The History Of The Peace In Rome, The Pax Romana
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... pour it into a wooden mold, and
then wait for it to dry then we would have a substance that was as hard as
stone. This was a new age for us because the concrete formed the backbone
of Rome's bold architecture. This material was then covered with a costly
material, usually marble, to look more decorative. This was used around
the city and people claimed that it looked as if it were the world capital,
for which of course we are.
The last important contribution to the Pax Romana Augustus made was
setting up the civil service. This service was open to anybody of all
ranks. The civ .....
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Trench Warfare On The Western Front
Number of words: 860 - Number of pages: 4.... prevented enemy soldiers from firing down
the length of the trench. Despite it's name, “front-line trenches” were
not the most forward defensive position. Narrow passages called “saps”
were dug at 90º to the main trench and were on average 30 yards long.
These saps led to isolated positions only large enough for two men and were
designed to listen for enemy movement. The sounds of shovels and picks
underground were listened for extremely closely because enemy mining
parties often tried to burrow beneath the front lines for a surprise attack
or to plant a bomb.
The German tr .....
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Franklin Roosevelt And The Holocaust
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3.... the Evian Conference; a meeting attended by the Allies to determine how to deal with Hitler and the SS (Catledge, 1974). FDR was also a firm believer of the WagnerRogers bill, which if passed by congress would have given twenty- thousand Jewish children freedom into the U.S. However, this bill never found its way to FDR's desk.
Anti-Semitism in America was at an all time high during this time, maybe one reason why the WagnerRogers bill never passed through congress. Individuals like Brechenridge Long of the State Department, and Assistant Secretary of the War Department, John McC .....
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Famous Author- Samuel Selvon
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... with his writings for other media. He worked extensively with the British Broadcasting Corporation during the 1960s and 1970s to produce two television scripts, ANANSI THE SPIDER MAN and HOME, SWEET INDIA, numerous radio programs, and a film version of THE LONELY LONDONERS.
In addition to these accomplishments, Selvon has held a series of university appointments in the Caribbean, Great Britain, and North America. He has also received numerous awards, including two Guggenheim Fellowships (1955, 1968), Trinidad's Humming Bird Medal for Literature (1969), and an honorary doctorate from the U .....
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Number of words: 471 - Number of pages: 2.... protested the British monopoly on salt and the salt tax Indians
had to pay. He tried to a provoke violent a response from the colonial
government. Such a response would show him to the world as a victim and
not a tyrant. This approach would expose the British injustice and
would get the world’s public opinion on hGandhi’s side. As a result,
even the English people supported his independence movement.
Gandhi’s non-violent non cooperation required much more bravery and
devotion then violent techniques used by some other Indian independence
leaders. During a march on a sal .....
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Debate - “crito,” By Plato, An
Number of words: 1805 - Number of pages: 7.... Socrates goes on to nullify this argument by saying that opinions of the populace doesn’t matter, only the opinion of the authority should be taken into consideration. Socrates also says that he shouldn’t mind dying considering he had a long and full life. He goes on to point out that, the point of living is not to live long but to live well. Moreover, that to live well, one has to live honorably. He feels that he has lived a good life and if he were to escape, then he wouldn’t be living honorably, thus not making life worth living. Crito gives him a few other reasons including .....
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Blade Runner And Jurassic Park
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... the specific ways in which the term “reproduction” links the discourses of science and gender. Reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization, test tube conception, and genetic manipulation challenge our concepts of human reproduction, transforming bodies from unified organic units to strategic and manipulable systems. Furthermore, these new ways of thinking about human bodies undermine the biological justification for traditional heterosexual gender identities: if all reproduction is redefined as technological, then normative or “natural” gender roles must be reconside .....
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Anderw Carnegie, The Bible, An
Number of words: 1018 - Number of pages: 4.... for gathering the great wealth that matters, not the final distribution of it. If one gathers great wealth merely for the purpose of gathering great wealth, that is greed and it is sinful in the eyes of the bible. However, if one finds in himself the ability to make large amounts of money easily and then decides to do so exclusively for the good of others, than it is right and good and virtuous to do so. It is said in Galatians 6:7, "A man reaps what he sows." Therefore, if one sows in greed and sin, than one will reap more of the same. He may have great wealth, but he will not be h .....
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Mathematical Realism And Its D
Number of words: 396 - Number of pages: 2.... so misunderstand the nature of proof.”
Hersh goes on and uses many analogies that attempt to disprove mathematics, but mathematicians believe the math is something to be found, not created. Mathematicians describe math as something to observe and find not something to create and construct.
I thought this article to be very interesting. While reading this article I was swayed from one side to the other, both sides had reasonable arguments that kept me doubtful. Math can very much is considered a created thing because we have no way of knowing if it actually applies to areas out of our sig .....
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The History Of Coca-Cola
Number of words: 2046 - Number of pages: 8.... Dr. John Pemberton sold a portion of the Coca-Cola company to Asa Candler, after Pemberton's death the remainder was sold to Candler. Pemberton was forced to sell because he was in a state of poor health and was in debt. He had paid $76.96 for advertising, but he only made $50.00 in profits. Candler acquired the whole company for $2,300(Coca-Cola multiple pages).
Candler achieved a lot during his time as owner of the company. On January 31, 1893, the famous Coca-Cola formula was patented. He also opened the first syrup manufacturing plant in 1884. His great achievement was large scale bo .....
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