A "Golden Age" For Athens?
Number of words: 1305 - Number of pages: 5.... during
the Persian Wars and Pericles set out to rebuild the city. The city's
walls had already been rebuilt right after the end of the second Persian
War so Pericles rebuilt temples, public grounds, and other impressive
structures. One of the most famous structures to result from Pericles'
building project was the Parthenon. The Parthenon and other such
structures re-established Athens's glory and while some Athenians
criticized the projects as too lavish, most Athenians enjoyed the benefits
of the program. A major benefit to the Athenian people was that there was
an abundance of work in th .....
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A Plan In The Making The Const
Number of words: 922 - Number of pages: 4.... the politicians wanted something else, they still had to conform to the general population. If they did not, then the public would not accept anything that came out of this convention. Roche also says that there were those that wanted a monarchy or a different type of government other than what the Articles of Confederation provided. Some representatives wanted a more centralized form of government, meaning that, more power would be given to the National Government. Others wanted the majority of the power to remain with the states. The reason being that people did not want a government .....
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Socrates 2
Number of words: 250 - Number of pages: 1.... group of the three Graces, which stood at the entrance to the Acropolis until he 2d century ad. In the Peloponnesian war with Sparta he served as an infantryman with conspicuous bravery at the battles of potidaea in 432-430 bc, Delium in 424 bc, and amphipolis in 422 bc. Socrates believed superiority of argument over writing and therefore spent the greater part of his mature life in the marketplace and public resorts of Athens in dialogue and argument with anyone who would listen or who submit to interrogation. He wrote no books and establish no regular school of philosophy. He belief i .....
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World War 2 And The American Navy
Number of words: 292 - Number of pages: 2.... was extremely supportive of the war as long as they didn’t have to get in the trenches of it. They supported the British forces by fulfilling much needed supplies. America gave the British Parliament 7 billion dollars’ worth of American accouterments in 1942.
Life on board these great sea giants wasn’t so spectacular. Hundreds of sailors had to live in cramped spaces sometimes without air-conditioning or heating. As the war progressed accommodations were made radically better by being given more refrigeration spaces and spacious rooms.
The American Navy had a lot of .....
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Alfred Stieglitz
Number of words: 1895 - Number of pages: 7.... large dark eyes, pale fine skin, a delicately modeled mouth with a strong chin (Peterson 34). In 1871 the Stieglitz family lived at 14 East 60th street in Manhattan. No buildings stood between Central Park and the Stieglitz family home. As Stieglitz got older he started to show interest in photography, posting every photo he could find on his bedroom wall. It wasn't until he got older that his photography curiosity begin to take charge of his life.
Stieglitz formally started photography at the age of nineteen, during his first years at the Berlin Polytechnic School. At this time photograph .....
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Natural Born Killers 2
Number of words: 1262 - Number of pages: 5.... shows up. The media is represented in one main figure, and some other smaller parts. The main representation is Wayne Gale (Robert Downey Jr.), a talk show host who is obsessed with serial killers, especially Mickey and Mallory. This talk show host along with other forms of the media has made Mickey and Mallory stars. It shows that serial killers can become as famous as movie stars and sports stars. In fact, this film is about so many things that it' s hard to explain in a review.
The Motion Picture Association edited 32 minutes during its review prior to the release of the censored .....
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China 4
Number of words: 994 - Number of pages: 4.... sometimes thought to be forebears of the Huns. One reason the Great Wall was built was to keep Chinese farmers from leaving their farms,and the second reason was for protection. The wall helped in wars because it provided square stone windows ,which let the soldiers in the wall, fire there weapons at invaders. But sometimes the wall didn't help ,because invaders went around it,or over it.
The wall is simple in structure. It is built of dirt, stone, and brick. Its height ranges from 15 to 30 feet (5 to 9 meters), with watchtowers rising at regular intervals above it. It is 15 to 25 fe .....
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World War 1: Forever Wounded
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3.... they were shelled. Paul and his friends decide they would rather risk their lives then leave the food. One by one they run to safety carrying their platters of food. Even when Paul is almost killed he doesn’t let go of his plate of pancakes.
On the field it goes without saying how many men suffered. Shells were flying from above while rifles shot in all directions on the ground. Deadly gases were used in this war for the first time in history. Paul described the pain of gas. His lungs felt ripped and smashed into a compressed ball ready to burst. All he had was a tiny mask to .....
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Number of words: 224 - Number of pages: 1.... faith, religion, reality versus illusion, and artistic creativity. Allegory took a major role in its literary characteristics. Much of the is reactions against forms and rules. is an attitude of imagination and vision, which values a vast freedom in style!
Romantics of this period saw the imagination as the means for tapping into the universal truth and finding knowledge. Many objects of the physical world became symbols of spiritual or intellectual truth. For example, Edgar Allen Poe pursued with great intensity the Gothic mood. He made material data of his stories symbolic repre .....
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International Business Law, Go
Number of words: 1803 - Number of pages: 7.... through this process receives a discounted rate. Second is an independent line, which is when the vessel has their own rate schedules. Generally, independent lines have a lower rate than that of the conference discounted price. Finally the third aspect of common carrier is tramp vessels which are similar to independent lines by the fact that they have their own rate schedule, but they differ from both in that they don’t operate on established schedules.
The next topic is the bill of lading, which is an instrument issued by an ocean carrier to a shipper that serves as a receipt of .....
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