Atomic Bomb 4
Number of words: 834 - Number of pages: 4.... lives and making the Untied States of America look more powerful then ever.
President Truman had decided to go ahead and test the bomb in New Mexico. After the test went well, Truman Had decided to drop the Bomb on Hiroshima. It was a good idea for dropping the atomic bomb because, that decision saved thousand of military lives. After the bomb was dropped, people did not have to worry about the Japan bombing us any more because we stopped the war. The decision that President Truman made was a good decision because Japan never had a chance to bomb the United States of America. Ther .....
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Confederate States Of America
Number of words: 1462 - Number of pages: 6.... Proclamation and its ripple effect don't matter. Twenty-one to seven is a very different thing then seven to twenty-one" (Zebrowski 223). Despite the North's enormous population advantage over the South during the Civil War, other wars proved that size doesn't matter. For example, the Colonist's success in the American Revolution proved to Great Britain that America was an insignificant, but a successful opponent. "While Northern superiority in numbers and resources was a necessary condition for Union Victory, it is not a sufficient explanation for that victory," says James McPherson (Ze .....
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Number of words: 283 - Number of pages: 2.... World” depict the most blatant use of coerced division in the Europeans efforts to completely enfeeble African slaves.
The middle passage portrays the Europeans efforts to divide African cultures by separating the slaves so that they were amongst those that spoke different languages and therefore could not communicate with them. The results of this “middle passage” experience left the African confused, alone, and virtually powerless in an environment foreign to him in every way. illustrates the result of not separating the Africans and attempting to “conquer .....
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The French Revolution
Number of words: 926 - Number of pages: 4.... disaster for the
following reasons: it happened too fast, it went too far, and it achieved too little.
Thomas Paine a radical thinker of the era once said ‘Time makes more converts
than reason’. With this quote we can see why revolution was successful in England, but
not France. England slowly used the Magna Carta (1213), Petition of Rights (1628), and
the Habeas Corpus Act (1679) to limit it’s monarch. It was a long road that was by no
means perfect. With monarchs who paid little attention to the act(s) in place during their
reign and parliament, like James (1603-1625) and Charles .....
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The Battle Of 3rd Ypres (Passchendaele)
Number of words: 3180 - Number of pages: 12.... ports of Ostend and Zeebrugge from the enemy. The German position in Belgium would be outflanked and their industrial heartland in the Ruhr would be under threat.
U-boats were operating out of Zeebrugge with great success and the Admiralty was increasingly gloomy about what would happen in the English Channel if the Belgium ports were not closed to the enemy. Pressure had consequently been put on Field Marshal Haig to make an attack in Flanders. Haig's plan was to strike out of Ypres to the North and East and, in conjunction with a seaborne landing on the coast of Belgium at Nieuport, he w .....
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Bible - Role Of Abraham
Number of words: 1612 - Number of pages: 6.... of the qualities God desires for all people.
At the time of Abraham, the world appears to be a violent, immoral place. Chapter 14 of Genesis describes the many bloody wars that are occurring around Abraham, and cities like Sodom and Gomorrah are full of men who are "wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly". Abraham stands as a unique figure for his time, avoiding fights whenever possible and always following God’s orders, meant as an example to the rest of the world. Instead of the mass destruction akin to the flood, God’s new plan is to change the world through A .....
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"The World Today Seems To Be Going Crazy": The Unabomber's Manifesto
Number of words: 3376 - Number of pages: 13.... and airlines (thus the "un" and the "a" in
the FBI's code name); proponents of technology. The Unabomber believes that the
present industrial-technological society is "narrowing the sphere of human
freedom" (Unabomber, 93).
The crudeness of the Unabomber's inaugural mail bomb attack was not an
indication of what was to come. The Unabomber's devices became more
sophisticated and deadly as his targets became more specific and focused. "The
pressure vessels in his bombs were the most sophisticated ever seen by federal
authorities" (Ewell, 3). His later efforts were sometimes conceale .....
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Great Zimbabwe
Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3.... to walk in single file only. has been designed to change its periphery as the city’s population grew due to the fact that it wasn’t constructed around a central plan. Despite that the size has made remarkable, another main factor is its stonework. Many of the structures were made of blocks cut from granite. The city’s name comes from the Shona term dzimbabwe, meaning “ houses of stone.”
And, like may other ancient cities, has been concealed by legend. Many people told myths about . But, it wasn’t until the late 1800s when archaeological record became severely damaged an almo .....
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Civil War 2
Number of words: 2149 - Number of pages: 8.... of 1850 was drafted in response to the threat of a Southern Convention, because of Zachary Taylors decision to carve out two huge territories in the Far West and to admit them in the union as free states. Henry Clay drafted the compromise, which includes eight parts. “The first pair would admit California as a State and organize the remainder of the Mexican cession without “any restriction or condition on the subject of slavery”. The second pair of resolutions settled the boundary dispute between Texas and New Mexico in favor of the latter and compensated Texas by federal assumption of .....
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Tennyson As A Victorian
Number of words: 1568 - Number of pages: 6.... they were ...
of different planets; who are formed by a different breeding, are fed by
a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by
the same laws." He further says that "these two nations were the richest
and poorest." It was a time when the rich were rich, and the poor people
were poor. The poor or lower class of people went hungry and half naked
throughout most of their lives. Life and death went hand in hand; wealth
and poverty stood side by side; repletion and starvation laid them down
Such rapid change in industry destroyed jobs as it .....
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