Young Goodman Brown
Number of words: 1363 - Number of pages: 5.... His primary struggle in Young
Goodman Brown seems to be less with faith vs. the faithless void than with the points in between these states. The
story seems more about the journey through between two rigidly defined states than about good and evil. By
describing good and evil through heavy-handed metaphors and symbols, such as his wife's name and the satanic
communion he finds himself at in the forest, and then describing goodman Brown's inability to adapt his self-image to
the hypocrisy he finds, Hawthorne comments on the ultimate failure of such a rigidly proscribed formula for human .....
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Scarlet Letter- Pearl
Number of words: 1175 - Number of pages: 5.... only reason to live, but also a priceless treasure purchased with her life. Pearl’s strange beauty and deeply enigmatic qualities make her the most powerful symbol some feel Hawthorne ever created.
The product of Hester’s sin and agony, Pearl was a painfully constant reminder of her mother’s violation of the Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery. Hester herself felt that Pearl was given to her not only as a blessing but a punishment worse than death or ignominy. She is tormented by her daughter’s childish teasing and endless questioning about the scarle .....
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Beowulf Man Or Myth
Number of words: 1294 - Number of pages: 5.... gives the impression that Beowulf is more like a myth than a man. So with all this in mind, in the epic Beowulf he's portrayed as almost inhumane, so was he indeed a man or merely a myth?
Beowulf is described as…"greater than life"…than anyone in the world and in order to prove himself as a hero, he has to fight against something superhuman (Donaldson 10). "Beowulf is the prime example of an epic hero. His bravery and strength surpass all mortal men, his loyalty and ability to think of himself last make him reveared by all" (Bolton 2). "Beowulf's deeds must be marked by a nobility of .....
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A Life Lived In Fear Is A Life
Number of words: 689 - Number of pages: 3.... what he could do, but was told since he was a child to do what the world said he should. Had he given in to his fear of going against what was considered the correct way, he never would have made a difference. The woman in the film helped him to realize that he could be more then what others wanted for him. By doing things his way he made his mark on the world of ballroom dancing and achieved his dream of becoming a champion. He broke free of the mold, and so over came his fear.
People fear many things, and of these, the most common is failure. People feel that they can not express thei .....
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Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5.... Horatio and the others, "Never make known what you have seen tonight."(Act 1, Sc. 5, ln. 160)(65) The mere fact that hesitates to reveal that he has seen the ghost at all and swears Horatio and the other sentinels to secrecy, shows his want to keep the proof of his father's death secret. When says, "If his occulted guilt/ do not itself unkennel in one speech,/ it is a damned ghost that we have seen,/ and my imaginations are as foul/ as Vulcan's stithy." (Act 3, Sc. 2, ln. 85-89)(141) here wants to believe the ghost is a demon and tries to persuade himself that it is. knows in his .....
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Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... an injection to be tested for a drug. But will this injection hurt the baby, or is it for the good of the baby so that the mother may be given help if she is in fact a drug addict. It was recorded in 1985, in South Carolina, that a hospital in the south would take any measure necessary to make it possible for the unborn fetus has a healthy birth.
The unborn fetus should have rights, but how do we know when the unborn child is in danger. We need to use and make laws to ensure that pregnant women in no way possible can harm their babies. Unfortunately this is nearly impossible to accomp .....
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Comparing Chivalry In Sir Gawa
Number of words: 1356 - Number of pages: 5.... Ages. Sir Gawain, written in the 14th century, definitely does not practice perfect chivalric conduct throughout the poem.
At Camelot, in the first part of the poem, chivalry appears as a social code defining the aristocracy. When the Green Knights demands a challenge, not one member of King Arthur’s court steps up. Only until King Arthur says that he will do it does Sir Gawain step up. He accepts the challenge as King Arthur’s nephew, a representative of the court. His actions uphold the reputation that the court has established. Sir Gawain made the promise to the Green Knight t .....
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Assumptions And Values (Othell
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0.... .....
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Burmese Days
Number of words: 1180 - Number of pages: 5.... the other races non other than theirs is not as civilized . One man who realized that white men are not as
superior as they might think, James Flory is desperate to get his black friend, Dr. Veraswami, into the social club. The docter thought of the club as "fortress impregnable" pg 150 and mr. flory will stop at nothing till he is. U Po Kyin, jealous of
Veraswami's freindship with the "white man" is set on ruining both Flory and Veraswami for he should be the one considered for the prestigus club. Hence, he will stop at nothing to cross the thick racial barrier that consist over t .....
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Work Of A Masterpiece
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... The fact that she treats the slaves as people who are less than human, and doesn't care about selling and splitting up families makes the readers see the pain they go through. Another example of this is with Simon Legree. He is the only white person on the plantation, and he is an evil, unchristian man. Obviously, readers will see him with disgust and sympathize with the blacks.
Stowe uses common emotions to bring readers to understand her standpoint. There are many scenes in the book where there are common tears being shed between blacks and white, showing that they are equal human .....
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