Elduc In 2000
Number of words: 2615 - Number of pages: 10.... the names of the characters are a bit more modern than the monograms Marie used. Now, Eliduc is called Eli, Guildeluec is Gail and Guilliadun is Jill. Here is how the story goes in 2000. Eli and Gail were together all through high school. They eventually got married because their love had grown into a bond of true friendship and love. The two-shared happiness but Eli would focus the majority of his time on his career. Gail accepted Eli’s ambition and never really gave him trouble about it. She had enough to do between work and home. Besides, Eli was a good policeman. He always took pri .....
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Heroes And The Defiance Of Fate
Number of words: 766 - Number of pages: 3.... Patrolelos is more than a dear friend. He is also a
reflection of Achilles glory and in an emotional sense a part of him. So in
every way, Patrolelos death is a direct blow to Achilles, and Achilles has
no choice, being the great warrior, but to seek revenge. His decision
guides fate, but at the same time, fate guides his decision. [ From one
point of view, we see that Achilles chooses not to fight of his own free
will and we see that Patrolelos chooses to masquearade in Achilles armor by
his own free will. From another point of view, we see that fate guided
these two friends to make these .....
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School Ties
Number of words: 2033 - Number of pages: 8.... the ghetto is overcrowded with Jews. The Jewish people are all gathered together and organized into working groups by the Judenrat (twenty-four elected Jews responsible for the order). Oskar Schindler visits the ghetto. He is a German businessman, who wishes to see Itzhak Stern; a Jew is good at accounting and used to own a pot-making factory. Jews are no longer allowed to own businesses, so Oskar makes a deal with Itzhak, and plans to take over the factory after trading money and appointing him his factory manager.
It is now March 20, 1941 - the deadline for entering the ghetto. Edic .....
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Poem, Lines 96-113 In Docter F
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... the trance Faustus is in, is by the use of alliteration in the first two lines of the poem. This device causes the reader to read the lines more slowly. The pronunciation of words in a moderate fashion suggests this trance, and makes the rest of the passage more comprehensible. In contrast to the first two lines, the rest of the section can be read more easily and therefore, faster. Few caesuras are utilized in this part, making the paragraph flow better. The quick pace of the these lines indicate excitement on Faustus’ part. If this is the case, it is understandable how he loses hi .....
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Kantian Philosophy
Number of words: 493 - Number of pages: 2.... of the Categorical
Imperative requires that a maxim be universally applicable to all rational
beings. The next logical step is then to apply the second stage of the test.
The second requirement is that a rational being would will this maxim to
become a universal law. In testing this part, you must decide whether in
every case, a rational being would believe that the morally correct action
is to tell the truth. To decide whether rational being would will a maxim
to become a law, the maxim itself must be examined rationally and not its
I agree with the morality base .....
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Song Of Solomon
Number of words: 983 - Number of pages: 4.... the weekend party-goers Milkman and Guitar fraternize with regularly. However, despite their close friendship, the opportunity to gain a large amount of gold severs all their friendly ties. Guitar, suspecting Milkman took all the gold for himself, allows his greed and anger to dictate his actions and sets out on a manhunt, ready to take Milkman down wherever and whenever he could in order to retrieve the hoarded riches. Guitar's first few sniper attempts to execute Milkman did fail; however, the ending of the novel leaves the reader with the imminent death of either Milkman or Guitar. .....
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King And Thoreau
Number of words: 680 - Number of pages: 3.... expression of the individual's liberty to create change" (Thoreau 530). Thoreau felt that the government had established order that resisted reform and change. "Action from principle, the perception and the performance of right, changes things and relations; it is essentially revolutionary" (Thoreau 531).
Thoreau refused to pay the poll tax because the money was being used to finance the Mexican War. Not only was Thoreau against the war itself but the war was over Texas which was to be used as a slave state. His friend Staples offered to pay the tax for him, but to Thoreau it wasn't the t .....
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Macbeth 3
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... warns him about the prophecies, “But ‘tis strange: and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence” (I, 3, 122-127). Banquo is a smart man, and it is unfortunate that Macbeth ignores his advice. To be sure that Macbeth self-destructs by his own sinful behavior, the sorceresses create prophetic images that ensure him security. Not knowing they are all part of the deception, Macbeth easily succumbs to their plan. He aimlessly kills, believing nothing can harm him, but .....
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Flowers For Algernon
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... Charlie had dreams of his sister yelling at him and making fun of him. He also had memories of the night his parents took him to the Warren Home. He was terrified and his dad would never answer his questions. Charlie remembered his childhood and through his memories, he felt guilty for hurting his family.
After the operation, Charlie also suffered from disillusionment. In the bakery he used to have friends. Friends that would talk to him and care about him. "...Why? Because all of the sudden your a bigshot. You think you are better than the rest of us..." Charlie then realized that he .....
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Fantasy Author Charles De Lint
Number of words: 2184 - Number of pages: 8.... the works in which you will find this message are in the novels Someplace to be Flying and Memory and Dreams, as well as in the short story collection titled The Ivory and the Horn.
Charles de Lint was born in the Netherlands. He moved with his family to Canada only three months later. He confessed to Clinton Somerton in the article Charles de Lint takes readers Someplace to be Flying that he never planned to be a writer growing up. "For a long, long time, I was just going to be a musician" he said. Music does, in fact, play a large role in almost all his work. Along with his love for mus .....
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