The Reasons Why The South Went To War
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... admitting California as a free
state and interstate slave trade to be abolished which went in favour of
the North. The Compromise also went with the South when it included
stricter fugitive slave laws and New Mexico and Utah were created without
slave restrictions. A book called, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was also published
at this time emphasising the evils of slavery. This added tension between
the North and the South. The compromises seemed to have settled the issue
of slavery but it was just putting back the problem. The North and the
South were far from settling the slave issue.
An .....
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A Comparison Of Three Abolitio
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... of the ship went after them: ". . .and there was such a noise and confusion amongst the people of the ship as I never heard before, to stop her, and get the boat out to go after the slaves. However, two of the wretches were drowned, but they got the other, and afterwards flogged him unmercifully for thus attempting to prefer death to slavery." (pg. 218) He later goes on to describe how he saved enough money to purchase his freedom from his master. After he succeeded in doing this, he became a strong abolitionist. Whenever the chance arose, Equiano took a strong stand in abolishing slavery. .....
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Processed Art
Number of words: 1400 - Number of pages: 6.... he was much more directly and effectively a supporter of the Nazi cause. Had his sculpture been ugly, ambiguous in meaning, poorly executed or less directly associated with Nazi militarism, the negative effects on the world of his sculpture would have been considerably lessened. In a certain sense, Breker uses his numerous "naked men with swords" to unite the notions of health, strength, competition, collective action and willingness to sacrifice the self for the common good seen in many other Nazi works with explicit glorification of militarism. The pair of statures The Party and The .....
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Sir William Wallace
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... was 17 years old. Fighting between rival
families and rival towns were heating up. Civil War was about to Break out
in Scotland. Brawling and riots inside towns turned into full scale battles,
Where in the Battle of Loudoun Hill William's father was involved and killed.
William Stayed with his mother For two years until he met Murron Braidfoot
and married her in the year 1272. There are many tales on how William Wallace
became and outlaw after his marrige, one such is that one day Wil
liam was
fishing at a near by lake when a group of english soilders approached him and
demanded william g .....
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History Of Singing Styles
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... the drama and emotion. A type of style from the Romantic period was Lieder, which is German. Lieder were full of emotion and drama. It played an important role in the development of opera and involved piano and voice duets. The contrast between Romantic and Classical is that woman usually sang the latter. On the other hand men mostly sang Romantics.
From 1900 onwards came diversity. Opera expanded into different areas with once such area being called atonal. As with many of these styles, the Germans devised this and it was a great strain to the singers. Atonal was made up of non-singing thing .....
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Artists Works
Number of words: 1227 - Number of pages: 5.... The canyons trap her in the barren wasteland as she sits motionless, without movement, struggle, or life. This mysterious figure looks so vacant that it might as well be dead. Nothing is happening on this side, so one's attention is directed to the other.
On the other side, a blue decaying hand emerges from the ground with ants crawling on it, possibly making their homes in it or finding food on it. Atop this pedestal, rests an egg with a flower sprouting from it. This display of life emerging from the dead is a symbol of hope and beauty. To the left of the hand, a very unhealthy mal .....
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Andrew Jackson
Number of words: 525 - Number of pages: 2.... a lifetime (World Book Encyclopedia, 1976) small pox a very deadly disease, during the times of George Washington, but he survived it (internet)
He went to Waxhaw Presbyterian Church because he wanted to be a minister. Later on, he started to study law and became a lawyer and a landowner. he was a general in the War of 1812. He graduated high school from Waxhaw Presbyterian Church and is believed to have gone to college.
He got married to Mrs. Rachael Donelson Robards, a dark eyed, dark haired woman. They did not have any children together. So they adopted a nephew of Rachael’s and name .....
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Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... political bosses to try to keep the corrupt officials from gaining office once again. The direct election of state senators was also a plus for the progressives for many years the senators had been selected by the vote of the state legislature. The corrupt state legislature would then of course vote for the corrupt official for senate. After a while the senate begun to look like a club for the rich man. In 1913 the seventeenth amendment required all that all U.S senators be elected by the popular vote. By calling for Initiative, referendum, and recall the Progressives allowed by initiative .....
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Walt Whitman
Number of words: 2307 - Number of pages: 9.... authentic voice of the United States of America. Edgar Allen Poe had said, "The vitality and variety of his life was the mere reflection of the vitality and variety of the United States of America." Walter Whitman was born into a family of nine children and he had a rough childhood. The Whitman family first settled in the Huntington area by the middle of the seventeenth century. This helped him to write two of the world’s greatest literary works, "There was a Child Went Forth" and "Song to Myself." (Lowen, Nancy- page 6). "There was a Child Went Forth&q .....
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The Fall Of The Roman Empire
Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3.... the second half of the fourth century when ferocious warriors from Asia, known as Huns, moved into eastern Europe and in turn put pressure on the German Visigoths to move west across the Danube into Roman territory. The Goths were originally Roman allies, but they soon revolted and became enemies. The Goths sacked Rome in 410 AD and the Vandals, who attacked Spain and Northern Africa, sacked Rome in 455 AD. This theory, based almost solely on fact, is a direct and easy explanation of . However, it is not the sole reason for the demise of Rome.
New values had entered the Roman world and h .....
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