The Correlation Between Chines
Number of words: 2011 - Number of pages: 8.... China has been susceptible to multiple altercations with encroaching empires and inflictions from outside cultures. Most disputes were over jealousy fueled by the captivating land in which China is located. However, the Chinese people, in accordance with their cultural beliefs, felt it dishonorable to claim ownership of any parcel of land.
The Chinese people carry much pride for their vast existence as a mainly undivided civilization. However, their earliest of history was not thoroughly documented until the Qin dynasty (approximately 200 B.C.E.) Before that specific era Chinese .....
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Egypt 4
Number of words: 818 - Number of pages: 3.... The Egyptians worshiped the sun along with a series of gods and goddesses. The Egyptian gods were represented with human torsos and human or animal heads. They were also represented by symbols, such as the sun disk and hawk wings that were worn on the headdresses of the pharaoh. Burying there dead was of great religious concern in Egypt. They believed they had to preserve the corpse so that they’re ka or spirit could enter the afterlife. They would mummify their dead bodies in order to preserve them. They would bury their dead in elaborate tombs in order to protect them in the after .....
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Civil War - The Battle Of Vicksburg
Number of words: 2263 - Number of pages: 9.... commodities. It boasted a municipal orchestra, a Shakespeare repertory company, and an imposing courthouse in the Greek revival style. To its proud citizens, Vicksburg was the "Queen City of the Bluff" and a center, as one of them wrote, of "culture, education and luxury."
All this was to change with coming of the war. By early 1862 the peaceful town had become one of the most strategically important spots in the entire Confederacy- and would soon be one of the most bitterly fought over.
From the beginning of the war in 1861, to protect their most prized possession, t .....
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How And Why Australia Became A
Number of words: 467 - Number of pages: 2.... Each small community fought and won its own battle for survival and growth.
There was talk of Federation from the early 1840's when the colonies still functioned seperately and there was a rivalry between NSW (who believed that trade should be free) and Victoria (who believed a tax should be imposed for trade). There was a need to uniform defence as there was fear of an invasion by Germany and if the colonies fought as one single nation, it would be stronger than if they remained seperate colonies.
Before the sub-division of Australia was complete, suggestions were made to link the colonie .....
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The French Revolution
Number of words: 321 - Number of pages: 2.... individual freedoms and economic rights.
The second revolution of 1792 occured because of the growing dissatisfaction of groups such as the Jacobins toward the constitutional monarchy. These groups were interested in forming a republic, allowing for more radical reformation at the hands of the people. The Jocobins themselves soon became divided, however, between the Girondists, who wanted a representative and more conservative republic, and the Mountain, who wanted a more direct repuplican government and who worked with the sans-culottes to achieve their goals. The sans- culottes were influe .....
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Israel And The Palestinians
Number of words: 2914 - Number of pages: 11.... and industry employ millions of Israelis. Today Israel is a leading fruit exporter. The industry is mainly based on military. Service industries account for more than half the employment in Israel. Tourism is another source of income.
Politically Israel is a multiparty democracy. A President elected by parliament for a five-year term, a government under a Prime Minister and a 120-member Parliament (Knesset). The people of Israel are extremely diverse. Jews in Israel consist of East European Jews, Moroccans, and Ethiopian Jews. More Jews and Palestinians live outside their “co .....
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The Ancient Art Of Jujitsu, And The Modern Form Of Judo
Number of words: 1426 - Number of pages: 6.... "Jujitsu". (Judo Information Site internet) I think that more people should take up Judo, I would if I had the time and I would suggest it to anybody with extra time. Judo is taught in many school all different just a little from each other.
Judo is thought to have been created from the same tournament as sumo wrestling andother types of competition. Jujitsu originated from ancient Japan and is the base around most if not all other form of Martial Arts. (Complete Reference Library CD) Historians believe that in 230 BC. there was a "Chikara-Kurabe" tournament, the contest of strength. .....
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Number of words: 1314 - Number of pages: 5.... and the People's Republic
of China furnished munitions to North Vietnam and the Vietcong. On both
sides, however, the burden of the war fell mainly on the civilians.1
On January 27, in Paris, delegations representing the United States,
South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Provisional Revolutionary
Communist Government of South Vietnam signed an Agreement on Ending
the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam. The cease-fire officially went into
effect on January 28. Both the US and North Vietnam asserted that there
were no secret peace terms.2
All the US fighting forces had withdrawn from Vie .....
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Ancient Egyptian
Number of words: 3683 - Number of pages: 14.... waters. From him came
Shu, the god of air and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. From their union
came Geb and Nut, who held the same positions as the above version.
Yet another version tells that Ra became the god of the afterlife, but was
still supreme.
The ancient Egyptian theology dealt with hundreds of deities. These gods
changed during the different dynasties and their importance depended on the
views of the rulers of the kingdom.
The Egyptians worshipped their gods at temples, and each was dedicated to a
particular god. A statue of the god stood in t .....
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Social Inequality In 1820s
Number of words: 1366 - Number of pages: 5.... has been argued about its actual meaning hundreds of times by students, philosophers, historians, etc., it still is relevant in discussing the true intentions of the new nation. If all men were created equal then why were there slaves? Why did the government deny the Indians of their rights? Why was there so much injustice? That phrase simply meant that all free citizens were politically equal. This did not apply to blacks or women under the eyes of the signers. As time went by, the meaning "All Men are created equal" took a meaning different than that of the common people in 1776. The y .....
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