The Renaissance Period
Number of words: 992 - Number of pages: 4.... overcame their fear and many people started to venture out and enroll in schools and colleges became more and more common.
The Renaissance was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence and Venice. Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants started to spend money on many different things, such as paintings, learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanist is mainly concerned with humankind and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek, and Literature .....
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Greek And Roman Influences On Modern Society
Number of words: 813 - Number of pages: 3.... (including Montgomery). Sadly, Pythagoras, and other mathematicians, hit a roadblock which stopped mathematics almost completely until modern times. Irrational numbers scared them, and they decided that something irrational had no place in the rational world. Of course, today we have overcome those fears, and there are several irrational numbers which are indespensible, like pi.
The Greeks also evolved history and drama. Both had been around for a while, but the Greeks brought new ideas to them, and changed them into the form they are today. For many years, men had documented the events .....
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A Fatal Mistake The Vietnam Wa
Number of words: 2810 - Number of pages: 11.... during the war. The Vietnam Nationalists, the same ones who had supported the U.S. in the war against the Japanese not more than a year previous, sought only to peacefully gain their independence from France (Chant 25). In January of 1950, the Viet Minh gained recognition by the governments of the USSR and China, who supplied weapons and places to train (Chant 25). Because the two Communist superpowers recognized the Viet Minh, the Vietnam war became to the U.S. a struggle between capitalism and communism, especially since the Viet Minh were openly communist themselves. By aiding the Fren .....
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Megellan's Voyage
Number of words: 1065 - Number of pages: 4.... south. The ships were in
terrible shape, and some attempted mutinies even occured. The Santiago,
which was set out on a different route, sank, and with it the crew and many
provisions. They finally arrived at Puerto San Julian, where, according to
Winchester, they found "patagones" which means big feet. They captured
several "patagones" and named the land Patagonia. On October 21, 1520,
Magellan finally sighted Cabo Virjenes, the eastern end of the M agellan
strait, the entrance to the Pacific Ocean. Magellan sent two ships, the San
Antonio and the Conception into the bay, only to watch .....
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Luther And The Reformation
Number of words: 564 - Number of pages: 3.... Monastery on July 17, 1505 to become a monk. Two years later, he was ordained as a priest. In 1508 Luther was appointed Professor of Philosophy at Wittenberg University, and he also studied there subsequently to receive the Doctor of Theology degree in 1512. In 1515 Luther was appointed Augustinian Vicar for Meissen and Thuringia. During the period of his appointment as Vicar, Luther underwent a
modification in his views and beliefs.
It is with music as well as theology that Luther brought about sweeping reforms in the German Church. During Luther's time, congregational chorales we .....
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Gcse Arab Israeli Conflict Que
Number of words: 816 - Number of pages: 3.... reading the article, you notice that it is very fairly set out into two sections, the Israelis reasons for going to war, and the Arabs. You are told in the first paragraph that “the Arab powers were threatening her (Israel) with destruction and were ready to attack her” as well as “Egypt had already closed the Gulf of Akaba which she knew Israel would regard as an act of war”. Also, the writer states “Israel could not afford to let the Arabs strike first for she was too weak and too vulnerable”.
In the second paragraph, that for the reasons of the Arabs, you are .....
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The Battle Of Gettysburg
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3.... North to recognize the independence of the Confederate States of America. In pursuit of this plan, Lee crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains, proceeded up the Shenandoah Valley, and, crossing Maryland, entered Pennsylvania. Upon learning federal troops were north of the Potomac, Lee decided to concentrate his whole army at Gettysburg. On June 30, Confederate troops from General Hill's corps, on their way to Gettysburg, noted federal troops that Meade had moved down to intercept the Confederate army. The battle began on July 1 outside of Gettysburg with an encounter between Hill's advance brigades .....
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Chesapeake Vs. New England Col
Number of words: 755 - Number of pages: 3.... After additional people had arrived in 1609, nearly 80% of Jamestown’s population had died. John Smith referred to Jamestown as “a misery, a ruin, a death, a hell,” then the colony started producing and exporting tobacco. King James’ comment to this was, “no one can build a colony on smoke,” but Jamestown did. In 1640, Jamestown began to export three million pounds of tobacco to England annually. This number grew considerably in 1660, when Jamestown was exporting over ten million pounds to England annually. To cultivate these tobacco crops the Chesapeake Bay colonist utili .....
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History 2
Number of words: 1302 - Number of pages: 5.... issue of slavery divided a nation ironically named the United States. While on an issue with all low points there is one fact which stands above the rest, somewhat. Due to the fact that it was a longer voyage for the slaves to reach America they were much higher priced than in the Southern Americas, where slaves were considered expendable and worked until death. Accoridngly, slaves where considered important and treated much better in North America. Slavery is a low point in American history many will try to forget, but will be embedded in the minds of all.
The Great Awakening was a t .....
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Fourth Amendment Exceptions
Number of words: 2961 - Number of pages: 11.... farm, entered on to private property ignoring “No Trespassing” signs, and on to a secluded open portion of the Oliver property without a warrant, discovered the marijuana patch and then arrested Oliver without an arrest warrant. The Maine Judicial Court held that “No Trespassing” signs posted around the Oliver property “evinced a reasonable expectation of privacy,” and therefore the court held that the “open fields” doctrine was not applicable to the Oliver case.
Upon hearing the case, the Supreme Court argues that the special protections accorded by the fourth amendment do .....
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