Mesopotamian Art And Arquitecture
Number of words: 2411 - Number of pages: 9.... followed by the Semitic Akkadians,
Babylonians, and Assyrians.
The earliest architectural and artistic remains known
to date come from northern Mesopotamia from the
proto-Neolithic site of Qermez Dere in the foothills of the
Jebel Sinjar. Levels dating to the 9th millennium BC have
revealed round sunken huts outfitted with one or two
plastered pillars with stone cores. When the buildings were
abandoned, human skulls were placed on the floors,
indicating some sort of ritual.
Artifacts from the late Uruk and Jamdat Nasr periods,
also (about 3500-2900 BC), have been found at .....
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The Shooting Down Of An Iranian Airliner By The USS Vincennes
Number of words: 1124 - Number of pages: 5.... 1987. Another important event was the laying of mines in international waters by Iran, which lead to the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS striking a mine and taking serious damage in early 1988. These events were probably still fresh in Captain Rodgers mind then he received word from the USS MONTGOMERY that they were tracking several Iranian gunboats the might be attacking a neutral tanker.
It is my opinion that Captain Rodgers saw this as an unprecedented opportunity to teach Iran not to mess with the United States. With that thought in mind, he heads towards the conflict along with the Montgomery .....
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Constantinople The Gateway Cit
Number of words: 400 - Number of pages: 2.... some advantages as a crossroads, such as trade, political power, defense and for the spread of culture. (Doc. B) Nearly 300,000 people made their permanent homes in Constantinople. (Doc. C) The placement of Constantinople let the people enjoy many cultures of the world. There were only two requirements for citizenship: membership in a Christian Church and the ability to speak Greek. (Doc. C) With Constantine being a Christian, he believed that Christianity was the best religion for his city. Constantine was looking for the best for his city.
Many of the structures during Constantine's .....
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Why Napleon Was A Success Essa
Number of words: 454 - Number of pages: 2.... fell and Napoleon was promoted to the rank of brigadier general.
When Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy. He defeated four Austrian generals in succession, and each army he fought got bigger and bigger. This forced Austria and its allies to make peace with France. During this campaign the French realized how smart Napoleon was. He developed a tactic that worked very efficiently. He would cut the enemy's army in to two parts, then throw all his force on one side before the other side could rejoin them. This method was extremely effective against the Sardinian troo .....
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Early Colonial Areas
Number of words: 391 - Number of pages: 2.... known as the Middle colonies. The people who settled
here were the Quakers. They, alike the Puritans, were also very religious. They
also read the Bible. They also migrated to America for religious reasons, like
the Puritans. They valued self government, Manufacturing, and commerce. Their
preachers preached violently (in terms of speaking). They both, lived amicably
with the Indians and purchased plots of land off them. Quaker city of Philadelphia
became the unofficial colonial capitol in 1750. Twenty-si .....
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Black And Yellow Perils In Col
Number of words: 1837 - Number of pages: 7.... exhibit at the 'Savage South Africa' exposition. This accentuated the fears that formed the basis for the paranoia concerning 'yellow' and especially 'black' perils in imperial Africa, and also enhanced worries concerning racial degeneration. The result of this and one or two other isolated incidents, was that women were forbidden to attend the majority of any subsequent exhibitions, if not nationally, then certainly in the London area.
The appearance of scientific racism in the second half of the nineteenth century, the basis for which was social Darwinism and anatomical measurement, enable .....
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How Barbed Wire Was The Ruination Of The Cowboy Lifetyle
Number of words: 276 - Number of pages: 2.... movies and songs. Thomas Glidden and his revulationary invention of barbed wire took something from America that can never be replaced, I imagine that most people consider this progress, the never ending evolution of The United States of America, but I can not help but wonder if America might just be a little better if there were a few of those good ol’ boys left.
Many early americans expereminted with a lot of different materials. Hedgerows were gradually developed, and a few homesteaders even resorted to mud and ditch enclosures. timber was brought from neighboring states, but its co .....
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Lewis And Clark
Number of words: 2123 - Number of pages: 8.... steep hills…" (De Voto 232). Traveling along the steep hills, several horses fell. One was crippled, and two gave out. Patrick Gass described the trip that day as, "…the worst road (If road it can be called) that was ever traveled" (MacGregor 125). To make conditions even worse, it rained that afternoon, which made the trail even more treacherous. The party was only able to travel five miles that day. On September 3, snow fell and the team’s last thermometer broke. Several more horsed slipped and injured themselves. Later that day, the snow turned into sleet. The expe .....
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US Generals Of WWII
Number of words: 2899 - Number of pages: 11.... World War I he served as chief of operations with the U.S. First Army in France. He became a colonel in 1918 and received wide military recognition for his handling of troops and equipment during the Saint Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne operations. From 1919 to 1924 he was aide to the U.S. commander in chief, General John Pershing, and during the next three years he saw service in China. Marshall taught in various army schools and organizations from 1927 to 1936, when he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general.
In 1939 Marshall was appointed U.S. army chief of staff with the rank of gen .....
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Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... "The First was Eridu, then a seaport on the Persian Gulf, where their earlyest myths represent the
first man, Adapu (Adam), speading his time fishing"(Hotbot Babylon). From the little known
information about this culture, they were believed to be a considerably culture for being so early
in development.
Babylonians were a very technological advanced people and known for their tall, highly
fortified walls construction and waterways, such as canals and aqueduct (grolier 254). This made
them a hard country to conquer because the highly fort .....
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