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Term Papers on Health and Medicine

Number of words: 1458 - Number of pages: 6

.... Vermont Controlled Substance Acts. Ritalin is primarily used in the treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (Bailey 1995). ADHD is a condition most likely based in an inefficiency and inadequacy of Dopamine and Norepinephrine hormone availability, typically occurring when a person with ADHD tries to concentrate. Ritalin improves the efficiency of the hormones Dopamine and Norepinephrine, increasing the resources for memory, focus, concentration and attention (Clark 1996). Ritalin has been used for more than 30 years to treat ADHD. Nervousness and insomnia a .....

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Alcohol Use Among Teens And Young Adults
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5

.... had previously been hospitalized for alcohol overdoses, and two had been treated by paramedics on campus for overdoses as well. The author commented that the mind-set of the students was not to “get drunk and silly” but instead to drink for the sole purpose of passing out. The students also reported that there is a “beer-friendly” attitude on the campus and that it is easy for anyone, even under-age individuals, to obtain a keg for a party. (STUDENT DRINKING STATUS – BY GENDER) Another national study found that forty-four percent of college students engaged in binge drinking .....

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Attention Deficit Disorder
Number of words: 1816 - Number of pages: 7

.... are thought to be most responsible for the regulation of behavior and attention. They receive information from the lower brain, which regulated arousal and screens incoming messages from within and outside of the body. The limbic system , a group of related nervous system structures located in the midbrain and linked to emotions and feelings, also sends messages to the frontal lobes. Finally, the frontal lobes are suspected to be the site of working memory, the place where information about the immediate environment is considered for memory storage, planning, and future-directed behavior. Sc .....

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Down Syndrome
Number of words: 822 - Number of pages: 3

.... of Down's syndrome. Trisomy 21, involves the presence of extra genetic material on the twenty first pair resulting from an anomaly in cell division during the development of egg or sperm during fertilization. About 95% of Down's syndrome births are Type Trisomy 21. Roughly 4% are caused by Translocation, "where the extra chromosome twenty one is broken off and becomes attached to another chromosome pair. The last 1% have Mosaicism, where only some cells of the chromosome have extra genetic material. With the different types of Down's the degree of retardation ranges from mild to sever. Alle .....

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Suicide Solution
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2

.... if everyone who attempts or had attempted suicide were not stopped, the impact would be noticed. Another popular argument for stoppers, people who want to prevent suicide, is that nothing can be bad enough. Yet how do they know this? They do not have to put up with the same stuff the suicide victim does everyday. How could they possibly know what the potential suicide victim feels. Just as a severely burned victim may wish to be allowed to die in peace, the suicide victim wishes the same. To die in peace with no argument from others. The argument of "look at the people you .....

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The Ebola Virus
Number of words: 1005 - Number of pages: 4

.... in Sudan. "Over 500 cases were reported, with mortality rates of 88% in Zaire and 53% in Sudan"1 The cause of these outbreaks still remain unknown. No association with monkeys could be attributed to either of the outbreaks. The only other case besides in Marburg that Ebola seemed to be associated with monkeys was a filovirus (family of viruses containing Ebola) isolated from cynomolgus monkeys from the Philippines. This Virus caused no serious symptoms in humans. Scattered outbreaks of Ebola have been reported in Central Africa for several years. The Ebola virus is a member a family of RN .....

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Concepts Of Lifetime Fitness
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3

.... or ATP in the mitochondria of the muscles produces heat.  If the body temperature does not rise immediately after this, then a second function begins. The brain will signal the blood vessels near the skin to constrict or narrow in diameter.  This occurs so the heat deep in the muscles is conserved.  Since the vessels are now smaller in diameter, less blood is needed to fill them.  Since less blood is needed through the vessels, the heart begins to slow.  If the body remains in this slowed state, hypothermia could result.  Hypothermia is the condition in which metabolic processes are i .....

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The Cystic Fibrosis Gene
Number of words: 2157 - Number of pages: 8

.... and finally to locate the actual gene. However, this classical approach proved to be impractical when searching for the CF gene. To find the gene responsible for CF, the principle of "reverse genetics" was applied. Scientists accomplished this by linking the disease to a specific chromosome. After this linkage, they isolated the gene of interest on the chromosome and then tested its product. Before the disease could be linked to a specific chromosome, a marker needed to be found that would always travel with the disease. This marker is known as a Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphis .....

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Number of words: 688 - Number of pages: 3

.... gonorrhea is most common in people 15-29 years of age. Risk factors include having multiple sexual partners, a partner with a past history of any STD, and unprotected sex (sex without the condom or the newly developed female condom). The early symptoms of gonorrhea are often mild, and many women who are infected have no symptoms of the disease. Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear within two to ten days after sexual contact with an infected partner, although a small percentage of patients may be infected for several months before showing any symptoms. The initial symptom in women inclu .....

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The Molecular Biology Of Cystic Fibrosis
Number of words: 1515 - Number of pages: 6

.... disease, pancreatic insufficiency and malabsorption, high electrolyte concentrations in sweat, sterility due to vas deferens obliteration, and subclinical cirrhosis of the liver . However, as the severity of these symptoms varies in different patients, and because of the presence of normal lungs after birth, it is difficult to make an early accurate prognosis (Bunch 95). The presence of mucus in the lungs provides a site where bacteria or viruses are easily caught, but which are not removed from the lung by the action of the bronchial cilliary epithelium (Figure 1). Figure 1 - In CF the .....

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