Number of words: 974 - Number of pages: 4.... Minister Winston Churchill to mount a force against the powerful Germans. Plans though always fell through due to lack of numbers and insufficient military craft. Britain however, began to conjure theoretical plans to return to the main land. Then on December 11, 1941 Hitler declared war against the United States. This caused military officials to begin planning their own timetable. The two then sternly pressed for an early invasion. Initially, wishful thinking set an attack in 1943. George Marshall, chief of staff for President Roosevelt, appointed Dwight D. Eisenhower to scheme .....
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After Anne Frank
Number of words: 241 - Number of pages: 1.... in Amsterdam. The Franks, Van Daans and Mr. Dussel were sent to Westorbork in Holland.
On September 3, the Allies captured Brussels and the Franks Along with the Van Daans were the last ones to be sent on a freight train with seventy-five people per car. Each car was sealed tight with only one window. For three days and nights the train ventured across Germany to reach its final destination, Auschwitz in Poland. There the Franks and the Van Daans were then sent to concentration camps.
There the conditions were horrible. Healthier prisoners shaved their heads and worked twelve hours a d .....
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Conflict In Vietnam
Number of words: 1278 - Number of pages: 5.... French and the united states of America clearly shows how closely this conflict was tide to the cold war going on between the eastern and western superpowers who supported the war efforts on either side. North Vietnams goal was to unify both north and south Vietnam leaving one communist state even if it meant using military force, at this time the cold war was still going on an since the u.s.a. Feared the spread of communist in Asia, John F. Kennedy gave economic and military aid to south Vietnam in order to prevent the takeover of the south by the north although all though the conflict was .....
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Spanish Settlement Of The West
Number of words: 1592 - Number of pages: 6.... Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals.
During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the regi .....
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The Art Of Italy And Northern Europe From 1300 To 1520
Number of words: 1658 - Number of pages: 7.... the medieval period. The latter part of the era "was one that seemed to have one foot planted in the Middle Ages and the other in the emerging Renaissance (Fleming, 248)."
In approximately 1305, the visionary Giotto began his frescos at the Arena Chapel. Giotto looked at his surroundings; he saw how things appeared in nature, and painted these objects in the same way. The impression of depth is found in his works, as was the appearance of focal points. In his masterpiece, Miracle of the Spring, Saint Francis is made the focal point. This is achieved by the coming together of the two m .....
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Granada, Spain
Number of words: 418 - Number of pages: 2.... Spain was host to Arabic culture and
this has left many strong imprints both genetically and culturally. The
"granadainos" don't have a particularly good reputation and they are renown
for their "mala follar" which means "bad humour". The granadinos are less
friendly and lighthearted than the average Spaniard.
Granada has the Alhambra which is considered by some to be one of
the 10 wonders of the world. The Alhambra is a massive castle constructed
over many centuries. It consists of gardens, fortifications and sumptuous
palaces. It was the home of many of the Arabic Sultans wh .....
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Hercules His 12 Quests
Number of words: 1861 - Number of pages: 7.... tasks that seemed clearly impossible of fu~llment.
The Nemean Lion. Eurystheus first ordered Hercules to kill the Nemean lion, a terrible beast that had defied all would-be captors. The combat between Hercules and the lion was brutal and cruel. .Seeing that his club and arrows were of no avail in the battle, Hercules grasped the lion in his hands and strangled it to death. He returned to Eurystheus, wearing the skin of the lion as a cloak and the head as a helmet.
The Hydra, or Water SerpenL Hercules was ordered next to slay the Hydra, a many-headed water serpent that had taken a heavy toll .....
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Anti-semitism In Nazi Germany
Number of words: 1499 - Number of pages: 6.... Jew' also had a great influence on the members of the Nazi party. Baldur Von Shirach, a former Nazi youth leader, told a psychologist, "You have no idea what a great influence this book had on the thinking of the German youth…I read Henry Ford's book 'The International Jewry'…and became anti-Semitic." (Pinson, K 1966:487). It is not that anti-Semitism did not exist within Germany. 'Der nationale Sozialismus' (1st ed., Munich, 1920; 2nd ed., 1992), written by Rudolf Jung of Troppau, contained heavy anti-Semitic views and was considered to be one of, if not the most, authori .....
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Civil War - The War Of Northern Aggression
Number of words: 2149 - Number of pages: 8.... of confusing them about their parents cause. They were fed by such lies as the Confederates were prejudice slave-holders who beat black people for fun. This, of course, was very successful. Now a people who once believed in the federal government was here to help the states reach common goals, believe it’s their supreme authority.
One of the lies that has already been mentioned is that the "Civil War" is over slavery. This is one of the most dead wrong statements that one could think of. First of all, 70 to 80 percent of Southern soldiers didn’t even own slaves (Kennedy 34). People .....
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Knights 2
Number of words: 1518 - Number of pages: 6.... he became a squire. He helped with the horses , armor and learned how to fight. Squires also learned to joust and had to hold a lance which was three meters of heavy metal. Not all squires became knights. Some just stayed squires who were known has a gentleman who owned land. A rich squire could become a knight at sixteen , but if he was poor he had to wait until he was twenty. When the time came to become a knight , a squire would spend all night in a church praying. Afterwards , he took a bath that was very rare in those days and put on new clothes . When it was time , the lo .....
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