Chinese Foot Binding
Number of words: 1698 - Number of pages: 7.... large footed conquerors, the Mongols. Footbinding was most popular during the Ming Dynasty, if parents cared for their sons they would not go easy on their studies and if they cared for their daughters they would not go easy on their footbinding. One recent study estimated that there are still one million women in China with bound feet. The last Chinese women, still living with bound feet was in Hawaii in 1994.
There are many legends of how footbinding began, one such legend is Lady Yao, a dancer and concubine for Prince Li Yu, danced with such grace that the prince required her to bind her .....
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From Communism To Democracy
Number of words: 907 - Number of pages: 4.... in going
through the necessary changes quickly, so that the hardship would in
turn pass just as quickly. In the implementation of their policies,
we have seen that China's approach has led to a 29% of growth in their
industrial field. But in comparison, Russia only yielded 15% with
their approach. But one must keep in mind that China has more
industrial sectors than does Russia, so their job in improving
industry is notably easier than Russia's feat in developing an
Politically, the two nations have the same policies that they
held in th .....
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Atomic Bombing 2
Number of words: 1801 - Number of pages: 7.... claimed the dropping of the bomb was a diplomatic maneuver aimed at intimidating and gaining the upper hand in relations with Russia. I feel that the dropping of the bomb was born out of a complex myriad of military, domestic and diplomatic pressures and concerns.
Truman's monumental decision to drop these bombs was born out of the complex background of the Japanese army. This background was that the Japanese always fought to the death and that they had citizens prepared to fight. Pressure to drop the bomb stemmed from three major categories: military, domestic and diplomat .....
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Indian Imperialism
Number of words: 440 - Number of pages: 2.... forced peasants into the clutches of the moneylenders. Expanding population put greater pressure on land as there was no corresponding development of industry. India "inherited" from Britian a cheap and easy system of transport was important for the flow of British ready made goods and the export of raw material to Britain on large scale. Roads were improved and steam ships were introduced. But real improvement came with the railways which started in 1853, between Bombay V.T. and Thane. In her trade with other countries, India usually maintained a favourable balance, which were used for .....
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The Political Power Of England And France Increased Greatly In The 17th Century
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... For many people,
this caused more unity in England and increased power. In France, the
decision was made to unify the country through the establishment of a
single religious authority, the Catholic Church. The king of France became
the heart of this policy, which gave him control of religion when this went
into effect.
The next major point was the increase in need for governmental
financing. In England, taxing had become under the control of Parliament.
In addition to this, the cost of running a government in general had gone
up and the country needed more money. Because the kin .....
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On The Chinese Dynasty
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2.... Currency is cash and is the most common items used to exchanged for goods. The currency got of things exchanged for itself. Two nicknames for it are paper money and flying money. One last achievement is trade. Trade is one of the most important systems to the Chinese. They traded silk and other things and eventually got a lot of things back. The Chinese got a lot of things back from trade. These are some examples of the trade system.
The Chinese dynasties are really amazing. The Sui Dynasty lasted between 589-618 A.D. Yian Jian conquered the Chen kingdom and unified China. .....
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Painting Nude Figure By Pabblo Picasso
Number of words: 1804 - Number of pages: 7.... Picasso was distressed with modern art and proceeded to use mother's maiden name. Picasso underwent a distressing part of his life for the next 4 years (1901-1904) and demonstrated the life of the poor. The next two years following those last four were rather bright and vigorous. Perhaps this was because he realized how his life differed so much
from the poor on the streets. This was also a point in Picasso's life when sculpture and black art intrigued him. His work, "Two Nudes" reflects this attitude. Cubism soon followed after this. Picasso began experimenting with the many facets of .....
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Cultural Revolution Of The 1920s
Number of words: 737 - Number of pages: 3.... quoted as saying, "Scopes isn't on trial, civilization is on trial." The world was changing and scientific advances made it harder to fully accept the Bible's interpretation of creation. The older generation seemed set in their ways. It would seem that a science was on trial defending itself against traditional beliefs. The Red Scare was the result of wartime tensions. There was a growing fear of communism during the 1920's. The Red Scare became like a witch-hunt. Everyone was suspicious of each other. U. S. Attorney-General Palmer planned a round up of communists. January 2, 1920, he .....
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Holocaust Revisited
Number of words: 1292 - Number of pages: 5.... and philosophical issues in regard to the Holocaust. The most prominent theme in this book is the consideration of the uniqueness of the Holocaust as a historical event. The authors examine many opinions on this topic, and why or why not the Holocaust was unprecedented in its practical annihilation of a population and the reasons behind the wished elimination of the Jews. The other questions in the book are in regard to what happened in the concentration camps, and what is true and what is debatable.. These questions can be answered in many ways, and are supported on both sides by wid .....
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Greek And Roman Arches And Arc
Number of words: 321 - Number of pages: 2.... in a way that it can form an arch and hold weight upon itself. In most Roman architectures, such as the Colosseum, there would be a dome over the top to protect from rain, sun, or any other weather. The dome has a massive weight, so there has to be something to support it up, and this is where the job of the arch takes place.
In these Greek and Roman buildings or temples, there would be sculptures of famous gods and warriors. The Greek sculptures were also different than the Romans’. The Roman sculptures had more “life” in it. In other words, it was more realistic. Greek sculpt .....
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