories which provided the raw material for his first stories. Jack London fought his way up out of the factories and waterfront dives of West Oakland to become the highest paid, most popular novelist and short story writer of his day. He wrote passionately and prolifically about the great questions of life and death, the struggle to survive with dignity and integrity, and he wove the elemental ideas into stories of high adventure based on his own writing appealed not to the few, but to millions of people all around the wor .....
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Billy Budd
Number of words: 574 - Number of pages: 3.... realizes that Claggart is out to get him after he talks to the Dansker. "The old man… rubbing the long slant scar at the point where it entered the thin hair, laconically said, Baby Budd, Jemmy Legs is down on you" (34). This surprised Billy, because the master-at-arms had been nothing but, what seemed to be, nice to him. Throughout the story, Billy witnesses incidents and threats made by Claggart on other members of the ship. This is just the start of tension between Claggart and Billy. "Starry" Vere, the captain of the ship, is a man who believes the military duty of .....
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Herman Melville
Number of words: 1733 - Number of pages: 7.... trouble for the Melville family. Hermans mother tried to work her way up the social ladder by moving into bigger and better homes. While borrowing money from the bank, her husband was spending more than he was earning. It is my conclusion that Maria Melville never committed herself emotionally to her husband, but remained primarily attached to the well off Gansevoort family. (Humford 23) Allan Melville was also attached financially to the Gansevoorts for support. There is a lot of evidence concerning Melvilles relation to his mother Maria Melville. Apparently the older son Gansevoort who ca .....
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Bloody Merdian
Number of words: 793 - Number of pages: 3.... to the blood of war (pp.331),” then that man cannot dance and thus cannot live. Is this why the Kid must die in the end of the book? Because he had chosen to stray away from the fate the Judge had set for him and “elect therefore some opposite course (pp.330)?”
The opposite course the Kid elected for himself was one without pointless slaughter, and meaningless bloodshed. The kid wants desperately to get away from the “vast” and “broken” world of the desert and elects to complete his “circle” instead of staying out west. He chooses hi .....
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How Is Evil Expred In The Play
Number of words: 1157 - Number of pages: 5.... bloody-sceptered". The language in Act 1 that described Macbeth has changed from "noble" and "kind" to the diction of Act 4 which describes Macbeth as "black Macbeth" and a "tyrant". The Castle that Macbeth lives in, Dunsanine is also indicative of darkness. Dunsanine is similar to the word dungeon a dark and dirty place symbolising hell and the evil that lives in hell.
In Act 4 Macbeth is a vision of utter evil, he murders and he consults witches and murders, because of this he is described using dark imagery. Scotland under the rule of Macbeth is described as, "shrouded in darkness", by Ma .....
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A Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3.... as you
The simplicity and the sensory richness flow directly from
Hemingway's and his characters'--beliefs. The punchy, vivid
language has the immediacy of a news bulletin: these are
facts, Hemingway is telling us, and they can't be ignored.
And just as Frederic Henry comes to distrust abstractions
like "patriotism," so does Hemingway distrust them. Instead
he seeks the concrete, the tangible: "hot red wine with
spices, cold air that numbs your nose." A simple "good"
becomes higher praise than another writer's string of
decorative adjectives.
T .....
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Literary Criticism Of Wutherin
Number of words: 1038 - Number of pages: 4.... throes of her self-induced illness" (p38). When asking for her husband, she is told by Nelly Dean that Edgar is "among his books," and she cries, "What in the name of all that feels has he to do with books when I am dying." McKibben shows that while Catherine is making a scene and crying, Edgar is in the library handling Catherine’s death in the only way he knows how, in a mild mannered approach. He lacks the passionate ways in which Catherine and Heathcliff handle ordeals. During this scene Catherine’s mind strays back to childhood and she comes to realize that "the Linton’s are alien .....
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