A Search For Identity (The Blu
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Frosts Use Of Everyday Subjets
Number of words: 842 - Number of pages: 4.... in a textile mill. In 1894 he published a few poems in The Independent and began corresponding with its literary editor." (Bloom p.12) In December 1895 he married Elinor. "In the early years of there marriage, Frost attended Harvard as a special student but withdrew in 1899 and took up poultry farming to support his growing family. The Frost's family life, often strained by emotional and financial anxieties, was marked by a series of tragedies. Their first child, Elliott, died of cholera at age three. Another child, Elinor Bettina, died two days after birth. Of the four children .....
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After Apple Picking
Number of words: 633 - Number of pages: 3.... lines. The ladder, which points “toward heaven,” represents the speaker’s climb through life toward death and heaven and the barrel and apples left on the tree represent things he regrets having or not having done during his lifetime. But in line six he says that he is “done with apple-picking now,” which sounds as if he’s saying that what’s done is done and he must accept it. It is almost as if he is having a conflict within himself as to whether he should be content with his life or not.
The “sleep” that the speaker mentions constantly throughout the poem represents .....
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The Sun Also Rises Report
Number of words: 1717 - Number of pages: 7.... tended to settle in Paris, a suitable conduit through which to pursue their new lifestyle. Content to drift through life, desperately seeking some sort of personal redemption through various forms of indulgence, these people had abandoned their old value system and heroes, only to find difficulty in finding new ones. A great deal of new literature was spawned in an effort to capture the attitudes and feelings of such individuals to reinvent a model of sorts for a people sorely lacking any satisfactory standard to follow. At the forefront of these writers was Ernest Hemingway, whose .....
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My Antonia
Number of words: 541 - Number of pages: 2.... always count on her to be there.
Molly Gardner had a strong personality. Molly would show her personality by the way she presented herself. Jim the narrator said "Mrs. Gardener was admittedly the best-dressed woman in Black Hawk, drove the best horse, and had a smart trap and a little white-and-gold sleigh."(Page 117) Molly liked to have the best meterial goods in the town, and she liked to show them off. Mollys personality was the reason that her husband’s and her business did so well. Jim also said "…he knew that without her he would hardly be more that a clerk in some other man’ .....
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A Rose For Emily 4
Number of words: 767 - Number of pages: 3.... she isolated her self in her house. The only person that saw her on a regular basis was a black man that brought her food when she needed it. The only man that her father must of approved of ran out on her. This must have been the breaking point for her. Loosing the two most important people in her life near the same time must have been unbearable for her.
After these two events have passed the community attempts to reach out to her. When her father dies the women on the town try to comfort her but she is still in denial. Then the doctors are sent over and convince her and the body i .....
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The Odyssey 5
Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... showed similarities in technique and style. Like Monet, Renoir had a very rough and bumpy start in the early stages of his career, but by the 1870’s Renoir had already received success as a portraitist.
In 1881 he was freed from his financial problems as an art dealer named Paul Durand- Ruel began buying his work on a regular basis. By this time Renoir’s style had changed dramatically. He used a crisper and drier style with duller coloring, opposed to his earlier works using light and fresh colors.
In the mid 1880’s Renoir thought that he should take his art mor .....
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Gcse Wider Reading A Grade: Sh
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5.... Holmes is an amateur in the root sense of the word “someone who works simply for the love of it” However the way that Holmes uses the word “profession” shows that he does not consider himself to be an amateur.
Another convention of the detective story is that the detective will have a confidant through whom he can explain his reasoning to the reader. Holmes has a confidant, Watson, who is the stereotypical gentle doctor who is plain and uninteresting so as not to draw attention away from Holmes. “I had no keener pleasure than in following Holmes in .....
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Number of words: 883 - Number of pages: 4.... then change directions, drifting to the east and then back to the west as if they were gliding smoothly across a newly waxed dance floor. Yet it is not only the crystal clear water that contributes to the beauty of the scene.
The variety of boats that harbor in the bays and ports around Lake Michigan also add to the excitement of a normal day on the lake. The powerboats roar a story of freedom. Everyday, flocks of speedboats propel themselves across the waves flattening the wakes of previous boats and flying limitlessly across the water, skimming the tops of the waves, gaining more and mor .....
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The Cherry Orchard
Number of words: 523 - Number of pages: 2.... several ideas such as tearing down buildings and the house, and renting homes on the land that the cherry orchard now grows. He cares not about the sentimental value the orchard holds, but the money that could be made selling it. When told the personal value of the orchard, Lopahin replies: "The only remarkable thing about this cherry orchard is that it’s very big." He also says: "There’s a crop of cherries once every two years…that’s hard to get rid of…nobody buys them." Though this does not make Lopahin a greedy or uncaring person, one might think t .....
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