Burial Practices Of The Ancien
Number of words: 1468 - Number of pages: 6.... extracted from the banks of the
Nile and was placed under the corpse, on the sides, on top, and bags of the
substance were placed inside the body cavity to facilitate the process of
dehydration. After thirty-five days the ancient embalmers would anoint the
body with oil and wrap it in fine linen. If the deceased was wealthy
enough a priest donning a mask of Anubis would preside over the ceremonies
to ensure proper passage into the next realm.
One of the practices overseen by the priest was the placing of a
special funerary amulet over the heart. This was done in behest to secure .....
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American Westerns (maverick, T
Number of words: 80 - Number of pages: 1.... Good Guys," The New York Times, 7 August 1992, C, 1:5.
3. Engel, Joel. "Forgiving the Sin, Loving the Sinner," The New York Times, 9 August 1992, 13:1.
4. Weinraub, Bernard. "Eastwood in Another Change Of Pace," The New York Times, 6 August 1992, C, 13:1.
5. The Searchers, director John Ford, 120 min., 1955, videocassette.
6. Unforgiven, director Clint Eastwood, 130 min, 1992, videocassette. .....
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The End Of World War Two
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... its ability to produce war materials. Admiral William Leahy, the Chief of Staff to President Roosevelt and then to President Truman, wrote, that "by the beginning of September, 1944, Japan was almost completely defeated through a practically complete sea and air blockade.
In May of 1945, the surrender of Germany freed the Allies to focus their troops and resources on their final enemy, the Japanese. And on August, the sixth, 1945, after many debate with Scientists in Chicago, the ruthless Americans dropped an atomic bomb on the people of Hiroshima. The Chicago scientists were heavily .....
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How To Make A Movie
Number of words: 3999 - Number of pages: 15.... All of that changed with the advent of sound for film in the 1920s. Suddenly, actors needed something to say. Writers flocked to Hollywood in droves from Broadway and from the worlds of literature and journalism. For a brief time in the 1930s, some of the world's most famous writers wrote Hollywood scripts: William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Bertolt, and Thomas Mann.
In 1932, William Faulkner earned $6,000 in salary and rights for a story, a substantial of money at the time. Just five years later, F. Scott Fitzgerald earned $1,250 per week, more money than he had ever earned .....
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Woodstock 2
Number of words: 420 - Number of pages: 2.... rejected authority, prtested the Vietnam War, supported the Civil Rights movement, dressed unconventionally, and experimented with sex and illegal drugs.
Woodstock Music and Arts fair drew more than 500,000 people. For three days the site became a counterculture mini-nation where mind were open, drugs were all but legal, and love was free.
During the monumental three days some of th greatest musician prefromed including singers: Janis Joplin, Ravi Shanker, Arlo Gunthie, and Joan Baez as well as the bands: The who, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Jefferson Airplane, the Greatful dead, and .....
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Long-term Cause Of The Russian
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... defeat in the Crimean War, Russia’s war leaders realized even more that they were behind the whole world in modernizing. In response Alexander II then took the reigns of the empire radically improving the country. Trans-continental railroads were built and then in 1861 the serfs were emancipated. The government then strengthened Russia’s industry by promoting industrialization with the construction of factories. But then as quickly as Alexander II’s reform reign started, it ended. In 1881 a group of terrorists assassinated Alexander causing a cessation of the reforms.
Sudde .....
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Decision Of The Bomb: Drop It Or Not?
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... of the atomic bomb cost
2,000,000 dollars. This was too large of a financial investment to waste
in not using the bomb for reasonable causes. Lastly, many Americans also
held bitter resentment against the Japanese for Pearl Harbor and the
treatment of American prisoners. So the decision to drop the atomic bomb
was essential.
The atomic bomb's initial explosion has been devastating, but it
also had many after effects. Those who didn't die suffered severe burns.
Acute radiation poisoning, which occurred directly after the explosion,
caused nausea, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea, hair l .....
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Number of words: 1040 - Number of pages: 4.... prisoners from occupied Poland and from concentration camps within Germany. Construction of nearby Birkenau (Brzenzinka), also known as II, began in October 1941 and included a women's section after August 1942. Birkenau had four gas chambers, designed to resemble showers, and four crematoria, used to incinerate bodies.
Approximately 40 more satellite camps were established around . These were forced labor camps and were known collectively as III. The first one was built at Monowitz and held Poles who had been forcibly evacuated from their hometowns by the Nazis. Prisoners were transpor .....
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Oscar Wilde
Number of words: 1110 - Number of pages: 5.... in flowers and sunsets. He was extremely passionate about anything that had to do with ancient Greece and with Classics.
Wilde during school years
In 1871, he was awarded a Royal School Scholarship to Trinity College in Dublin and received many awards and earned the highest honor the college offered to an undergraduate, the Foundation Scholarship. In 1874, he also won the College’s Berkley Gold Medal for Greek and was awarded a Demyship to Magdalen College, Oxford. After graduating from Oxford, Oscar moved to London with his friend Frank Miles, a well-known portrait painter of the ti .....
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Dewey Hunter Theories
Number of words: 904 - Number of pages: 4.... he began to develop a theory which became known as the Progressive Education Theory. This was the process of transforming curriculum from rote memorization to active student participation. Dewey believed that students should involve themselves in activities that stimulate their interest, and which create a desire to learn within them. Some of the activities that Dewey embraced as productive exercises were folding, cutting, pricking, measuring, molding, modeling, pattern-making, heating and cooling, and the operations characteristic of such tools as the hammer, saw, file, etc. Outd .....
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