The Gilded Age
Number of words: 4033 - Number of pages: 15.... however, there will also always be a wide spectrum of opinions because of social status. Naturally, the poor will always feel cheated because they feel as if opportunity never has and never will pass them by. The rich, conversely, will always feel as if they are doing society a great favor simply by having their wealth. Poor versus rich debates will never go away no matter how much change is done to government and society. The “just deserts” theory of poverty is one that best describes American society. “For many, the logic of the mobility ideology led to a ‘just deserts’ rationaliz .....
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Frank Lloyd Wright Innovator I
Number of words: 4327 - Number of pages: 16.... in his book "Creating Minds" does not make any mention of Frank Lloyd Wright, an innovator who drastically influenced architecture of the twentieth century around the world.
Born in 1867 Wisconsin, Frank Lincoln Wright grew up in the comfort and influence of a Welsh heritage. The Lloyd-Jones clan, his mother's side of the family, would have great influence on Frank throughout his life. Unitarian in faith, the extended family lived within close proximity to each other thus enabling a strong support system for those born or married into the clan. Great themes within th .....
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Rhetorical Criticism Of Cross
Number of words: 1422 - Number of pages: 6.... question and selecting an artifact, selecting a unit of analysis, analyzing the artifact, and writing the critical essay.
In applying the theories of metaphoric criticism, I will focus on two metaphors used throughout the “Cross of Gold” speech. The first use of metaphors is to convey violent acts to show the wrongfulness in changing the gold standard. Bryan refers back to fighting, contest, and war to show that the people are not going to go along with the government. Bryan speaks of “brother against brother, father against son” to show that part of the government is on the same .....
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Code Of Behavior
Number of words: 1577 - Number of pages: 6.... to these conventions, a nobleman, usually a knight, in love with a married woman of equally high birth—or, often, higher rank—had to prove his devotion by heroic deeds and by amorous writings presented anonymously to his beloved. Once the lovers had pledged themselves to each other and consummated their passion, complete secrecy had to be maintained. Because most noble marriages in the Middle Ages were little more than business contracts, courtly love was a form of sanctioned adultery, sanctioned because it threatened neither the contract nor the religious sacrament of marriage. I .....
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Operation Barbarossa
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4.... group headed north towards Leningrad, a center group headed towards Moscow and a southern group moved to capture the food producing area of the Ukraine. By now, the Germans were thrilled with their fast advancements and initial success, including the fact that they had captured over 400 000 Russian soldiers.
In late July, the advance on Leningrad and Moscow slowed, with forces moving south to capture Kiev and the Ukraine. While Germans generals wanted to make Moscow the primary target so that a final battle could take place to crush the red Army, Hitler believed that seizing territory was mor .....
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What Is Meant By The Era Of Good Feelings
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4.... his efforts he hoped to counter-act the rising feelings of sectionalism. His cabinet reflects this attitude. Representing the North he appointed John Quincy Adams (a Federalist) as secretary of state. To represent the South he appointed John C. Calhoun as secretary of war. In an attempt to create a government of unification, a major problem is encountered, the issue of slavery. In 1819 the number of slave and free states was equal. Then, Missouri applied to the Union as a slave state. Northern politicians protested Missouri’s admission, because they did not want to break the sect .....
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Indigenous Religions Compared
Number of words: 787 - Number of pages: 3.... of how closely related they were. This is quite similar to the Christian practice or habit of visiting the graves of passed loved ones. African cultures take it to the extent of setting a place at the table and food and drink. Likewise some Christians have their loved ones cremated and the ashes are placed in their home. Also many times people visit the graves of those who have passed away. Personally, I often visit the grave of my grandmother. She and I were very close, we even shared the same name. Whenever I really miss her I visit her grave. Sometimes I'll talk to her, or s .....
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Number of words: 928 - Number of pages: 4.... al. 83). These qualities are shown in many of the stories that are passed down through Greek history. The ’ respect for their gods came partially out of fear. An example of superhuman qualities to be feared is stated in Theogony:
Then Zeus no longer held back his might; but straight his heart was filled with fury and he showed forth all his strength. From Heaven and from Olympus he came immediately, hurling his lightning: the bolts flew thick and fast from his strong hand together with thunder and lightning, whirling an awesome flame. The life-giving earth crashed around in burning, .....
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Auschwitz 2
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... The camp at Auschwitz originally housed political prisoners from occupied Poland and from concentration camps within Germany. Construction of nearby Birkenau (Brzenzinka), also known as Auschwitz II, began in October 1941 and included a women's section after August 1942. Birkenau had four gas chambers, designed to resemble showers, and four crematoria, used to incinerate bodies.
Approximately 40 more satellite camps were established around Auschwitz. These were forced labor camps and were known collectively as Auschwitz III. The first one was built at Monowitz and held Poles who had be .....
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The Battle Of Salerno
Number of words: 472 - Number of pages: 2.... land on the west coast of Italy at Salerno. Salerno is 30 miles southeast of Naples and 180 miles north of Montgomery's landing place.
One German division was sent to defend against the Allied landing at Salerno. Other Germans were to be deployed once their need became evident. The Germans had great military skills and were efficient.
Fighting along the beaches near Salerno was bitter and desperate. Americans held off the German counterattacks with assistance of nearby Allied warships and fighter planes based in Sicily. On September thirteenth, and again on the fourteenth, the Germans ca .....
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